Scholarship 16/03803-5 - Inflamação, Padrão alimentar - BV FAPESP
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Association of dietary patterns and single nucleotide plymorphisms in the genes of adiponectin, Toll like receptor-4, IL-1², IL-6, IL-10, TNF-±, CCL-2 and C reactive protein with a systemic inflammatory pattern at a population-based study - ISA-Capital

Grant number: 16/03803-5
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Start date until: November 01, 2016
End date until: February 03, 2020
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Nutrition - Nutrition Biochemistry
Principal Investigator:Marcelo Macedo Rogero
Grantee:Marina Maintinguer Norde
Host Institution: Faculdade de Saúde Pública (FSP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):17/00547-0 - Association of the empirical dietary inflammatory index (EDII) and single nucleotide polymorphisms in inflammatory genes with a systemic inflammatory pattern in a population-based study, BE.EP.DR


Introduction: Experimental, epidemiological and clinical evidences point to a pathogenic role of inflammation on metabolic disorders development, being the dietary pattern an important risk factor for systemic low-grade inflammation. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) can modulate the relationship between diet and plasma inflammatory biomarkers levels. Objective: To verify the association of dietary patterns and SNP in the genes of adiponectin, Toll like receptor (TLR)-4, IL-1², IL-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-±, Chemokine C-C motif ligand (CCL)-2 and C reactive protein (CRP) with a systemic inflammatory pattern at a population-based study - ISA-Capital. Methods: This study sample will be composed by adults (20 to 59 years), participants of the population-based study ISA-capital 2008-2010 (n=302). Dietary data have been collected using two 24 hours dietary recall. Plasma concentration of adiponectin, CRP, IL-1², IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-±, IL-12p70, CCL-2, soluble intercellular adhesion molecule (sICAM)-1 and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule (sVCAM)-1 was determined by multiplex immunoassay and a Cluster multivariate analysis (k-means) was conducted to separate individual according to their systemic inflammation. SNP from adiponectin (rs266729, rs17300539, rs16861209, rs1501299 e rs2241766), TLR4 (rs4986790, rs4686791, rs5030728, rs11536889), IL-1² (rs1143623, rs16944, rs1143627, rs1143634 e rs1143643) and IL-6 (rs1800795, rs1800796, rs1800797), IL-10 (rs1800871, rs1800872, rs1800896, rs3024490, rs1554286), TNF-± (rs1799964, rs 1799724, rs1800629, rs361525), CCL-2 (rs1024611) and CRP (rs1205, rs1417938, rs2808630) gene were genotyped by Taqman Open Array system. Dietary pattern analysis will be conducted using the Principal Component Analysis and scoring the diets using Brazilian Health Eating Index. Dietary variables will be tested according to its influence on systemic inflammatory patterns and on SNP or Genetic Risk Score and inflammation association.

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Scientific publications (6)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
NORDE, MARINA M.; COLLESE, TATIANA S.; GIOVANNUCCI, EDWARD; ROGERO, MARCELO M.. posteriori dietary patterns and their association with systemic low-grade inflammation in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysi. NUTRITION REVIEWS, v. 79, n. 3, p. 331-350, . (17/00547-0, 16/03803-5, 16/13922-1)
COLLESE, TATIANA S.; NORDE, MARINA M.; NASCIMENTO-FERREIRA, V, MARCUS; KIM, HANSEUL; MARCHIONI, DIRCE M.; CARVALHO, HERACLITO B.; GIOVANNUCCI, EDWARD. Which blood cutoff value should be used for vitamin A deficiency in children aged 3-10 years? A systematic review. NUTRITION REVIEWS, v. 79, n. 7, p. 777-787, . (19/13620-3, 16/13922-1, 17/00547-0, 16/03803-5)
NORDE, MARINA M.; COLLESE, TATIANA S.; GIOVANNUCCI, EDWARD; ROGERO, MARCELO M.. A posteriori dietary patterns and their association with systemic low-grade inflammation in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. NUTRITION REVIEWS, v. 79, n. 3, p. 20-pg., . (16/13922-1, 16/03803-5, 17/00547-0)
NORDE, MARINA M.; FISBERG, REGINA M.; MARCHIONI, DIRCE M. L.; ROGERO, MARCELO MACEDO. Systemic low-grade inflammation-associated lifestyle, diet, and genetic factors: A population-based cross-sectional study. NUTRITION, v. 70, . (12/20401-7, 09/15831-0, 16/03803-5)
NORDE, MARINA M.; TABUNG, FRED K.; GIOVANNUCCI, EDWARD L.; FISBERG, REGINA M.; ROGERO, MARCELO M.. Validation and adaptation of the empirical dietary inflammatory pattern across nations: A test case. NUTRITION, v. 79-80, . (16/03803-5)
DE MENESES FUJII, TATIANE MIEKO; NORDE, MARINA MAINTINGUER; FISBERG, REGINA MARA; LOBO MARCHIONI, DIRCE MARIA; ORDOVAS, JOSE M.; ROGERO, MARCELO MACEDO. FADS1 and ELOVL2 polymorphisms reveal associations for differences in lipid metabolism in a cross-sectional population-based survey of Brazilian men and women. Nutrition Research, v. 78, p. 42-49, . (12/20401-7, 17/05125-7, 09/15831-0, 12/22113-9, 16/03803-5)
Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)

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