Mediating role of physical activity and c reactive... - BV FAPESP
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Mediating role of physical activity and c reactive protein in the relationship between obesity and arterial thickening in adolescents: ABCD growth study

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Wésley Torres
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Presidente Prudente. 2020-04-02.
Institution: Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia. Presidente Prudente
Defense date:
Advisor: Rômulo Araújo Fernandes

Objective: To analyze the relationship between body fatness and arterial thickness among adolescents, as well as to identify the possible mediating role of physical activity and C-reactive protein in this process. Methods: Longitudinal study, data from the ongoing longitudinal study “Analysis of Behaviors of Children During Growth” (ABCD Growth Study). Initially, the sample consisted of 285 adolescents (202 boys and 83 girls), following the inclusion criteria: i) age between 11 and 17 years; (ii) not having a metabolic and / or clinical disorder (previously diagnosed), which hinders the practice of habitual physical activity; (iii) not using medication that can interfere with blood pressure; iv) minimum involvement of 12 months in sports; v) non-sports group, in the last 12 months, not being involved in sports activities; iv) the consent and assent form signed by the parents and volunteers, respectively. After 12 months of segment, the sample consisted of 189 adolescents (127 boys and 62 girls). Sports participation, chronological age, ethnicity and sex were assessed through face-to-face interviews. Body fatness (BF) and trunk fatness (TF) were estimated using bone densitometry. The carotid (CIMT) and femoral intima-media thickness (FIMT) arteries were measured using ultrasound. Biological maturation was estimated through the peak height velocity (PHV) and was used as a covariate. Blood variables were evaluated to compose an indicator of dyslipidemia. Moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was estimated by a clock with an accelerometer funcion (POLAR®, model V800 - Kempele, Finland), and C-reactive protein (CRP) was measured using a specific kit. The minimum sample size was calculated. The numerical variables were presented as mean, standard deviation and 95% confidence interval. Student's t test was used to compare the moments between baseline and the follow-up. Pearson's correlation was used to verify the relationship between adiposity gain and arterial thickness. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to compare cardiovascular outcomes with sports participation. Structural Equation Model was used to evaluate the relationship between obesity and arterial thickness taking into account the mediating role of physical activity and C-reactive protein, adjusted for sex, chronological age, blood pressure, biological maturation and dyslipidemia. All analyzes were performed using the following software BioEstat (version 5.0) and Stata (version 15.0), statistical significance was set at 5% (p <0.05). Results: Boys increased weight (p-value=0.001), height (p-value=0.001), PHV (pvalue= 0.001) and decreased TF (p-value=0.001), whereas girls, increased body weight (p-value=0.001), height (p-value=0.001) and PHV advanced (p-value=0.001). In the structural model, there was a positive relationship between TF and CRP (r=0.206 [95%CI: 0.064 to 0.349]), and also between CRP and CIMT (r= 0.180 [95%CI: 0.032 to 0.328]). Conclusion: CRP seems to have a more relevant mediating role than physical activity in arterial thickening. Sports practice did not affect the CRP values throughout the segment, but its absence potentiated the relationship between adiposity and arterial thickening. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 18/09131-4 - Mediator role of physical activity and C-reactive protein in the relationship between obesity and arterial thickening in adolescents: ABCD growth study
Grantee:Wésley Torres
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master