Auxílio à pesquisa 11/50151-0 - Dinâmica estocástica, Redes complexas - BV FAPESP
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Fenômenos dinâmicos em redes complexas: fundamentos e aplicações

Processo: 11/50151-0
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Temático
Área do conhecimento:Engenharias - Engenharia Elétrica - Eletrônica Industrial, Sistemas e Controles Eletrônicos
Acordo de Cooperação: DFG
Pesquisador responsável:Elbert Einstein Nehrer Macau
Beneficiário:Elbert Einstein Nehrer Macau
Pesquisador Responsável no exterior: Jurgen Kurths
Instituição Parceira no exterior: Humboldt University, Alemanha
Instituição Sede: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Brasil). São José dos Campos , SP, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Últimos )
Antonio Carlos Roque da Silva Filho ; Zhao Liang
Pesquisadores principais:
( Antigos )
Paulo Regis Caron Ruffino
Auxílio(s) vinculado(s):15/17005-0 - Sincronização em redes de osciladores caóticos, AV.EXT
13/23415-1 - Uso de redes complexas para a análise de dados climáticos, AV.EXT
13/09567-3 - SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, AR.EXT
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):15/23487-8 - Transicões em sistemas complexos acoplados não-estacionários com perturbação mínima, BP.PD
15/02230-9 - Perturbações aleatórias e Propriedades Estatísticas de Sistemas Dinâmicos, BP.PD
13/25667-8 - Mecanismos de propagação de atividade epileptiforme em um modelo cortical de grande porte, BP.DD
+ mais bolsas vinculadas 13/09013-8 - Eletrocomunicação em Gymnotus carapo: um estudo da complexidade biológica através da interface em tempo-real entre modelos computacionais e sistemas nervosos vivos, BP.DD
12/03992-1 - Dinâmica e geometria de fluxos estocásticos, BE.PQ
12/08355-0 - Controle da iluminação de um aquário usando os padrões de disparos elétricos produzidos por peixes da espécie Gymnotus carapo, BP.IC - menos bolsas vinculadas
Assunto(s):Dinâmica estocástica  Redes complexas  Sincronização 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Controle | Dinamica Estocastica | Modelos Climaticos | Redes Complexas | Sincronizacao | Transporte Anomalo


Ao longo da última década, o enfoque de rede entre agentes dinâmicos com topologias complexas tem se tornado uma poderosa e eficaz metodologia a ser usada para entender sistemas elaborados, envolvendo um número muito elevado de agentes que interagem entre si. Esse enfoque vem sendo utilizado em várias áreas, desde Neurociência e Engenharia, até Sociologia e Economia. Contudo, até agora, a maior parte dos estudos tem se concentrado em situações onde a topologia é fixa, o que restringe sobremaneira sua utilização em cenários mais elaborados e próprios dos sistemas reais. Este projeto tem por objetivo estudar os princípios e fundamentos da auto-organização em redes complexas mais gerais, onde a topologia não é simples e a complexidade é muito elaborada. Visando aplicações em situações atuais de interesse, pretende-se, por conseguinte, compreender o papel que a heterogeneidade da estrutura, os atrasos em múltiplas escalas de tempo e espaço e a etocasticidade têm na dinâmica da rede. Esses estudos teóricos estarão interconectados a investigações experimentais da dinâmica de redes naturais com complexidade crescente, partindo de sistemas que envolvem alguns (AU)

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Publicações científicas (143)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
VLASOV, VLADIMIR; ZOU, YONG; PEREIRA, TIAGO. Explosive synchronization is discontinuous. Physical Review E, v. 92, n. 1, . (11/50151-0)
SANTANA, S. H. S.; DE MELO, C. F.; MACAU, E. E. N.; WINTER, O. C.. Exploring the Moon gravity to escape from the Earth-Moon system. COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS, v. 35, n. 3, p. 701-710, . (11/50151-0, 11/08171-3)
