The antimicrobial and antiadhesion activities of m... - BV FAPESP
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The antimicrobial and antiadhesion activities of micellar solutions of surfactin, CTAB and CPCl with terpinen-4-ol: applications to control oral pathogens

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Bucci, Andreia R. [1] ; Marcelino, Larissa [1] ; Mendes, Renata K. [2] ; Etchegaray, Augusto [2, 1]
Total Authors: 4
[1] Programa Posgrad Ciencias Saude, Campus 2, Ave John Boyd Dunlop, S-N, Campinas, SP - Brazil
[2] Pontificia Univ Catolica Campinas, Fac Quim, Campus 1, Rodovia D Pedro 1, Km 136, Campinas, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Web of Science Citations: 4

The oral pathogen Streptococcus mutans is involved in tooth decay by a process that initiates with biofilm adhesion and caries development. The presence of other microbes such as Candida albicans may worsen the demineralization process. Since both microbes are virulent to the host and will proliferate under specific host immune deficiencies and systemic diseases, it is important to study antimicrobial substances and their effects on both pathogens. There are several antiseptic agents used to reduce plaque biofilm and its outcome (dental caries and/or periodontal disease). However, some of these have undesired effects. In the current study we investigated the antimicrobial and anti-adhesion properties of micellar solutions of surfactants and the plant natural product terpinen-4-ol (TP). The results revealed an increase in antimicrobial properties of the synthetic surfactants, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), when mixed with TP. In addition, although surfactin, a biosurfactant, has little antimicrobial activity, it was demonstrated that it enhanced the effect of TP both as antimicrobial and anti-adhesion compound. Surfactin and the synthetic surfactants promote the antimicrobial activity of TP against S. mutans, the causal agent of tooth decay, suggesting specificity for membrane interactions that may be facilitated by surfactants. This is the first report on the successful use of surfactin in association with TP to inhibit the growth and adhesion of microbial pathogens. Surfactin has other beneficial properties besides being biodegradable, it has antiviral and anti-mycoplasma activities in addition to adjuvant properties and encapsulating capacity at low concentration. {[}GRAPHICS] . (AU)

FAPESP's process: 13/20570-6 - Sustainable production of biosurfactants with applications for medicine and environmental remediation
Grantee:Augusto Etchegaray Júnior
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants