Research Grants 14/25964-5 - Cinética, Espalhamento de raios X a baixos ângulos - BV FAPESP
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From the monomers to the nanoparticles: in situ real time investigation of gold nanoparticles formation by synchrotron and microscopy techniques


The project here described aims to nucleate a new multidisciplinary research group encompassing nanoscience and materials chemistry, with a strong focus on the design, characterization and integration of nanomaterials for applications ranging from photovoltaics and renewable energy to nanomedicine and catalysis. Yet, the development and applicability of nanoscience and nanotechnology rely on the ability to produce stable monodisperse nanoparticles of specific shape and chemical compositions. The actual mechanisms of nanoparticle formation and growth often remain unclear due to limited accessibility to in situ time-resolved information about the evolutions of precursor speciation and particle size. There is thus a very strong need for a much better characterization especially of the nucleation stage. The key questions nowadays are regarding the structure of the nuclei in the nucleation stage and the rate of nucleation. In order to answer these fundamental questions, we will develop new experimental setups, associated to synchrotron radiation techniques, to measure the kinetic of nucleation and the structure of the very first nuclei. We will collect unique sets of data on the nucleation stage in nanoparticles synthesis, which will lead us to a comprehensive understanding of the pathway yielding from the monomers to the nanoparticles in order to attain a full control of the nanoparticles properties towards innovative applications. Last but not least, this project fits well with the strategic development of state-of-the-art experimental stations in the current synchrotron light source, which can be moved, to the new synchrotron, SIRIUS, under construction. (AU)

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Scientific publications (12)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SCHWANKE, ANDERSON JOEL; VINACHES, PALOMA; MENEAU, FLORIAN; MORGADO, JR., EDISSON; PERGHER, SIBELE. Nucleation and crystallization of the MWW-type lamellar zeolitic precursor. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 344, n. SI, p. 102-107, . (14/25964-5, 17/23427-0)
VINACHES, PALOMA; DE MELLO, MARIELE SOARES; MENEAU, FLORIAN; MEDEIROS COSTA, IZABEL C.; MORGADO, EDISSON JR JR; PERGHER, SIBELE. Effect of mother liquor addition on (P)MCM-22 synthesis. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, v. 306, . (14/25964-5, 17/23427-0)
PASSOS, ALINE R.; ROCHET, AMELIE; MANENTE, LUIZA M.; SUZANA, ANA F.; HARDER, ROSS; CHA, WONSUK; MENEAU, FLORIAN. Three-dimensional strain dynamics govern the hysteresis in heterogeneous catalysis. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 11, n. 1, . (14/25964-5, 19/03162-8, 14/27127-3, 18/08816-3, 17/23050-4)
VINACHES, PALOMA; MENEAU, FLORIAN; PERGHER, SIBELE B. C.. Ex situ nucleation and growth study of the pure silica HPM-1 zeolite. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, v. 315, . (17/23427-0, 14/25964-5)
POLO, CARLA C.; PEREIRA, LUCIANO; MAZZAFERA, PAULO; FLORES-BORGES, DENISELE N. A.; MAYER, JULIANA L. S.; GUIZAR-SICAIROS, MANUEL; HOLLER, MIRKO; BARSI-ANDREETA, MARIANE; WESTFAHL JR, HARRY; MENEAU, FLORIAN. Correlations between lignin content and structural robustness in plants revealed by X-ray ptychography. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 10, n. 1, . (16/24249-6, 14/25964-5)
ROCHET, AMELIE; SUZANA, ANA FLAVIA; PASSOS, ALINE R.; KALILE, TIAGO; BERENGUER, FELISA; SANTILLI, CELSO V.; PULCINELLI, SANDRA H.; MENEAU, FLORIAN. In situ reactor to image catalysts at work in three-dimensions by Bragg coherent X-ray diffraction. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 336, n. SI, p. 169-173, . (17/01283-7, 14/27127-3, 14/25964-5)
MENEAU, F.; PASSOS, A. R.; GARCIA, P. R. A. F.; VINACHES, P.; MANOEL, L.; KALILE, T.; ZERBA, J. P.; RODRIGUES, G. L. M. P.; MIQUELES, E.; BARALDI, G.; et al. Caterete: The Coherent X-ray Scattering Beamline at the 4th generation synchrotron facility SIRIUS. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES, v. 77, p. 1-pg., . (14/25964-5)
POLO, CARLA C.; FONSECA-ALANIZ, MIRIAM H.; CHEN, JIAN-HUA; EKMAN, AXEL; MCDERMOTT, GERRY; MENEAU, FLORIAN; KRIEGER, JOSE E.; MIYAKAWA, AYUMI A.. Three-dimensional imaging of mitochondrial cristae complexity using cryo-soft X-ray tomography. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 10, n. 1, . (14/25964-5, 15/11139-5, 13/17368-0)
MENEAU, FLORIAN; ROCHET, AMELIE; HARDER, ROSS; CHA, WONSUK; RIBEIRO PASSOS, ALINE. Operando 3D imaging of defects dynamics of twinned-nanocrystal during catalysis. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 33, n. 27, . (14/25964-5, 18/08816-3, 17/23050-4)
SUZANA, ANA FLAVIA; ROCHET, AMELIE; PASSOS, ALINE RIBEIRO; CASTRO ZERBA, JOAO PAULO; POLO, CARLA CRISTINA; SANTILLI, CELSO VALENTIM; PULCINELLI, SANDRA HELENA; BERENGUER, FELISA; HARDER, ROSS; MAXEY, EVAN; et al. In situ three-dimensional imaging of strain in gold nanocrystals during catalytic oxidation. NANOSCALE ADVANCES, v. 1, n. 8, p. 3009-3014, . (17/23050-4, 14/27127-3, 14/25964-5, 18/08816-3)
SCHWANKE, ANDERSON JOEL; VINACHES, PALOMA; MENEAU, FLORIAN; MORGADO, EDISSON, JR.; PERGHER, SIBELE. Nucleation and crystallization of the MWW-type lamellar zeolitic precursor. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 344, p. 6-pg., . (17/23427-0, 14/25964-5)
ROCHET, AMELIE; SUZANA, ANA FLAVIA; PASSOS, ALINE R.; KALILE, TIAGO; BERENGUER, FELISA; SANTILLI, CELSO V.; PULCINELLI, SANDRA H.; MENEAU, FLORIAN. In situ reactor to image catalysts at work in three-dimensions by Bragg coherent X-ray diffraction. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 336, p. 5-pg., . (14/25964-5, 17/01283-7, 14/27127-3)

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