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Analysis of different methods of lubrication and cooling cylindrical grinding in steel VP50, with conventional wheel silicon carbide black with white aluminum oxide

Grant number: 12/19910-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): January 01, 2013
Effective date (End): December 31, 2013
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Manufacturing Processes
Principal Investigator:Eduardo Carlos Bianchi
Grantee:Raul Ramos Figueiredo
Host Institution: Faculdade de Engenharia (FE). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Bauru. Bauru , SP, Brazil


Rectification is a machining process that corrects by abrasion of surfaces irregularities of parts. So to perform it is necessary to use cutting fluid, which will ensure the best finish this final part, due to better lubrication in their area of contact with the tool and also by cooling surfaces, preventing excessive heat damage to the part. Thus, the cutting fluid is used on a large scale by companies throughout the world and the search for new techniques for lubrication and cooling is needed based on concern for respecting environmental laws, increasingly greater emphasis on preserving the health of the operator, and reducing production costs by decreasing the toxic waste from the use of cutting fluid processes. In view of this, it is necessary to search for solutions that maintain the same parameters of quality and finish as compared with those shown in Cases with abundant use of cutting fluids and, moreover, to provide the same results technology such as cooling, lubrication, cleaning chips from the cutting zone, among others. One of the methods proposed for this is the minimum amount of lubricant (MQL), which uses low oil flow at high pressure, decreasing therefore the final residues of the process. However, several studies already made by the Group (Abrasion Machining) with the MQL grinding, note that there is a need for improvement of this technique with respect to cleaning the chips from the cutting zone, where there is the formation of a "sludge" Oil-chip giving rise to a slurry which adheres to the cutting surface of the abrasive tool and clogs the pores thereof. This fact ends up influencing the good results that would be obtained using this technique because of its good lubrication property and thus appear poor results of surface finish of the workpiece and the grinding wheel wear in relation to those obtained with the use of cutting fluid in abundance. The steel used as specimen will be VP50 steel, hardenable by precipitation, widely used in the industry with the injection molding of thermoplastics. The grinding wheel used is the conventional silicon carbide black with white aluminum oxide with vitrified bond. Its grain has high hardness and friability due to silicon carbide and low toughness, high hardness, however, arising from aluminum oxide, consisting of a combination of these grains in their composition. The results should be made by evaluating the output variables of the grinding process, such as the behavior of the tangential cutting force, roughness, acoustic emission, G ratio (volume of material removed / volume of wheel worn), optical microscopy, and microhardness.(AU)

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