Maternal supplementation with a synbiotic has dist... - BV FAPESP
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Maternal supplementation with a synbiotic has distinct outcomes on offspring gut microbiota formation in A/J and C57BL/6 mice, differentially affecting airway inflammatory cell infiltration and mucus production

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Fukumori, Claudio [1] ; Casaro, Mateus B. [1] ; Thomas, Andrew M. [2, 3, 4] ; Mendes, Eduardo [1] ; Ribeiro, Willian R. [1] ; Crisma, Amanda R. [5] ; Murata, Gilson M. [5] ; Bizzarro, Bruna [6] ; Dias-Neto, Emmanuel [4, 7] ; Setubal, Joao C. [2] ; Oliveira, Maria A. [8] ; Tavares-de-Lima, Wothan [8] ; Curi, Rui [9, 5] ; Bordin, Silvana [5] ; Sartorelli, Patricia [10] ; Ferreira, Caroline M. [1]
Total Authors: 16
[1] Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, Dept Pharmaceut Sci, R Sao Nicolau 210, BR-0991303 Diadema, SP - Brazil
[2] Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Chem, Dept Biochem, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[3] Univ Sao Paulo, Bioinformat Grad Program, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[4] CIPE AC Camargo Canc Ctr, Med Genom Lab, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[5] Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci 1, Dept Physiol & Biophys, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[6] Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci 4, Dept Immunol, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[7] Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Med, Inst Psychiat, Lab Neurosci LIM 27, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[8] Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci 1, Dept Pharmacol, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[9] Cruzeiro do Sul Univ, Interdisciplinary Postgrad Program Hlth Sci, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[10] Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, Dept Chem, Diadema, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 10
Document type: Journal article
Source: Journal of Functional Foods; v. 61, OCT 2019.
Web of Science Citations: 1

Emerging evidence has shown that the maternal diet influences the microbiota. Our objective was to elucidate whether synbiotic consumption during the perinatal period equally modulates offspring gut microbiota in the A/J and C57BL/6 and affects airway inflammatory cell infiltration. We administered the synbiotic to the dam throughout the whole perinatal period. To analyze the influence of gut microbiota changes on offspring health, we induced allergic airway inflammation on offspring. Twenty-four hours after the last ovalbumin challenge, pulmonary inflammation was analyzed. Perinatal synbiotic supplementation reduced eosinophilic inflammation and mucus production only in the C57BL/6 offspring. Synbiotic supplementation during the perinatal period increased the Lactobacillus genera, which could be associated with the immune regulatory effects observed in the C57BL/6 offspring. Interestingly, synbiotic supplementation increased the diversity of gut microbiota in the A/J offspring without improving airway inflammation, indicating that diversity itself was not sufficient to regulate experimental lung inflammation. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 12/50410-8 - Effects of short-chain fatty acids produced by probiotic bacteria in the prophylaxis and treatment of allergic airway inflammation
Grantee:Caroline Marcantonio Ferreira
Support Opportunities: Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants
FAPESP's process: 16/13496-2 - Symbiotic administration's role in the perinatal period in experimental allergic asthma in offspring
Grantee:Mateus Campos Casaro
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation