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Neural bases of fear and aggression

Grant number: 14/05432-9
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: October 01, 2014 - September 30, 2019
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Physiology - Physiology of Organs and Systems
Principal Investigator:Newton Sabino Canteras
Grantee:Newton Sabino Canteras
Host Institution: Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas (ICB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: Antonio de Padua Carobrez ; Carolina Demarchi Munhoz ; Eloisa Pavesi ; Jackson Cioni Bittencourt ; Marcelo Alves da Silva Mori ; Marimélia Aparecida Porcionatto ; Simone Cristina Motta
Associated grant(s):17/50014-9 - Neuroepigenetic mechanisms underlying intergenerational inheritance of negative emotional states, AP.R SPRINT
15/22154-5 - Visit of Dr. D. Caroline Blanchard to the Department of Anatomy February/May 2016, AV.EXT
15/13962-0 - 9th World Congress International Brain Research Organization International Brain, AR.BR
15/50028-4 - Neural bases of anxiety and social behaviours, AP.R SPRINT
Associated scholarship(s):18/00576-3 - Investigation of the neuronal activity in the different functional columns of periaqueductal gray matter in response to a predatory threat and a predatory context, BP.DR
17/09753-2 - Functional analysis of the neural circutis involved in aggression and social defeat in rodents, BP.PD
17/04830-9 - Functional-anatomical analysis of the neuronal populations in the lateral region of the periaqueductal gray matter involved in predatory hunting and social defense behaviors, BP.PD
+ associated scholarships 16/10389-0 - Involvement of prefrontal cortex areas and their targets in fear memory processing: a study with drug and optogenetic techniques, BP.PD
16/08640-7 - Neuronal circuits mediating the instrumental and non-instrumental avoidance, BP.DR
15/23092-3 - Signaling pathways involved in fear memory to predatory threats, BP.PD
15/10432-0 - Study of ventral hippocampal activity and dorsolateral PAG during exposure to a predatory context, BP.PD
15/00620-4 - Study on the role of the endopirifiorme nucleus and the anterior part of the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala in the predatory, contextual and exploratory fear behavior in a new environment, BP.MS - associated scholarships


In this Project we propose a broad series of studies to investigate innate and learned fear responses to predatory threats and to evaluate candidate genes related to aggressive behavior. In the first series of studies, we shall first investigate the neural and molecular mechanisms underlying fear memory to predatory threats, examining: a) the role of cortical circuits and dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (PAGdl) in the fear memory acquisition; b) signaling paths involved in fear memory to predatory threats; and c) the dynamics of consolidation, reconsolidation and extinction of fear memory to predators. In the second group of studies, we aim at investigating the role of the ventral hippocampus and PAGdl in the organization of antipredatory responses. First, we will correlate the electrical recording in these sites with the behavioral responses, and next we will manipulate elements of the circuit by either inactivating farmacogenetically the PAGdl or inactivationing optogenetically a hypothalamic-septal path potentially underlying risk assessment responses. In the last series of studies, we will search candidate genes involved in the expression of aggressive responses. To this end, we plan to identify the differential gene expression in the hypothalamic attack area, comparing females rats after mating and dams that expressed maternal aggression. The main challenge of the present proposal is to implement new methodologies, which will take our investigation to a whole new level, where we should be able to use state-of-the-art molecular and electrophysiological approaches to understand the neural basis of fear and aggression. (AU)

