Research Grants 15/16573-5 - Síntese química, Nanopartículas metálicas - BV FAPESP
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Plasmonic nanoparticles of silver, gold, and copper: synthetic methods, preparation of reproducible plasmonic and SERS sensors for environmental applications


The project aims to explore and optimize synthetic methods of silver, gold, and copper nanoparticles. Also, to study their plasmonic properties dependence on its size, morphology, and composition and use them in the environmental area, as pollutant sensors. For this purpose, we intend to synthesize nanoparticles using the classic method with sodium citrate as reducing and capping agent, and also, to propose new synthetic routes using the biopolymer chitosan and plant extracts ("green synthesis"). It will be prepared self-assembled films of nanoparticles, which will be used as SERS sensors (Surface-enhanced Raman scattering). The nanoparticles will be deposited on modified glass slides, with silanization agents, via direct immersion of the slides in the nanoparticles colloids or by dip-coating. The materials will be analyzed by UV-Visible spectroscopy, which allows investigating the plasmonic properties of the metallic nanoparticles. Raman spectroscopy measurements will be carried out to evaluate the SERS activity of the nanoparticles substrates, as well as the reproducibility of the Raman signal, using as probe molecule 4-mercaptobenzoic acid. Nanoparticles substrates will be used as SERS sensors to detect the pharmaceutical compounds sulfathiazole, sulfacetamide, and sulfamethazine. The gold nanoparticles films will be employed as plasmonic sensor in the monitoring of mercury Hg(II) and mercury vapor Hg(0). It will be monitored the behavior of the plasmon band of the gold nanoparticles sensor as well as the color of the samples before and after exposure to mercury. Finally, mercury will be quantified in the samples by performing measurements using a direct mercury analyzer (DMA). (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SANTOS, ELIAS B.; VALSECCHI, CHIARA; GONCALVES, JADERSON L. S.; AVILA, LUIS F.; MENEZES, JACSON W.. Coupling Single-Drop Microextraction with SERS: A Demonstration Using p-MBA on Gold Nanohole Array Substrate. SENSORS, v. 19, n. 20, . (15/16573-5)

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