Research Grants 13/50424-1 - Comunidades biológicas, Habitat - BV FAPESP
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Scaling biodiversity in tropical and boreal streams: implications for diversity mapping and environmental assessment (ScaleBio)


The study of variation in biotic communities - beta diversity - is highly important in our understanding of biotic homogenization. Despite increasing efforts, patterns in and processes underlying beta diversity are still poorly understood for many ecosystems. Understanding variation in biodiversity cannot be accomplished without regard to anthropogenic disturbance. While many studies have considered local anthropogenic changes affecting a set of communities, very few studies have directly examined how landscape alteration affects biodiversity in a set of communities at the landscape scale. For instance, many studies which have intended to study the effects of fragmentation, a landscape process, have instead assessed local factors associated to fragments. We will investigate effects of landscape disturbance on the beta diversity of stream macroinvertebrates and diatoms in both Brazil and Finland using large-surveys and modern statistical approaches. Such a tropical-boreal comparison is a novel research area in stream ecology, as very few studies have considered differences between tropical and boreal regions in the levels of beta diversity. The tropical-boreal comparison is important, as the former harbours seasonally stable ecosystems, while the latter comprises seasonally highly variable ecosystems; seasonality may lead to profound differences in the patterns of beta diversity. Our research should thus be of importance in developing both basic and applied ecology, with the studies helping to understand the structuring of ecological communities and homogenization of biological diversity in the face of anthropogenic changes. In addition to community-level phenomena, we will also examine which natural and anthropogenic factors affect the distributions of single species. The research is closely associated with the fields of expertise of the three principal investigators and the research teams. Dr. Jani Heino has expertise in the fields of community ecology, global change research and modelling community patterns of stream organisms. Dr. Janne Soininen has published broad studies of beta diversity and boreal stream diatoms, and has recently been involved in modelling distributions of aquatic species. The leader of the Brazilian part of the project, Dr. Tadeu Siqueira, is an expert on stream invertebrate ecology, including spatial ecology and environmental assessment of stream ecosystems. The research teams complement the expertise of the three principal investigators. (AU)

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Scientific publications (40)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
HEINO, JANI; MELO, ADRIANO S.; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; SOININEN, JANNE; VALANKO, SEBASTIAN; BINI, LUIS MAURICIO. Metacommunity organisation, spatial extent and dispersal in aquatic systems: patterns, processes and prospects. Freshwater Biology, v. 60, n. 5, p. 845-869, . (13/50424-1)
VALENTE-NETO, FRANCISCO; DURAES, LUCAS; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; ROQUE, FABIO O.. Metacommunity detectives: Confronting models based on niche and stochastic assembly scenarios with empirical data from a tropical stream network. Freshwater Biology, v. 63, n. 1, SI, p. 86-99, . (13/50424-1)
ROQUE, FABIO DE O.; ZAMPIVA, NAYARA K.; VALENTE-NETO, FRANCISCO; MENEZES, JORGE F. S.; HAMADA, NEUSA; PEPINELLI, MATEUS; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; SWAN, CHRISTOPHER. Deconstructing richness patterns by commonness and rarity reveals bioclimatic and spatial effects in black fly metacommunities. Freshwater Biology, v. 61, n. 6, p. 923-932, . (13/50424-1)
