Maternal plasma transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF... - BV FAPESP
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Maternal plasma transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and newborn size: the Araraquara Cohort Study

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Naiara Naiana Dejani ; Carolina F. Nicoletti [2] ; Perla Pizzi Argentato [3] ; Ludmilla da Silva Pereira [4] ; Amanda Correia Saraiva [5] ; Letícia Montanha de Assis [6] ; Patrícia Yury Nakandakare [7] ; Lívia Patricia Rodrigues Batista [8] ; Laísla de França da Silva Teles [9] ; Maria Paula Leitão [10] ; Liania Alves Luzia [11] ; Alexandra Ivo de Medeiros ; Patrícia Helen Rondó [13]
Total Authors: 13
Document type: Journal article
Source: Jornal de Pediatria; v. 99, n. 3, p. 284-288, 2023-06-16.

Abstract Objective To investigate associations of maternal and cord blood cytokine patterns with newborn size and body composition. Methods This cross-sectional study involved 70 pregnant women and their healthy newborns selected from the “Araraquara Cohort Study”. Newborn anthropometric measurements were recorded at birth. Body composition was evaluated by air displacement plethysmography. Maternal blood samples were collected from pregnant women between 30 and 36 weeks of gestation, and umbilical cord blood samples were collected immediately after placenta discharge. The concentrations of the cytokines were determined in plasma by ELISA. Multiple linear regression models were used to assess associations between maternal and cord blood cytokine concentrations and newborn anthropometry and body composition measurements. Results Maternal plasma TGF-β1 concentration was inversely associated with newborn weight (β= -43.0; p= 0.012), length (β= -0.16, p= 0.028), head circumference (β= -0.13, p= 0.004), ponderal index (β= -0.32, p= 0.011) and fat-free mass (β= -0.05, p= 0.005). However, the association persisted just for head circumference (β= -0.26; p= 0.030) and ponderal index (β= - 0.28; p= 0.028), after adjusting for pre-gestational BMI, gestational weight gain, gestational age, hours after delivery, newborn sex, smoking and alcohol consumption. Conclusions Maternal plasma TGF-β1 concentration may be involved in the regulation of newborn size, mainly head circumference and ponderal index. Further cohort studies are necessary to investigate the role of TGF-β1 in different trimesters of pregnancy and its effect during the early stages of fetal development. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 15/03333-6 - The relationship between maternal adiposity and adiposity of the offspring in the fetal, neonatal and infant periods: a prospective population-based study
Grantee:Patricia Helen de Carvalho Rondó
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants
FAPESP's process: 18/17824-0 - DNA metilation profile of mother-concept binomy in the context of Maternal Obesity and fetal and neonatal adiposity
Grantee:Perla Pizzi Argentato
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
FAPESP's process: 18/19638-9 - Metabolic reprogrammation of dendritic cells after efferocytosis of apoptotic cells
Grantee:Letícia de Aquino Penteado
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate (Direct)
FAPESP's process: 17/07143-2 - An immunological approach to the relationship between maternal and fetal adiposity in fetal, neonatal and infant periods
Grantee:Naiara Naiana Dejani
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral