Research Grants 12/24607-9 - Alimentos funcionais, Prebióticos - BV FAPESP
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Impact of a functional ingredient on intestinal microbiota and satiety in healthy volunteers


Unripe banana flour (UBF) has been studied as a functional ingredient, mainly as a source of unavailable carbohydrates, such as resistant starch, which is its more expressive component. Several studies on the UBF fermentation have shown its high fermentability and production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). SCFA have been associated to several benefic effects on intestinal health, as well as systemic effects on glucose and lipid metabolism. Medium-term (two weeks) clinical trials performed by this group, in healthy volunteers, presented positive effect on satiety, glycemic response and intestinal function, indicating that UBF has positive attributes to help reduce the risk for non-transmissible chronic diseases (NTCD). However, little is known about the capacity of UBF to selectively stimulate the growth and/or activity of one or more intestinal bacteria associated with health and wellbeing, i.e. a possible prebiotic effect. Therefore, this project aims to evaluate the impact of UBF , ingested by health volunteers for six weeks, on the intestinal microbiota, through molecular biology techniques, and its interaction with the improvement on intestinal health and effects on hunger/satiety. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
HOFFMANN SARDA, FABIANA A.; DE LIMA, FERNANDA N. R.; LOPES, NATHALIE T. T.; SANTOS, ALINE DE O.; TOBARUELA, ERIC DE C.; KATO, EDNA T. M.; MENEZES, ELIZABETE W.. Identification of carbohydrate parameters in commercial unripe banana flour. Food Research International, v. 81, p. 203-209, . (13/07914-8, 12/24607-9)
SARDA, FABIANA A. HOFFMANN; GIUNTINI, ELIANA B.; GOMEZ, MARIA LUIZA P. A.; LUI, MARIA CRISTINA Y.; NEGRINI, JULIANA A. E.; TADINI, CARMEN C.; LAJOLO, FRANCO M.; MENEZES, ELIZABETE W.. Impact of resistant starch from unripe banana flour on hunger, satiety, and glucose homeostasis in healthy volunteers. Journal of Functional Foods, v. 24, p. 63-74, . (13/07914-8, 12/24607-9)

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