Multi-user Equipment: computer cluster - Fabricante: Intel - Modelo: processadores
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Multi-user equipment approved in grant 2015/23849-7: computer cluster

Grant number: 16/10826-1
Support Opportunities:Multi-user Equipment Program
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Condensed Matter Physics
Principal Investigator:Francisco Castilho Alcaraz
Grantee:Francisco Castilho Alcaraz
Host Institution: Instituto de Física de São Carlos (IFSC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:15/23849-7 - Quantum spin chains, AP.TEM
As informações de acesso ao Equipamento Multiusuário são de responsabilidade do Pesquisador responsável
EMU web page:
Type of equipment:Infraestrutura - Tecnologia da Informação - Computação paralela
Infraestrutura - Tecnologia da Informação - Workstations
Manufacturer: Intel
Model: processadores


Since the introduction of the Heisenberg model to describe the dynamics of localized spins, quantum chains become useful tools for the appropriate understanding of the fluctuations in several physical systems. The quantum chains emerge in three interconnected topics of physics and mathematical physics, that we split in: a) Exactly integrable quantum chains -where they describe the simple evolution operators we can formulate for several interacting many body system; b) Critical phenomena and the thermodynamic properties of general quantum chains - where they usually describe the quantum fluctuations at the temperature T = 0 or/and thermal ones at T 8 = 0, and c) Stochastic models - where they describe the time fluctuations in asymptotic equilibrium and non-equilibrium states. On this FAPESP project, in continuation with the last ones, we are going to study quantum chains along the above three topics. In topic a) we are going to search for new exactly integrable chains by using the Matrix Product ansatz introduced in a previous FAPESP project. Intopic b) we are going to study the entanglement properties of quantum critical chains, through the calculation of the von Neumann and Rényi entanglement entropies among subsets of the entire quantum chain. We also will study the Shannon mutual information among theses subsets, since from results obtained along the previous FAPESP project, this quantity exhibits an universal behavior that characterizes the critical behavior of the quantum chain. We also will study the disorder effects in several quantum chains, by studying thermodynamic and information quantities. In topic c) we are going to introduce new models, as well to generalize several known models in order to understand which are the necessary basic ingredients that produce a space-time conformal invariance in anon-equilibrium asymptotic state. Within this topic we are going to study the effects of temporal disorder (external noise) in one dimensional contact processes, where there exist possible conexion with experimental results. (AU)

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Scientific publications (9)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
PUSCHMANN, MARTIN; CREWSE, JACK; HOYOS, JOSE A.; VOJTA, THOMAS. Collective Modes at a Disordered Quantum Phase Transition. Physical Review Letters, v. 125, n. 2, . (16/10826-1, 15/23849-7)
PUSCHMANN, MARTIN; GETELINA, JOAO C.; HOYOS, JOSE A.; VOJTA, THOMAS. Inhomogeneous mean-field approach to collective excitations near the superfluid-Mott glass transition. ANNALS OF PHYSICS, v. 435, n. 1, SI, . (16/10826-1, 15/23849-7)
ANDRADE, ERIC C.; HOYOS, JOSE A.; RACHEL, STEPHAN; VOJTA, MATTHIAS. Cluster-Glass Phase in Pyrochlore XY Antiferromagnets with Quenched Disorder. Physical Review Letters, v. 120, n. 9, . (16/10826-1, 15/23849-7, 13/00681-8)
WADA, ALEXANDER H. O.; HOYOS, JOSE A.. Critical properties of the susceptible-exposed-infected model with correlated temporal disorder. Physical Review E, v. 103, n. 1, . (18/25441-3, 15/23849-7, 16/10826-1)
MARD, H. JAVAN; HOYOS, JOSE A.; MIRANDA, E.; DOBROSAVLJEVIC, V.. Strong-disorder approach for the Anderson localization transition. Physical Review B, v. 96, n. 4, . (16/10826-1, 15/23849-7)
MIRANDA, MICHEL M. J.; ALMEIDA, IGOR C.; ANDRADE, ERIC C.; HOYOS, JOSE A.. Phase diagram of a frustrated Heisenberg model: From disorder to order and back again. Physical Review B, v. 104, n. 5, . (19/17026-9, 19/17645-0, 15/23849-7, 16/10826-1)
ULIANA LIMA, CESAR A.; BRITO, FREDERICO; HOYOS, JOSE A.; TUROLLA VANZELLA, DANIEL A.. Probing the Unruh effect with an accelerated extended system. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 10, . (13/12165-4, 12/24728-0, 16/10826-1, 15/23849-7)
WADA, ALEXANDER H. O.; HOYOS, JOSE A.. Critical properties of the susceptible-exposed-infected model with correlated temporal disorder. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 103, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (15/23849-7, 18/25441-3, 16/10826-1)
MARD, H. JAVAN; HOYOS, JOSE A.; MIRANDA, E.; DOBROSAVLJEVIC, V.. Strong-disorder approach for the Anderson localization transition. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 96, n. 4, p. 5-pg., . (16/10826-1)

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