SANTOS, EDINEUSA P.; WAGNER, HELENE H.; FERRAZ, SILVIO F. B.; SIQUEIRA, TADEU. Interactive persistent effects of past land-cover and its trajectory on tropical freshwater biodiversity. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 57, n. 11, . (13/50424-1, 19/04033-7)
HEINO, JANI; MELO, ADRIANO S.; JYRKANKALLIO-MIKKOLA, JENNY; PETSCH, DANIELLE KATHARINE; SAITO, VICTOR SATORU; TOLONEN, KIMMO T.; BINI, LUIS MAURICIO; LANDEIRO, VICTOR LEMES; FREIRE SILVA, THIAGO SANNA; PAJUNEN, VIRPI; et al. Subtropical streams harbour higher genus richness and lower abundance of insects compared to boreal streams, but scale matters. Journal of Biogeography, v. 45, n. 9, p. 1983-1993, . (13/50424-1)
RIBEIRO, JR., JOSE WAGNER; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; BREJAO, GABRIEL LOURENCO; ZIPKIN, ELISE F.. Effects of agriculture and topography on tropical amphibian species and communities. Ecological Applications, v. 28, n. 6, p. 1554-1564, . (14/07113-8, 13/50424-1, 12/21916-0, 16/07469-2, 13/50421-2)
SIQUEIRA, TADEU; SAITO, VICTOR S.; BINI, LUIS M.; MELO, ADRIANO S.; PETSCH, DANIELLE K.; LANDEIRO, VICTOR L.; TOLONEN, KIMMO T.; JYRKANKALLIO-MIKKOLA, JENNY; SOININEN, JANNE; HEINO, JANI. Community size can affect the signals of ecological drift and niche selection on biodiversity. ECOLOGY, v. 101, n. 6, . (19/04033-7, 13/50424-1)
ROCHA, MARIANA P.; BINI, LUIS M.; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; HJORT, JAN; GRONROOS, MIRA; LINDHOLM, MARJA; KARJALAINEN, SATU-MAARIA; HEINO, JANI. Predicting occupancy and abundance by niche position, niche breadth and body size in stream organisms. Oecologia, v. 186, n. 1, p. 205-216, . (13/50424-1)
SAITO, VICTOR S.; LAROCHE, FABIEN; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; PAVOINE, SANDRINE. Ecological versatility and the assembly of multiple competitors: cautionary notes for assembly inferences. ECOLOGY, v. 99, n. 5, p. 1173-1183, . (13/20540-0, 13/50424-1, 14/24532-4)
DURAES, LUCAS; ROQUE, FABIO O.; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; SANTOS, ANDERSON M.; BORGES, MAGNO A.; REZENDEE, RENAN S.. Simulating the role of connectivity in shaping stream insect metacommunities under colonization cycle dynamics. ECOLOGICAL MODELLING, v. 334, p. 19-26, . (13/50424-1)
SAITO, VICTOR S.; FONSECA-GESSNER, ALAIDE A.; SIQUEIRA, TADEU. How Should Ecologists Define Sampling Effort? The Potential of Procrustes Analysis for Studying Variation in Community Composition. Biotropica, v. 47, n. 4, p. 399-402, . (13/20540-0, 13/50424-1)
SIQUEIRA, TADEU; BINI, LUIS MAURICIO; THOMAZ, SIDINEI MAGELA; FONTANETO, DIEGO. Biodiversity analyses: are aquatic ecologists doing any better and differently than terrestrial ecologists?. Hydrobiologia, v. 750, n. 1, p. 5-12, . (13/50424-1)
VILLAR, NACHO; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; ZIPPARRO, VALESCA; FARAH, FABIANO; SCHMAEDECKE, GABRIELA; HORTENCI, LUANA; BROCARDO, CARLOS RODRIGO; JORDANO, PEDRO; GALETTI, MAURO. The cryptic regulation of diversity by functionally complementary large tropical forest herbivores. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, v. 108, n. 1, p. 279-290, . (15/11521-7, 13/50424-1, 14/01986-0)
PETSCH, DANIELLE K.; SAITO, VICTOR S.; LANDEIRO, VICTOR L.; SILVA, THIAGO S. F.; BINI, LUIS M.; HEINO, JANI; SOININEN, JANNE; TOLONEN, KIMMO T.; JYRKANKALLIO-MIKKOLA, JENNY; PAJUNEN, VIRPI; et al. Beta diversity of stream insects differs between boreal and subtropical regions, but land use does not generally cause biotic homogenization. FRESHWATER SCIENCE, v. 40, n. 1, . (13/50424-1)
COLLYER, GIOVANNA; PERKINS, DANIEL M.; PETSCH, DANIELLE K.; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; SAITO, VICTOR. Land-use intensification systematically alters the size structure of aquatic communities in the Neotropics. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, v. 29, n. 14, p. 13-pg., . (19/06291-3, 13/50424-1, 22/01452-1)
