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Visuality and memory: political disputes and construction of the past in Rome in the ages of Caesar and Augustus

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Giovanni Pando Bueno
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH/SBD)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Marcelo Aparecido Rede; Fabio Duarte Joly; Carlos Augusto Ribeiro Machado; Rafael Scopacasa
Advisor: Marcelo Aparecido Rede

This research aims to examine the construction of memory related to socio-political conflict through visuality in Rome during the period commonly treated as transition from the Republic to the Empire (more precisely, from the outbreak of the civil war between Caesar and Pompey in 49 B.C. to the rise of the Principate of Augustus during the \'20s B.C.). We are interested in the dynamics of what we call memory in conflict, that is, the usages of the past made to instigate or overcome the ongoing power struggles of the years of political instability. To do so, we resort to the Gramscian category of hegemony as an analytical instrument, in the intention of reestablishing the links between collective memory and the material basis of social life, once the hierarchical structure of Roman society delimits, also, the possibilities of symbolic relations between classes, among which is the organization of the past as a memorial configuration. Within the framework of hegemonic ideology, we can, on the one hand, glimpse how dominated groups creatively appropriated this ideology to remember the past; on the other, we can better comprehend the nature of the late Republic\'s crisis, in which, to recall their internal conflicts, members of the hegemonic class resorted to the same dominant ideology that supported their positions, producing internal contradictions. The dynamics of memory in conflict mobilized, among other means, the dimension of images. We selected, roughly, three distinct sets of documentation: numismatics, statuary and spatiality (in this case, the reforms carried out in the Forum). Considering a perspective which is attentive to the materiality of these supports, it is up to us to unravel the specific ways in which this visuality participated in the dispute over the past, remembered or forgot events to promote peace and accommodated in the terms of traditions the political positions of the leaders who centralized the power of the res publica in those years, that is, Caesar and Augustus. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 20/03091-0 - Visuality and memory: political disputes and construction of the past in Rome in the ages of Caesar and Augustus (I BC - I AD)
Grantee:Giovanni Pando Bueno
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master