VLASOV, VLADIMIR; PIKOVSKY, ARKADY; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. Star-type oscillatory networks with generic Kuramoto-type coupling: A model for ``Japanese drums synchrony{''}. Chaos, v. 25, n. 12, . (11/50151-0)
CATUOGNO, PEDRO J.; LEDESMA, DIEGO S.; RUFFINO, PAULO R.. FOLIATED STOCHASTIC CALCULUS: HARMONIC MEASURES. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, v. 368, n. 1, p. 563-579, . (12/18780-0, 11/50151-0)
HART, JOSEPH D.; PADE, JAN PHILIPP; PEREIRA, TIAGO; MURPHY, THOMAS E.; ROY, RAJARSHI. Adding connections can hinder network synchronization of time-delayed oscillators. Physical Review E, v. 92, n. 2, . (11/50151-0)
FREITAS, CELSO; MACAU, ELBERT; VIANA, RICARDO LUIZ. Synchronization versus neighborhood similarity in complex networks of nonidentical oscillators. Physical Review E, v. 92, n. 3, . (11/50151-0)
MITRA, CHIRANJIT; CHOUDHARY, ANSHUL; SINHA, SUDESHNA; KURTHS, JUERGEN; DONNER, REIK V.. Multiple-node basin stability in complex dynamical networks. Physical Review E, v. 95, n. 3, . (11/50151-0)
WOLF, FREDERIK; KIRSCH, CATRIN; DONNER, V, REIK. Edge directionality properties in complex spherical networks. Physical Review E, v. 99, n. 1, . (11/50151-0)
OLIVEIRA DA SILVA, FABIO ALESSANDRO; ZHAO, LIANG. A Network of Neural Oscillators for Fractal Pattern Recognition. NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS, v. 44, n. 1, SI, p. 149-159, . (11/50151-0, 13/07375-0)
LLOPART, MARTA; DOMINGUES, LEONARDO MORENO; TORMA, CSABA; GIORGI, FILIPPO; DA ROCHA, ROSMERI PORFIRIO; AMBRIZZI, TERCIO; REBOITA, MICHELLE SIMOES; ALVES, LINCOLN MUNIZ; COPPOLA, ERIKA; DA SILVA, MARIA LEIDINICE; et al. Assessing changes in the atmospheric water budget as drivers for precipitation change over two CORDEX-CORE domains. Climate Dynamics, . (11/50151-0, 15/50122-0)
KROMER, JUSTUS A.. Noise-induced dynamics of coupled excitable systems with slow positive feedback. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, . (11/50151-0)
CANO-CRESPO, ANA; TRAXL, DOMINIK; THONICKE, KIRSTEN. Spatio-temporal patterns of extreme fires in Amazonian forests. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, . (11/50151-0)
LIANG, XIAOMING; YANCHUK, SERHIY; ZHAO, LIANG. Gating-signal propagation by a feed-forward neural motif. Physical Review E, v. 88, n. 1, . (11/50151-0)
LIANG, XIAOMING; ZHAO, LIANG. Phase-disorder-induced firing activity in excitable neuronal networks with attractive and repulsive coupling. NEURAL NETWORKS, v. 35, p. 40-45, . (11/50151-0)
ZEMP, D. C.; SCHLEUSSNER, C. -F.; BARBOSA, H. M. J.; RAMMIG, A.. Deforestation effects on Amazon forest resilience. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 44, n. 12, p. 6182-6190, . (13/50510-5, 11/50151-0)
KITTEL, TIM; HEITZIG, JOBST; WEBSTER, KEVIN; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Timing of transients: quantifying reaching times and transient behavior in complex systems. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, v. 19, . (11/50151-0)
MAIA, DANIEL M. N.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; PEREIRA, TIAGO. Persistence of Network Synchronization under Nonidentical Coupling Functions. SIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, v. 15, n. 3, p. 1563-1580, . (15/08958-4, 11/50151-0)
DOS SANTOS, LAURITA; BARROSO, JOAQUIM J.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; DE GODOY, MOACIR F.. Assessment of heart rate variability by application of central tendency measure. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING, v. 53, n. 11, p. 1231-1237, . (11/50151-0)
DA COSTA, PAULO HENRIQUE P.; RUFFINO, PAULO R.. Degenerate Semigroups and Stochastic Flows of Mappings in Foliated Manifolds. POTENTIAL ANALYSIS, v. 43, n. 3, p. 461-480, . (11/50151-0, 12/03992-1)