VALENTE-NETO, FRANCISCO; DURAES, LUCAS; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; ROQUE, FABIO O.. Metacommunity detectives: Confronting models based on niche and stochastic assembly scenarios with empirical data from a tropical stream network. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, v. 63, n. 1, p. 14-pg., . (13/50424-1)
ROQUE, FABIO DE O.; ZAMPIVA, NAYARA K.; VALENTE-NETO, FRANCISCO; MENEZES, JORGE F. S.; HAMADA, NEUSA; PEPINELLI, MATEUS; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; SWAN, CHRISTOPHER. Deconstructing richness patterns by commonness and rarity reveals bioclimatic and spatial effects in black fly metacommunities. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, v. 61, n. 6, p. 10-pg., . (13/50424-1)
SAITO, VICTOR S.; STOPPA, NATHALIA E.; SHIMABUKURO, ERIKA M.; CANEDO-ARGUELLES, MIGUEL; BONADA, NURIA; SIQUEIRA, TADEU. Stochastic colonisation dynamics can be a major driver of temporal beta diversity in Atlantic Forest coastal stream communities. Freshwater Biology, v. 66, n. 8, p. 1560-1570, . (19/04033-7, 13/50424-1, 13/20540-0, 18/23111-6, 17/12138-8)
LANSAC-TOHA, FERNANDO M.; BINI, LUIS M.; HEINO, JANI; MEIRA, BIANCA R.; SEGOVIA, BIANCA T.; PAVANELLI, CARLA S.; BONECKER, CLAUDIA C.; DE DEUS, CLAUDIA P.; BENEDITO, EVANILDE; ALVES, GEZIELE M.; et al. Scale-dependent patterns of metacommunity structuring in aquatic organisms across floodplain systems. Journal of Biogeography, v. 48, n. 4, . (13/50424-1)
SGARBI, LUCIANO F.; BINI, LUIS M.; HEINO, JANI; JYRKANKALLIO-MIKKOLA, JENNY; LANDEIRO, VICTOR L.; SANTOS, EDINEUSA P.; SCHNECK, FABIANA; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; SOININEN, JANNE; TOLONEN, KIMMO T.; et al. Sampling effort and information quality provided by rare and common species in estimating assemblage structure. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, v. 110, . (13/50424-1)
CASTRO, EMANUELA; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; MELO, ADRIANO SANCHES; BINI, LUIS MAURICIO; LANDEIRO, VICTOR LEMES; SCHNECK, FABIANA. Compositional uniqueness of diatoms and insects in subtropical streams is weakly correlated with riffle position and environmental uniqueness. Hydrobiologia, v. 842, n. 1, p. 219-232, . (13/50424-1)
WOJCIECHOWSKI, JULIANA; CESCHIN, FERNANDA; PERETO, SUELEN C. A. S.; RIBAS, LUIZ G. S.; BEZERRA, LUIS A. V.; DITTRICH, JAQUELINE; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; PADIAL, ANDRE A.. Latin American scientific contribution to ecology. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 89, n. 4, p. 2663-2674, . (13/50424-1)
VILLAR, NACHO; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; ZIPPARRO, VALESCA; FARAH, FABIANO; SCHMAEDECKE, GABRIELA; HORTENCI, LUANA; BROCARDO, CARLOS RODRIGO; JORDANO, PEDRO; GALETTI, MAURO. The cryptic regulation of diversity by functionally complementary large tropical forest herbivores. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, . (14/01986-0, 15/11521-7, 13/50424-1)
RIBEIRO, JR., JOSE WAGNER; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; DIRENZO, GRAZIELLA V.; LAMBERTINI, CAROLINA; LYRA, MARIANA L.; TOLEDO, LUIS FELIPE; HADDAD, CELIO F. B.; BECKER, C. GUILHERME. Assessing amphibian disease risk across tropical streams while accounting for imperfect pathogen detection. Oecologia, v. 193, n. 1, p. 237-248, . (16/07469-2, 16/25358-3, 14/07113-8, 13/50424-1, 13/50741-7)
SCHIESARI, LUIS; MATIAS, MIGUEL G.; PRADO, PAULO INACIO; LEIBOLD, MATHEW A.; ALBERT, CECILE H.; HOWETH, JENNIFER G.; LEROUX, SHAWN J.; PARDINI, RENATA; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.; et al. Towards an applied metaecology. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 17, n. 4, p. 172-181, . (15/18790-3, 15/17984-9, 13/04585-3, 14/10470-7, 13/50424-1)
SAITO, VICTOR S.; VALENTE-NETO, FRANCISCO; RODRIGUES, MARCIEL ELIO; ROQUE, FABIO DE OLIVEIRA; SIQUEIRA, TADEU. Phylogenetic clustering among aggressive competitors: evidence from odonate assemblages along a riverine gradient. Oecologia, v. 182, n. 1, p. 219-229, . (13/20540-0, 13/50424-1)