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Scientific publications (22)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MOTTA, SIMONE CRISTINA; CANTERAS, NEWTON SABINO. Restraint stress and social defeat: What they have in common. Physiology & Behavior, v. 146, n. SI, p. 105-110, . (14/05432-9, 10/05905-3)
MELLEU, FERNANDO F.; DE OLIVEIRA, AMANDA R.; GREGO, KATHLEEN F.; BLANCHARD, D. CAROLINE; CANTERAS, NEWTON S.. Dissecting the brain's fear systems responding to snake threats. European Journal of Neuroscience, v. 56, n. 6, p. 15-pg., . (18/25857-5, 14/05432-9)
VIELLARD, JULIETTE; BALDO, MARCUS VINICIUS C.; CANTERAS, NEWTON SABINO. Testing conditions in shock-based contextual fear conditioning influence both the behavioral responses and the activation of circuits potentially involved in contextual avoidance. Behavioural Brain Research, v. 315, p. 123-129, . (14/05432-9)
RUFINO, RODRIGO DE ANDRADE; MOTA-ORTIZ, SANDRA REGINA; XAVIER DE LIMA, MIGUEL ANTONIO; BALDO, MARCUS VINICIUS C.; CANTERAS, NEWTON SABINO. The rostrodorsal periaqueductal gray influences both innate fear responses and acquisition of fear memory in animals exposed to a live predator. Brain Structure & Function, v. 224, n. 4, p. 1537-1551, . (14/02540-5, 14/05432-9, 16/10389-0)
MENDES-GOMES, JOYCE; MOTTA, SIMONE CRISTINA; BINDI, RICARDO PASSONI; DE OLIVEIRA, AMANDA RIBEIRO; ULLAH, FARHAD; BALDO, MARCUS VINICIUS C.; COIMBRA, NORBERTO CYSNE; CANTERAS, NEWTON SABINO; BLANCHARD, D. CAROLINE. Defensive behaviors and brain regional activation changes in rats confronting a snake. Behavioural Brain Research, v. 381, . (17/11855-8, 14/05432-9, 13/13398-2, 18/00576-3)
REIS, FERNANDO MCV; LEE, JOHANNES Y.; MAESTA-PEREIRA, SANDRA; SCHUETTE, PETER J.; CHAKERIAN, MEGHMIK; LIU, JINHAN; LA-VU, MIMI Q.; TOBIAS, BROOKE C.; IKEBARA, JULIANE M.; KIHARA, ALEXANDRE HIROAKI; et al. Dorsal periaqueductal gray ensembles represent approach and avoidance states. eLIFE, v. 10, . (17/08668-1, 14/05432-9, 19/17677-0)
XAVIER DE LIMA, MIGUEL ANTONIO; BALDO, MARCUS VINICIUS C.; CANTERAS, NEWTON SABINO. Revealing a Cortical Circuit Responsive to Predatory Threats and Mediating Contextual Fear Memory. CEREBRAL CORTEX, v. 29, n. 7, p. 3074-3090, . (14/05432-9, 16/10389-0)
REIS, FERNANDO MIDEA CUCCOVIA, V; NOVAES, LEONARDO SANTANA; SANTOS, NILTON BARRETO DOS; FERREIRA-ROSA, KELVIA CAROLINA; PERFETTO, JULIANO GENARO; BALDO, MARCUS VINICIUS C.; MUNHOZ, CAROLINA DEMARCHI; CANTERAS, NEWTON SABINO. Predator fear memory depends on glucocorticoid receptors and protein synthesis in the basolateral amygdala and ventral hippocampus. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY, v. 141, p. 11-pg., . (19/00908-9, 17/08668-1, 16/03572-3, 14/05432-9, 15/23092-3)
MOTTA, SIMONE C.; CAROBREZ, ANTONIO P.; CANTERAS, NEWTON S.. The periaqueductal gray and primal emotional processing critical to influence complex defensive responses, fear learning and reward seeking. NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS, v. 76, n. A, p. 39-47, . (14/05432-9)
