Research Grants 17/11257-3 - Correio eletrônico, Segurança de redes - BV FAPESP
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Restructuring of the information technology environment of the Instituto Agronômico


In addition to acting in the generation of science, technology and products to optimize plant production systems with environmental responsibility, Instituto Agronômico (IAC) has acted strongly in the transfer of knowledge and technologies generated to society. The technological packages of varieties developed by the Institution (1060 cultivars, 735 registered cultivars, 28 protected cultivars) stand out in this regard. IAC's research activities are maintained with funds from projects financed by research support agencies, such as FAPESP, FINEP and CNPq, or through partnerships with the private sector, in addition to São Paulo state resources. In order to support the development of research included in the institutional mission, proposals aimed at modernizing and adapting the specific infrastructure of its different Centers are encouraged in the IAC. Currently, 240 research projects are in progress in the 12 Research Centers, distributed between Campinas, Cordeirópolis, Jundiaí, Ribeirão Preto and Votuporanga. One of the characteristics of the IAC's performance is its public position in providing the results of its research, in the form of products (seeds), services (analyzes) and, especially, through information (technology transfer, publications, etc.), developing a large part of its activities with the rural producer. This gives rise to the high credibility of the Institution, which makes its products readily accepted and widely adopted, both at the state and national level. To support the development of IAC research and technology transfer actions, it is necessary to modernize and adapt the institutional infrastructure, such as the modernization of the IT environment. Thus, the objective of this project is to continue the investments made in 2015 and 2016 for the restructuring of the IAC's IT network, aiming at improving the institutional infrastructure of IT, through the adaptation of Data Center, migration and updating of information services, to promote research activities and transfer of IAC technologies, maintaining excellence in its activities. (AU)

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