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Is there any relationship of the degree of coronary artery disease in the Brazilian longitudinal study of adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) with plasma sterols markers of cholesterol metabolism?

Grant number: 15/13727-1
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: April 01, 2016 - September 30, 2018
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine - Medical Clinics
Principal Investigator:Eder Carlos Rocha Quintão
Grantee:Eder Carlos Rocha Quintão
Host Institution: Faculdade de Medicina (FM). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Edna Regina Nakandakare ; Paulo Andrade Lotufo ; Valéria Sutti Nunes


We have finished and published the results of a FAPESP sponsored investigation (Fapesp # 2006/60585-9) in 800 healthy volunteer, both genders, selected from a population in the city of Campinas (State of São Paulo). After rigorously matching cases for age and gender and excluding biases due to obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, alcohol abuse, use of oral contraceptives and drugs that might interfere in the metabolism of lipoproteins we investigated dietary habits in cases that markedly differed according to their plasma HDL-C concentrations (< 40 mg/dL; n=33, 17 male and 16 female x > 60 mg/dL; n=33, 17 male and 16 female). We showed that in relation to cases with low HDL-C, those with high HDL-C presented GLC/mass spectrometry measured plasma sterol markers higher for intestinal absorption, and lower for cholesterol synthesis; furthermore, activities of the enzymes lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT), lipoprotein lipase and the pre-beta1 HDL particle concentration were lower and of hepatic lipase higher, but activities of "phospholipid transfer protein" (PLTP) and "cholesteryl ester transfer protein" (CETP) that regulate the reverse cholesterol transport system were similar in both groups. Furthermore, as compared to the low HDL-C group, we observed that high HDL-C cases were more insulin sensitive. However, we were unable to relate these biochemical parameters to the degree of atherosclerosis for not being a prospective investigation, besides dealing with a small number of participants and lack of different procedures to measure atherosclerosis. This objective is now possible utilizing the population of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brazil). ELSA is a prospective investigation in healthy men and women (n=5000), ages 35-74 years, where coronary calcium score, coronary angiotomography and carotid ultrasound are available (n=1680). We plan to investigate whether the degree of atherosclerosis measured by the coronay calcium score relates to insulin sensitivity, and to sterol plasma markers of cholesterol synthesis and absorption. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
NUNES, VALERIA SUTTI; BENSENOR, ISABELA M.; LOTUFO, PAULO A.; PASSARELLI, MARISA; NAKANDAKARE, EDNA REGINA; QUINTAO, EDER CARLOS ROCHA. The coronary artery calcium score is linked to plasma cholesterol synthesis and absorption markers: Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health. BIOSCIENCE REPORTS, v. 40, p. 12-pg., . (15/13727-1)
NUNES, VALERIA SUTTI; BENSENOR, ISABELA M.; LOTUFO, PAULO A.; PASSARELLI, MARISA; NAKANDAKARE, EDNA REGINA; QUINTAO, EDER CARLOS ROCHA. The coronary artery calcium score is linked to plasma cholesterol synthesis and absorption markers: Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health. BIOSCIENCE REPORTS, v. 40, n. 7, . (15/13727-1)

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