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Barriers to and facilitators of working with women who suffered sexual violence: a qualitative study under the perspective of health professionals on a specialized service in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Grant number: 20/04178-2
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): July 01, 2020
Effective date (End): June 30, 2021
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine
Principal Investigator:Egberto Ribeiro Turato
Grantee:Jasmine de Matos Cavalcante
Host Institution: Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (FCM). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil


Violence against women is a gender-based action that affects the population in an alarming and significant way, with sexual violence being one of its main exponents. In the health field, there are many studies that highlight the importance of humanized care and, therefore, of health professionals in the post-sexual violence process. However, there is a gap in the literature when it comes to the professional's own perceptions about the relevance of this care on their own personal and professional lives. Because it is a psychosocial complex theme, the investigation of symbolic aspects related to it is relevant for both professionals and patients, whose follow-up and care depends on the caregiver. Objective: To explore and interpret the emotional/psychological meanings attributed by health professionals to the work with women victims of sexual violence in a specialized university public hospital, to understand what are the barriers and facilitators of this type of professional practice. Participants and Method: Participants will be chosen based on their relationship with the Program for Assistance to Women Victims of Sexual Violence of the Center for Integrated Women's Health (a specialized health program located at São Paulo, Brazil), being components of the multidisciplinary team of the program mentioned; the sampling technique chosen was Exhaustion (all the possible participants, as the population is small). The Clinical-Qualitative Method - a humanistic investigative approach, developed for clinical environments - will be used with the technique of the Semidirected Interview of Open-Ended Questions; as well as free, complementary observations, in the collection from the participants' speeches. The operationalization in the field is preceded by a phase of acculturation, in order to promote the insertion of the researcher in the care setting chosen, as well as the language of the patients. The treatment of the data will be done by Qualitative Content Analysis, with emerging categories, discussed in the light of psychodynamic concepts, classic of the theoretical framework of Medical Psychology and Health, especially Balintian. Expected results: the conclusions obtained and published should contribute to a better understanding of the emotional representations of the problem, thus improving the professional-patient relationship, allowing clear and effective guidelines and increasing adherence to preventive and therapeutic programs. (AU)

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