GOSWAMI, BEDARTHA; SHEKATKAR, SNEHAL M.; RHEINWALT, ALJOSCHA; AMBIKA, G.; KURTHS, JUERGEN. A random interacting network model for complex networks. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 5, . (11/50151-0)
TURCI, L. F. R.; DE LELLIS, P.; MACAU, E. E. N.; DI BERNARDO, M.; SIMOES, M. M. R.. Adaptive pinning control: A review of the fully decentralized strategy and its extensions. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 223, n. 13, p. 2649-2664, . (11/50151-0)
TRAXL, DOMINIK; BOERS, NIKLAS; KURTHS, JUERGEN. General scaling of maximum degree of synchronization in noisy complex networks. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, v. 16, . (11/50151-0)
KROMER, JUSTUS; KHALEDI-NASAB, ALI; SCHIMANSKY-GEIER, LUTZ; NEIMAN, ALEXANDER B.. Emergent stochastic oscillations and signal detection in tree networks of excitable elements. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 7, . (11/50151-0)
SANTOS, M. S.; SZEZECH, J. D.; BORGES, F. S.; IAROSZ, K. C.; CALDAS, I. L.; BATISTA, A. M.; VIANA, R. L.; KURTHS, J.. Chimera-like states in a neuronal network model of the cat brain. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 101, p. 86-91, . (16/16148-5, 15/07311-7, 11/50151-0, 11/19296-1)
FELDHOFF, J. H.; DONNER, R. V.; DONGES, J. F.; MARWAN, N.; KURTHS, J.. Geometric signature of complex synchronisation scenarios. EPL, v. 102, n. 3, . (11/50151-0)
LIANG, XIAOMING; ZHAO, LIANG; LIU, ZONGHUA. Optimal signal amplification in weighted scale-free networks. Chaos, v. 22, n. 2, . (11/03631-6, 11/50151-0)
LIANG, X. M.; ZHAO, L.; LIU, Z. H.. Signal amplification of active rotators with phase-shifted coupling. European Physical Journal B, v. 85, n. 6, . (11/03631-6, 11/50151-0)
SALAZAR, F. J. T.; MASDEMONT, J. J.; GOMEZ, G.; MACAU, E. E.; WINTER, O. C.. Zero, minimum and maximum relative radial acceleration for planar formation flight dynamics near triangular libration points in the Earth-Moon system. Advances in Space Research, v. 54, n. 9, p. 1838-1857, . (11/08171-3, 08/06066-5, 11/50151-0, 13/03233-6)
BOERS, N.; BOOKHAGEN, B.; BARBOSA, H. M. J.; MARWAN, N.; KURTHS, J.; MARENGO, J. A.. Prediction of extreme floods in the eastern Central Andes based on a complex networks approach. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 5, . (13/50538-7, 13/50510-5, 08/58161-1, 11/50151-0)
HOEFNER, MICHAEL; KOBIN, BJOERN; HECHT, STEFAN; HENNEBERGER, FRITZ. Strong Coupling and Laser Action of Ladder-Type Oligo(p-phenylene)s in a Microcavity. ChemPhysChem, v. 15, n. 17, p. 3805-3808, . (11/50151-0)
GELBRECHT, MAXIMILIAN; BOERS, NIKLAS; KURTHS, JUERGEN. A complex network representation of wind flows. Chaos, v. 27, n. 3, . (11/50151-0)
CATUOGNO, PEDRO J.; LEDESMA, DIEGO S.; RUFFINO, PAULO R.. Harmonic measures in embedded foliated manifolds. Stochastics and Dynamics, v. 17, n. 4, . (15/07278-0, 11/50151-0)
ZEMP, D. C.; WIEDERMANN, M.; KURTHS, J.; RAMMIG, A.; DONGES, J. F.. Node-weighted measures for complex networks with directed and weighted edges for studying continental moisture recycling. EPL, v. 107, n. 5, . (11/50151-0)
RUFFINO, PAULO R.; MORGADO, LEANDRO. Geometry of stochastic delay differential equations with jumps in manifolds. Electronic Communications in Probability, v. 21, . (11/50151-0, 12/18780-0)
VLASOV, VLADIMIR; ROSENBLUM, MICHAEL; PIKOVSKY, ARKADY. Dynamics of weakly inhomogeneous oscillator populations: perturbation theory on top of Watanabe-Strogatz integrability. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, v. 49, n. 31, . (11/50151-0)
VLASOV, VLADIMIR; PIKOVSKY, ARKADY. Synchronization of a Josephson junction array in terms of global variables. Physical Review E, v. 88, n. 2, . (11/50151-0)
