Research Grants 13/06579-0 - Gestantes, Audição - BV FAPESP
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Brazilian congenital cytomegalovirus, hearing and maternal secondary infection study (BraCHS Study)


Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection represents the most common viral infection transmitted in-utero and is a significant cause of developmental disorders in children. The rate of congenital HCMV infection ranges from 0.2-1.0%. Although our research group has already elucidated some aspects of this infection among us - such as the frequent occurrence of infection among live birth infants and disease in the infected ones, including sensorineural hearing loss after non-primary maternal infection- several crucial questions with respect to the natural history of congenital CMV infection remain unanswered. This is particularly true for populations with high viral immunity such as the Brazilian one because infection and transmission in women with existing immunity to this virus are frequent. In this proposal, we will prospectively evaluate a cohort of approximately 4000 pregnant women from the first trimester gestation and a cohort of 9000 newborns. Women will be evaluated 3 times during gestation and once after delivery and babies with hearing loss and/or infected with CMV will be followed until at least one year of age. We intend to define virological and immunological characteristics of non-primary infections in pregnant women from a highly seroimmune population in which non-primary maternal infections account for the vast majority of infected babies. We will analyze the CMV genomic diversity, evaluating the viral dynamics and its relationship with disease. We will also determine the incidence of the most common long term sequelae of congenital HCMV infection, hearing loss, in infected babies. These studies could aid in the rationale development of effective prophylactic and possibly therapeutic vaccines to limit the morbidity from this congenital infection. (AU)

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Scientific publications (5)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ANASTASIO, ADRIANA R. T.; YAMAMOTO, APARECIDA Y.; MASSUDA, EDUARDO T.; MANFREDI, ALESSANDRA K. S.; CAVALCANTE, JULIANA M. S.; LOPES, BRUNO C. P.; ARAGON, DAVI C.; BOPPANA, SURESH; FOWLER, KAREN B.; BRITT, WILLIAM J.; et al. Comprehensive evaluation of risk factors for neonatal hearing loss in a large Brazilian cohort. Journal of Perinatology, v. 41, n. 2, . (13/06579-0)
BARBOSA, NAYARA G.; YAMAMOTO, APARECIDA Y.; DUARTE, GERALDO; ARAGON, DAVI C.; FOWLER, KAREN B.; BOPPANA, SURESH; BRITT, WILLIAM J.; MUSSI-PINHATA, MARISA M.. Cytomegalovirus Shedding in Seropositive Pregnant Women From a High-Seroprevalence Population: The Brazilian Cytomegalovirus Hearing and Maternal Secondary Infection Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases, v. 67, n. 5, p. 743-750, . (13/06579-0)
MUSSI-PINHATA, MARISA M.; YAMAMOTO, APARECIDA Y.; ARAGON, DAVI C.; DUARTE, GERALDO; FOWLER, KAREN B.; BOPPANA, SURESH; BRITT, WILLIAM J.. Seroconversion for Cytomegalovirus Infection During Pregnancy and Fetal Infection in a Highly Seropositive Population: ``The BraCHS Study{''}. Journal of Infectious Diseases, v. 218, n. 8, p. 1200-1204, . (13/06579-0)
YAMAMOTO, APARECIDA Y.; ANASTASIO, ADRIANA R. T.; MASSUDA, EDUARDO T.; ISAAC, MYRIAM L.; MANFREDI, ALESSANDRA K. S.; CAVALCANTE, JULIANA M. S.; CARNEVALE-SILVA, ADRIANA; FOWLER, KAREN B.; BOPPANA, SURESH B.; BRITT, WILLIAM J.; et al. Contribution of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection to Permanent Hearing Loss in a Highly Seropositive Population: The Brazilian Cytomegalovirus Hearing and Maternal Secondary Infection Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases, v. 70, n. 7, p. 1379-1384, . (13/06579-0)
MUSSI-PINHATA, MARISA M.; YAMAMOTO, APARECIDA Y.; ARAGON, DAVI C.; DUARTE, GERALDO; FOWLER, KAREN B.; BOPPANA, SURESH; BRITT, WILLIAM J.. Seroconversion for Cytomegalovirus Infection During Pregnancy and Fetal Infection in a Highly Seropositive Population: "The BraCHS Study". Journal of Infectious Diseases, v. 218, n. 8, p. 5-pg., . (13/06579-0)

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