Research Grants 13/22937-4 - Tratamento de água, Poluição da água por micro-organismos - BV FAPESP
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Influence of Moringa oleifera to remove cyanobacteria cyanotoxins in the slow filtration with nonwoven sinthetic fabrics


Cyanobacteria are former organisms of blooms in springs of water catchment for human consumption and represent a serious concern for public health because they produce highly hydrosoluble cyanotoxins. The Ordinance Nº2914/2011 of the Ministry of Health banned the use of algaecides in waters used for human supply, because such products cause cell lysis and release high concentrations of microcystins (MCs) in the water. This same legislation maintained the tolerable upper limit of 1.0 microg.L-1 of microcystin-LR (MC-LR) in the treated water as recommended World Health Organization. Microcystin, the best known and studied cyanotoxin with hepatotoxic effects is produced and partially released into the aquatic environment, existing on fractions of intra-and extracellular MCs. The plant arboreal Moringa oleifera is known for produce seeds with coagulation ability of suspended particles. Some studies have indicated their efficiency in removing cells of cyanobacteria and also their potential cyanobactericidal. Other studies have indicated the ability of removing the cyanobacteria and their toxins with use slow filters, a technology for water treatment of low cost and easy operation. The association of the slow filter with non woven synthetic blanket further reduces the cost of slow filtration. In the present project will be conducted trials coagulation/flocculation of moringa seeds and cyanobacteria in concentrations comparable to those of natural blooms, with the aid of jar-test apparatus. Furthermore, will be held trials of slow filtration with water containing dissolved microcystins associated with non woven synthetic blanket. The quantification of cyanobacteria cells will be performed by direct counting under an optical microscope and the quantification of microcystins will be performed by immunoassays ELISA, in addition to the obtaining of turbidity of effluent from tests. It is expected that the retention and degradation of intra-and extracellular microcystin reaches the maximum concentration allowed by Brazilian law. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
GOUVEA-BARROS, SELMA; BITTENCOURT-OLIVEIRA, MARIA D. C.; PATERNIANI, JOSE E. S.. Moringa-Seed-Based Coagulant Removes Microcystins Dissolved in Water. CLEAN-SOIL AIR WATER, v. 47, n. 6, . (13/22937-4)

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