VLASOV, VLADIMIR; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; PIKOVSKY, ARKADY. Synchronization of oscillators in a Kuramoto-type model with generic coupling. Chaos, v. 24, n. 2, . (11/50151-0)
GRZYBOWSKI, J. M. V.; MACAU, E. E. N.; YONEYAMA, T.. Isochronal synchronization in networks and chaos-based TDMA communication. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 223, n. 8, p. 1447-1463, . (11/50151-0)
LAMEU, EWANDSON L.; BORGES, FERNANDO S.; BORGES, RAFAEL R.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; VIANA, RICARDO L.; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Suppression of phase synchronisation in network based on cat's brain. Chaos, v. 26, n. 4, . (15/07311-7, 11/50151-0, 11/19296-1)
FRANOVIC, IGOR; KOSTIC, SRDJAN; PERC, MATJAZ; KLINSHOV, VLADIMIR; NEKORKIN, VLADIMIR; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Phase response curves for models of earthquake fault dynamics. Chaos, v. 26, n. 6, . (11/50151-0)
TRAXL, DOMINIK; BOERS, NIKLAS; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Deep graphs-A general framework to represent and analyze heterogeneous complex systems across scales. Chaos, v. 26, n. 6, . (11/50151-0)
ZOU, YONG; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; SAMPAIO, GILVAN; RAMOS, ANTNIO M. T.; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Do the recent severe droughts in the Amazonia have the same period of length?. Climate Dynamics, v. 46, n. 9-10, p. 3279-3285, . (11/50151-0)
UNNI, VISHNU R.; KRISHNAN, ABIN; MANIKANDAN, R.; GEORGE, NITIN B.; SUJITH, R. I.; MARWAN, NORBERT; KURTHS, JUERGEN. On the emergence of critical regions at the onset of thermoacoustic instability in a turbulent combustor. Chaos, v. 28, n. 6, . (11/50151-0)
HOEFNER, M.; WUENSCHE, H-J; HENNEBERGER, F.. A random laser as a dynamical network. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, v. 16, . (11/50151-0)
ROSENAU, PHILIP; PIKOVSKY, ARKADY. Breathers in strongly anharmonic lattices. Physical Review E, v. 89, n. 2, . (11/50151-0)
STAAL, ARIE; TUINENBURG, OBBE A.; BOSMANS, JOYCE H. C.; HOLMGREN, MILENA; VAN NES, EGBERT H.; SCHEFFER, MARTEN; ZEMP, DELPHINE CLARA; DEKKER, STEFAN C.. Forest-rainfall cascades buffer against drought across the Amazon. NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, v. 8, n. 6, p. 539+, . (11/50151-0)
MITRA, CHIRANJIT; KITTEL, TIM; CHOUDHARY, ANSHUL; KURTHS, JUERGEN; DONNER, REIK V.. Recovery time after localized perturbations in complex dynamical networks. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, v. 19, . (11/50151-0)
TRAXL, D.; BOERS, N.; RHEINWALT, A.; GOSWAMI, B.; KURTHS, J.. The size distribution of spatiotemporal extreme rainfall clusters around the globe. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 43, n. 18, p. 9939-9947, . (11/50151-0)
MORGADO, LEANDRO; RUFFINO, PAULO R.. Extension of time for decomposition of stochastic flows in spaces with complementary foliations. Electronic Communications in Probability, v. 20, p. 1-9, . (12/18780-0, 11/14797-2, 11/50151-0)
RODRIGUES, CHRISTIAN S.; RUFFINO, PAULO R. C.. A family of rotation numbers for discrete random dynamics on the circle. Stochastics and Dynamics, v. 15, n. 3, . (11/50151-0, 12/18780-0)
SALAZAR, F. J. T.; MACAU, E. E. N.; WINTER, O. C.. Chaotic Dynamics in a Low-Energy Transfer Strategy to the Equilateral Equilibrium Points in the Earth-Moon System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS, v. 25, n. 5, . (11/08171-3, 08/06066-5, 11/50151-0, 13/03233-6)
SALAZAR, F. J. T.; WINTER, O. C.; MACAU, E. E.; MASDEMONT, J. J.; GOMEZ, G.. Natural formations at the Earth-Moon triangular point in perturbed restricted problems. Advances in Space Research, v. 56, n. 1, p. 144-162, . (11/08171-3, 08/06066-5, 11/50151-0, 13/03233-6)