BINDI, RICARDO P.; GUIMARAES, CIBELE C.; DE OLIVEIRA, AMANDA R.; MELLEU, FERNANDO F.; DE LIMA, MIGUEL A. X.; BALDO, MARCUS V. C.; MOTTA, SIMONE C.; CANTERAS, NEWTON S.. Anatomical and functional study of the cuneiform nucleus: A critical site to organize innate defensive behaviors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. N/A, p. 17-pg., . (18/00576-3, 16/18667-0, 20/06849-1, 18/25857-5, 14/05432-9)
SCHUETTE, PETER J.; REIS, V, FERNANDO M. C.; MAESTA-PEREIRA, SANDRA; CHAKERIAN, MEGHMIK; TOROSSIAN, ANITA; BLAIR, GARRETT J.; WANG, WEISHENG; BLAIR, HUGH T.; FANSELOW, MICHAEL S.; KAO, JONATHAN C.; et al. Long-Term Characterization of Hippocampal Remapping during Contextual Fear Acquisition and Extinction. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, v. 40, n. 43, p. 8329-8342, . (14/05432-9, 17/08668-1, 15/23092-3)
BINDI, RICARDO PASSONI; BALDO, MARCUS VINICIUS C.; CANTERAS, NEWTON SABINO. Roles of the anterior basolateral amygdalar nucleus during exposure to a live predator and to a predator-associated context. Behavioural Brain Research, v. 342, p. 51-56, . (14/05432-9, 15/00620-4)
RANGEL, JR., MIGUEL J.; BALDO, MARCUS VINICIUS C.; CANTERAS, NEWTON SABINO. Influence of the anteromedial thalamus on social defeat-associated contextual fear memory. Behavioural Brain Research, v. 339, p. 269-277, . (14/05432-9)
XAVIER DE LIMA, MIGUEL ANTONIO; BALDO, MARCUS VINICIUS C.; CANTERAS, NEWTON SABINO. A role for the anteromedial thalamic nucleus in the acquisition of contextual fear memory to predatory threats. Brain Structure & Function, v. 222, n. 1, p. 113-129, . (14/05432-9, 13/04802-4)
MOTTA, SIMONE CRISTINA; CANTERAS, NEWTON SABINO. Restraint stress and social defeat: What they have in common. Physiology & Behavior, v. 146, p. 6-pg., . (10/05905-3, 14/05432-9)
MOTTA, SIMONE C.; CAROBREZ, ANTONIO P.; CANTERAS, NEWTON S.. The periaqueductal gray and primal emotional processing critical to influence complex defensive responses, fear learning and reward seeking. NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS, v. 76, p. 9-pg., . (14/05432-9)
WANG, WEISHENG; SCHUETTE, PETER J.; LA-VU, MIMI Q.; TOROSSIAN, ANITA; TOBIAS, BROOKE C.; CEKO, MARTA; KRAGEL, PHILIP A.; REIS, V, FERNANDO M. C.; JI, SHIYU; SEHGAL, MEGHA; et al. Dorsal premammillary projection to periaqueductal gray controls escape vigor from innate and conditioned threats. eLIFE, v. 10, . (17/08668-1, 15/23092-3, 14/05432-9)
REIS, FERNANDO M. C. V.; MOBBS, DEAN; CANTERAS, NEWTON S.; ADHIKARI, AVISHEK. Orchestration of innate and conditioned defensive actions by the periaqueductal gray. Neuropharmacology, v. 228, p. 11-pg., . (14/05432-9)
XAVIER DE LIMA, MIGUEL ANTONIO; BALDO, MARCUS VINICIUS C.; OLIVEIRA, FERNANDO A.; CANTERAS, NEWTON SABINO. The anterior cingulate cortex and its role in controlling contextual fear memory to predatory threats. eLIFE, v. 11, . (14/05432-9, 16/10389-0, 19/27245-0)
BINDI, RICARDO P.; MAIA, RICARDO G. O.; PIBIRI, FRANCESCA; BALDO, MARCUS VINICIUS C.; POULTER, STEVEN L.; LEVER, COLIN; CANTERAS, NEWTON S.. Neural correlates of distinct levels of predatory threat in dorsal periaqueductal grey neurons. European Journal of Neuroscience, v. 55, n. 6, p. 15-pg., . (14/05432-9, 18/00576-3)
CANTERAS, NEWTON S.; PAVESI, ELOISA; CAROBREZ, ANTONIO P.. Olfactory instruction for fear: neural system analysis. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE, v. 9, . (14/05432-9)

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