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(Reference retrieved automatically from Web of Science through information on FAPESP grant and its corresponding number as mentioned in the publication by the authors.)

Staminal wing and a novel secretory structure of asclepiads

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Demarco, Diego
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Journal article
Source: BOTANY; v. 95, n. 7, p. 763-772, JUL 2017.
Web of Science Citations: 1

Asclepiads (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae) have morphologically complex flowers with a wide range of secretory structures related to their defense and pollination. A striking feature of the flowers is the presence of a guide rail formed by staminal wings, which is related to the guidance of the pollinator to the pollinarium translator and the retention of the pollinium. Previous analyses of floral ontogeny in asclepiads detected the presence of a possible gland on the staminal wing during flower development. The goal of the present study was to verify the occurrence of a secretory structure on the staminal wing and its possible function through ontogenetic and histochemical analyses of the presumed gland. Staminal wings are formed early in developing flowers, and a gland is originated in the outer and inner margins of the guide rail in all species. This gland releases a secretion composed of mucilage and lipids, which likely assists in the introduction of the pollinator appendage into the narrow guide rail by lubricating the staminal wings. The gland degenerates before anthesis, increasing the space within the guide rail and enabling the introduction of the pollinarium. This new secretory structure may be present in floral buds of all asclepiads. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 03/12595-7 - Floristic composition, structure and functioning of the Dense Rainforest nuclei of Picinguaba and Santa Virgínia of Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, State of São Paulo, Brazil
Grantee:Carlos Alfredo Joly
Support Opportunities: BIOTA-FAPESP Program - Thematic Grants
FAPESP's process: 02/11881-3 - Floral secretory structures and foliar collectors of Aspidosperma Mart & Zucc. and Blepharodon Decne. (Apocynaceae s.l.) in the Cerrado
Grantee:Diego Demarco
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master