FOLLMANN, ROSANGELA; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; ROSA, JR., EPAMINONDAS; PIQUEIRA, JOSE R. C.. Phase Oscillatory Network and Visual Pattern Recognition. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, v. 26, n. 7, p. 1539-1544, . (11/50151-0, 11/13871-4)
FERREIRA, MARIA TEODORA; NOBREGA FREITAS, CELSO BERNARDO; DOMINGUES, MARGARETE O.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. The discrete complex wavelet approach to phase assignment and a new test bed for related methods. Chaos, v. 25, n. 1, . (11/50151-0)
VLASOV, VLADIMIR; KOMAROV, MAXIM; PIKOVSKY, ARKADY. Synchronization transitions in ensembles of noisy oscillators with bi-harmonic coupling. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, v. 48, n. 10, . (11/50151-0)
GRZYBOWSKI, J. M. V.; MACAU, E. E. N.; YONEYAMA, T.. On synchronization in power-grids modelled as networks of second-order Kuramoto oscillators. Chaos, v. 26, n. 11, . (11/50151-0, 15/50122-0)
RHEINWALT, ALJOSCHA; BOERS, NIKLAS; MARWAN, NORBERT; KURTHS, JUERGEN; HOFFMANN, PETER; GERSTENGARBE, FRIEDRICH-WILHELM; WERNER, PETER. Non-linear time series analysis of precipitation events using regional climate networks for Germany. Climate Dynamics, v. 46, n. 3-4, p. 1065-1074, . (11/50151-0)
BOERS, NIKLAS; BOOKHAGEN, BODO; MARWAN, NORBERT; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Spatiotemporal characteristics and synchronization of extreme rainfall in South America with focus on the Andes Mountain range. Climate Dynamics, v. 46, n. 1-2, p. 601-617, . (11/50151-0)
CANO-CRESPO, ANA; OLIVEIRA, PAULO J. C.; BOIT, ALICE; CARDOSO, MANOEL; THONICKE, KIRSTEN. Forest edge burning in the Brazilian Amazon promoted by escaping fires from managed pastures. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, v. 120, n. 10, p. 2095-2107, . (11/50151-0)
FELDHOFF, JAN H.; LANGE, STEFAN; VOLKHOLZ, JAN; DONGES, JONATHAN F.; KURTHS, JUERGEN; GERSTENGARBE, FRIEDRICH-WILHELM. Complex networks for climate model evaluation with application to statistical versus dynamical modeling of South American climate. Climate Dynamics, v. 44, n. 5-6, p. 1567-1581, . (11/50151-0)
ZEMP, D. C.; SCHLEUSSNER, C. F.; BARBOSA, H. M. J.; VAN DER ENT, R. J.; DONGES, J. F.; HEINKE, J.; SAMPAIO, G.; RAMMIG, A.. On the importance of cascading moisture recycling in South America. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 14, n. 23, p. 13337-13359, . (11/50151-0)
FREITAS, CELSO; MACAU, ELBERT; PIKOVSKY, ARKADY. Partial synchronization in networks of non-linearly coupled oscillators: The Deserter Hubs Model. Chaos, v. 25, n. 4, . (11/50151-0)
CARNEIRO, MURILLO G.; ROSA, JOAO L. G.; ZHENG, QIUSHENG; LIU, XIAOMING; ZHAO, LIANG; LIU, Y; ZHAO, L; CAI, G; XIAO, G; LI, KL; et al. Improving Semantic Role Labeling Using High-Level Classification in Complex Networks. 2017 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NATURAL COMPUTATION, FUZZY SYSTEMS AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY (ICNC-FSKD), v. N/A, p. 7-pg., . (13/07375-0, 11/50151-0, 12/07926-3)
WOLF, FREDERIK; KIRSCH, CATRIN; DONNER, REIK, V. Edge directionality properties in complex spherical networks. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 99, n. 1, p. 11-pg., . (11/50151-0)
CARNEIRO, MURILLO G.; ZHAO, LIANG; CHENG, RAN; JIN, YAOCHU; IEEE. Network Structural Optimization Based on Swarm Intelligence for Highlevel Classification. 2016 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS (IJCNN), v. N/A, p. 8-pg., . (13/07375-0, 11/50151-0, 12/07926-3)
HART, JOSEPH D.; PADE, JAN PHILIPP; PEREIRA, TIAGO; MURPHY, THOMAS E.; ROY, RAJARSHI. Adding connections can hinder network synchronization of time-delayed oscillators. Physical Review E, v. 92, n. 2, p. 8-pg., . (11/50151-0)
