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Dialogues with Oswald de Andrade: "Anthropophagic Encounters"

Grant number: 19/05144-7
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Effective date (Start): September 01, 2019
Effective date (End): August 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Literature
Principal Investigator:Carlos Alberto Vogt
Grantee:Ana Beatriz Sampaio Soares de Azevedo
Host Institution: Núcleo de Desenvolvimento da Criatividade (NUDECRI). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):21/08025-9 - Transnational anthropophagies, BE.EP.PD


This project continues the research already carried out with FAPESP grants from the Scientific Initiation to the PhD. After mapping and document selection, I intend to advance now in the postdoctoral study reflecting on the current concept of Anthropophagy, in the midst of the approach of the 100 years of the Modern Art Week of 1922.Partial results of the Doctorate, recently defended, can be found in the book Antropofagia Palimpsesto Selvagem, launched by the publisher Cosac Naify and approved by FAPESP in the line of Publication Support. The Postdoctoral project intends to develop, improve and publish the complete results obtained in the research, from a multidisciplinary perspective.The theme of anthropophagy runs from the accounts of the first travelers on Amerindian rituals in the sixteenth century, goes through studies on the Tupinambá war by Florestan Fernandes and on cannibalism by anthropologists such as Manuela Carneiro da Cunha and Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, and spreads through the fields of literature and the arts.Central figure of the Week of 22, Oswald de Andrade was the creator of the Anthropophagic Manifesto (1928) and the Revista de Antropofagia (1928/29), landmarks of literature and journalism in the modernist period. Through Oswald's vision of colonization, anthropophagy becomes a cultural metaphor for the "caraíba revolution" that seeks to reverse the colonial vector. In the 60's of the twentieth century, the Oswaldiana anthropophagy was taken over by Tropicália, Cinema Novo, Hélio Oiticica, Teatro Oficina, and others, becoming one of the matrices for reflection on Brazilian culture. Starting from this historical path, the central question of the project is asked: what is the current power of the concept of Anthropophagy? The work will be carried out on two complementary fronts: one, based on research in the Oswald de Andrade Collection at UNICAMP's CEDAE, focused on the interviews and dialogues with his interlocutors between 1910 and 1950; another, is developed through interviews with contemporary intellectuals and artists on anthropophagy and the contribution of Oswald de Andrade to the 21st century.Among the expected results is the organization of unpublished volumes containing interviews by Oswald and his collaborations in the press, and the "Anthropophagic Encounters" with Antonio Candido, Marília de Andrade, Zé Celso Martinez Correa and others, a Collection of interviews conducted during the research period. Articulating literature, arts, communication and cultural dissemination, this project will also result in the publication of a book essay with collaborations of intellectuals from different countries, invited by Universität Zürich, University of Zurich.

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