Research Grants 12/07688-5 - Cultura (sociologia), Linguagem - BV FAPESP
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Language and intellectual history: approaches among theoretical currents


The visit of Professor Craig Brandist to PUC-SP, that is associated with other institutions - USP, UFSCar, UNESP/Araraquara and UNICSUL - has the main goal of developing activities of research at the Post-Graduate Center of Applied Linguistics and Studies of Language in PUCSP, during 06 august to 20 august 2012. These activities will be developed with all institutions mentioned above and also with institutions affiliated to GP/CNPQ/PUCSP Language, Identity and Memory and GT\ANPOLL Bakhtin's Studies, that are intereste in investigating questions on Bakhtin's Circle. This process of interaction began during the 13th International Bakhtin Conference (from July 28 to August 1st 2008) at the University of Western Ontario - London, Canada, and will be carried on with the Project Language and Intellectual History: approaches among theoretical currents. Dr. Craig Brandist is Professor of Cultural History and Intellectual Theory at the department of Russian and Slavonic Studies - University of Sheffield- and coordinates the Center of Research 'Bakhtin Centre'. He develops his activities of research also at the University of Jyvasyla -Finland- and at the University of Saint Petesbourg - Russia.Our agenda of researching, with the Project Language and Intellectual History: approaches among theoretical currents that will be developed at São Paulo is related to discussions on Projects developed by our Brazilian researchers, seniors and juniors, meetings with groups of research, lectures in different Pos-Graduate Centers at the Universities involved in our Project, exposition of research results and also a Course that will be ministrated to researchers, teachers and pupils of Post-Graduate Centers. We included in our Programme an opening lecture of Professor Brandist at the Seventh Journey of GP/CNPQ/PUCSP Language, Identity and Memory. In this Journey will be involved, among others, the following Projects of research: Verb-Visual and Production of Senses: a dialogic view (Resp. Elisabeth Brait/PUC/SP/CNPq); Speaker-Author in a Dialogic View (Resp. Renata Coelho Marchezan/UNESP/Araraquara); The Dialogic Theory of Language in Texts of Bakhtins'Circle at the End of the Years 1920: introduction, translation and notes (Resp. Sheila V. de Camargo Grillo USP/CNPq); Analysis of Texts and Discourses. Genders, Interaction, Socio-Cognition and Portuguese Language Teaching (Resp. Maria Inês B. Campos\USP); Laboratory of Epistemological Studies and Multimodals Discourses (Resp. Roberto Leiser Baronas/UFSCAR/CNPq); Science And Technology: the production of senses in scientific and Mediatic Texts (Resp. Carlos Augusto Andrade/UNICSUL).Continuing the activities, during the period of 22 august to 31 august, completing the Project Language and Intellectual History: approaches among theoretical currents, Craig Brandist will be received at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, where he will open the First Journey History of Ideas: dialogues among language, culture and history. This meeting will be organized with other Post-Graduate Centers: University of Brasilia (UNB), Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL), Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Catholic University of Pelotas (UCPEL), University of Passo Fundo/RS. During this period, Professor Brandist will ministrate the discipline Politics, Culture and Language in Revolutionary Russia and will meet researchers juniors and seniors for supervising researches, knowing Projects, results of researches. In this meeting will be involved, among others, the following Projects of research: Mikhail Bakhtin: contributions for the studies of semantics and discourse (Resp. Ana Zandwais/UFRGS); The Constitution of The Imaginary of Language in Media (Resp. Gesualda de Lourdes dos Santos Rasia/UFPR); Contributions of Linguística for the Schols Curricula of Língua Portuguesa (Resp. Márcia Dresch/UFPEL). (AU)

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