RUFFINO, PAULO R.. A sampling theorem for rotation numbers of linear processes in R-2 (Vol 8, pg 175, 2000). RANDOM OPERATORS AND STOCHASTIC EQUATIONS, v. 22, n. 4, p. 2-pg., . (12/03992-1, 11/50151-0)
SANTANA, S. H. S.; DE MELO, C. F.; MACAU, E. E. N.; WINTER, O. C.. Exploring the Moon gravity to escape from the Earth-Moon system. COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS, v. 35, n. 3, p. 10-pg., . (11/50151-0, 11/08171-3)
FREITAS, CELSO; MACAU, ELBERT; VIANA, RICARDO LUIZ. Synchronization versus neighborhood similarity in complex networks of nonidentical oscillators. Physical Review E, v. 92, n. 3, p. 5-pg., . (11/50151-0)
VLASOV, VLADIMIR; PIKOVSKY, ARKADY; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. Star-type oscillatory networks with generic Kuramoto-type coupling: A model for "Japanese drums synchrony". Chaos, v. 25, n. 12, p. 13-pg., . (11/50151-0)
KROMER, JUSTUS A.; SCHIMANSKY-GEIER, LUTZ; NEIMAN, ALEXANDER B.. Emergence and coherence of oscillations in star networks of stochastic excitable elements. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 93, n. 4, p. 11-pg., . (11/50151-0)
VLASOV, VLADIMIR; ZOU, YONG; PEREIRA, TIAGO. Explosive synchronization is discontinuous. Physical Review E, v. 92, n. 1, p. 5-pg., . (11/50151-0)
RAMOS, ANTONIO M. T.; CASAGRANDE, HELDER L.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. Investigation on the high-order approximation of the entropy bias. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 549, . (11/50151-0, 14/14229-2, 15/07373-2, 15/50122-0)
CARNEIRO, MURILLO G.; CUPERTINO, THIAGO H.; CHENG, RAN; JIN, YAOCHU; ZHAO, LIANG; IEEE. Nature-Inspired Graph Optimization for Dimensionality Reduction. 2017 IEEE 29TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOOLS WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (ICTAI 2017), v. N/A, p. 7-pg., . (11/50151-0, 12/07926-3, 13/07375-0)
OLIVEIRA DA SILVA, FABIO ALESSANDRO; ZHAO, LIANG. A Network of Neural Oscillators for Fractal Pattern Recognition. NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS, v. 44, n. 1, p. 11-pg., . (11/50151-0, 13/07375-0)
KITTEL, TIM; MUELLER-HANSEN, FINN; KOCH, REBEKKA; HEITZIG, JOBST; DEFFUANT, GUILLAUME; MATHIAS, JEAN-DENIS; KURTHS, JUERGEN. From lakes and glades to viability algorithms: automatic classification of system states according to the topology of sustainable management. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 230, n. 14-15, . (11/50151-0)
WOLF, FREDERIK; BAUER, JUREK; BOERS, NIKLAS; DONNER, V, REIK. Event synchrony measures for functional climate network analysis: A case study on South American rainfall dynamics. Chaos, v. 30, n. 3, . (11/50151-0)
RUAN, YIJING; DONNER, REIK V.; GUAN, SHUGUANG; ZOU, YONG. Ordinal partition transition network based complexity measures for inferring coupling direction and delay from time series. Chaos, v. 29, n. 4, . (11/50151-0)
MITRA, CHIRANJIT; KURTHS, JUERGEN; DONNER, REIK V.. Rewiring hierarchical scale-free networks: Influence on synchronizability and topology. EPL, v. 119, n. 3, . (11/50151-0)
BOERS, NIKLAS; MARWAN, NORBERT; BARBOSA, HENRIQUE M. J.; KURTHS, JUERGEN. A deforestation-induced tipping point for the South American monsoon system. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 7, . (11/50151-0, 13/50510-5)
KINJO, ERIKA REIME; ROYERO RODRIGUEZ, PEDRO XAVIER; DOS SANTOS, BIANCA ARAUJO; VILAR HIGA, GUILHERME SHIGUETO; AYRES FERRAZ, MARIANA SACRINI; SCHMELTZER, CHRISTIAN; RUDIGER, STEN; KIHARA, ALEXANDRE HIROAKI. New Insights on Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Based on Plasticity-Related Network Changes and High-Order Statistics. Molecular Neurobiology, v. 55, n. 5, p. 3990-3998, . (11/50151-0, 15/50122-0, 14/16711-6)