SAITO, VICTOR S.; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; FONSECA-GESSNER, ALAIDE AP.. Should phylogenetic and functional diversity metrics compose macroinvertebrate multimetric indices for stream biomonitoring?. Hydrobiologia, v. 745, n. 1, p. 167-179, . (13/20540-0, 11/15077-3, 13/50424-1)
ROQUE, F. O.; GUIMARAES, E. A.; RIBEIRO, M. C.; ESCARPINATI, S. C.; SURIANO, M. T.; SIQUEIRA, T.. A distinção taxonômica de comunidades de macroinvertebrados de córregos da Mata Atlântica não pode ser previsto pela paisagem e por variáveis climáticas, mas os índices de biodiversidade tradicional podem. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 74, n. 4, p. 991-999, . (13/50424-1)
SIQUEIRA, TADEU; TEIXEIRA LACERDA, CAMILA GIAJ-LEVRA; SAITO, VICTOR S.. How Does Landscape Modification Induce Biological Homogenization in Tropical Stream Metacommunities?. Biotropica, v. 47, n. 4, p. 509-516, . (13/20540-0, 13/50424-1)
VALENTE-NETO, FRANCISCO; SAITO, VICTOR S.; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; FONSECA-GESSNER, ALAIDE APARECIDA. Evidence of species sorting driving aquatic beetles associated with woody debris in a transitional region between Cerrado and Atlantic Forest biomes. AQUATIC ECOLOGY, v. 50, n. 2, p. 209-220, . (13/20540-0, 13/50424-1)
SAITO, VICTOR S.; CIANCIARUSO, MARCUS VINICIUS; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; FONSECA-GESSNER, ALAIDE A.; PAVOINE, SANDRINE. Phylogenies and traits provide distinct insights about the historical and contemporary assembly of aquatic insect communities. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 6, n. 9, p. 2925-2937, . (14/24532-4, 13/20540-0, 13/50424-1)
SAITO, VICTOR S.; SOININEN, JANNE; FONSECA-GESSNER, ALAIDE A.; SIQUEIRA, TADEU. Dispersal traits drive the phylogenetic distance decay of similarity in Neotropical stream metacommunities. Journal of Biogeography, v. 42, n. 11, p. 2101-2111, . (13/20540-0, 13/50424-1)
HEINO, JANI; MELO, ADRIANO S.; BINI, LUIS MAURICIO; ALTERMATT, FLORIAN; AL-SHAMI, SALMAN A.; ANGELER, DAVID G.; BONADA, NURIA; BRAND, CECILIA; CALLISTO, MARCOS; COTTENIE, KARL; et al. A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levels. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 5, n. 6, p. 1235-1248, . (13/50424-1)
SOUZA, YURI; VILLAR, NACHO; ZIPPARRO, VALESCA; NAZARETH, SERGIO; GALETTI, MAURO. Large mammalian herbivores modulate plant growth form diversity in a tropical rainforest. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, v. 110, n. 4, p. 15-pg., . (18/20599-8, 13/50424-1, 15/11521-7, 19/05538-5, 14/01986-0)
VILLAR, NACHO; PAZ, CLAUDIA; ZIPPARRO, VALESCA; NAZARETH, SERGIO; BULASCOSCHI, LETICIA; BAKKER, ELISABETH S.; GALETTI, MAURO. Frugivory underpins the nitrogen cycle. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, v. 35, n. 2, p. 357-368, . (14/01986-0, 16/25197-0, 18/20599-8, 15/11521-7, 13/50424-1, 18/00212-1)
SAITO, VICTOR SATORU; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; BINI, LUIS MAURICIO; COSTA-PEREIRA, RAUL; SANTOS, EDINEUSA PEREIRA; PAVOINE, SANDRINE. Comparing taxon- and trait-environment relationships in stream communities. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, v. 117, . (18/02074-5, 13/50424-1, 19/04033-7)
SCHNECK, FABIANA; BINI, LUIS M.; MELO, ADRIANO S.; PETSCH, DANIELLE K.; SAITO, VICTOR S.; WENGRAT, SIMONE; SIQUEIRA, TADEU. Catchment scale deforestation increases the uniqueness of subtropical stream communities. Oecologia, v. 199, n. 3, p. 13-pg., . (13/50424-1, 19/06291-3)
HEINO, JANI; MELO, ADRIANO S.; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; SOININEN, JANNE; VALANKO, SEBASTIAN; BINI, LUIS MAURICIO. Metacommunity organisation, spatial extent and dispersal in aquatic systems: patterns, processes and prospects. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, v. 60, n. 5, p. 25-pg., . (13/50424-1)

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