MELO, ALISON M.; MORGADO, LEANDRO; RUFFINO, PAULO R.. Topology of Foliations and Decomposition of Stochastic Flows of Diffeomorphisms. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, v. 30, n. 1, p. 39-54, . (11/50151-0, 11/14797-2, 12/18780-0)
LIMA, VINICIUS; PENA, RODRIGO F. O.; SHIMOURA, RENAN O.; KAMIJI, NILTON L.; CEBALLOS, CESAR C.; BORGES, FERNANDO S.; HIGA, GUILHERME S. V.; DE PASQUALE, ROBERTO; ROQUE, ANTONIO C.. Modeling and characterizing stochastic neurons based on in vitro voltage-dependent spike probability functions. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 230, n. 14-15, p. 2963-2972, . (17/18977-1, 11/50151-0, 13/25667-8, 17/07688-9, 18/20277-0, 16/03855-5, 19/14962-5, 13/07699-0, 15/50122-0)
CEBALLOS, CESAR C.; PENA, RODRIGO F. O.; ROQUE, ANTONIO C.. Impact of the activation rate of the hyperpolarization-activated current I-h on the neuronal membrane time constant and synaptic potential duration. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 230, n. 14-15, p. 2951-2961, . (11/50151-0, 13/07699-0, 13/25667-8, 15/50122-0)
WOLF, FREDERIK; OZTURK, UGUR; CHEUNG, KEVIN; DONNER, V, REIK. Spatiotemporal patterns of synchronous heavy rainfall events in East Asia during the Baiu season. EARTH SYSTEM DYNAMICS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 295-312, . (11/50151-0)
FRIEDHOFF, VICTOR NICOLAI; ANTUNES, GABRIELA; FALCKE, MARTIN; SIMOES DE SOUZA, FABIO M.. Stochastic reaction-diffusion modeling of calcium dynamics in 3D dendritic spines of Purkinje cells. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, v. 120, n. 11, p. 12-pg., . (15/50122-0, 11/50151-0, 18/06504-4)
KROMER, JUSTUS A.; SCHIMANSKY-GEIER, LUTZ; NEIMAN, ALEXANDER B.. Emergence and coherence of oscillations in star networks of stochastic excitable elements. Physical Review E, v. 93, n. 4, . (11/50151-0)
MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; DE MELO, CRISTIANO F.; PRADO, ANTONIO BERTACHINI DE A.; WINTER, OTHON C.. Celestial mechanics: from the errant stars to guidance of spacecrafts. COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS, v. 34, n. 2, p. 417-421, . (11/50151-0)
LIMA, VINICIUS; PENA, RODRIGO F. O.; SHIMOURA, RENAN O.; KAMIJI, NILTON L.; CEBALLOS, CESAR C.; BORGES, FERNANDO S.; HIGA, GUILHERME S. V.; DE PASQUALE, ROBERTO; ROQUE, ANTONIO C.. Modeling and characterizing stochastic neurons based on in vitro voltage-dependent spike probability functions. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, . (17/07688-9, 19/14962-5, 15/50122-0, 18/20277-0, 17/18977-1, 11/50151-0, 16/03855-5, 13/25667-8, 13/07699-0)
FRIEDHOFF, VICTOR NICOLAI; ANTUNES, GABRIELA; FALCKE, MARTIN; SIMOES DE SOUZA, FABIO M.. tochastic reaction-diffusion modeling of calcium dynamics in 3D dendritic spines of Purkinje cell. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, v. 120, n. 11, p. 2112-2123, . (11/50151-0, 18/06504-4, 15/50122-0)
EKHTIARI, NIKOO; CIEMER, CATRIN; KIRSCH, CATRIN; DONNER, V, REIK. Coupled network analysis revealing global monthly scale co-variability patterns between sea-surface temperatures and precipitation in dependence on the ENSO state. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, . (11/50151-0)
WOLF, FREDERIK; DONNER, REIK V.. Spatial organization of connectivity in functional climate networks describing event synchrony of heavy precipitation. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, . (11/50151-0)
FREITAS, VANDER L. S.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; VANDENHERIK, J; ROCHA, AP; FILIPE, J. Reactive Agent-based Model for Convergence of Autonomous Vehicles to Parallel Formations Heading to Predefined Directions of Motion. ICAART: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGENTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VOL 1, v. N/A, p. 8-pg., . (15/50122-0, 11/50151-0)
WOLF, FREDERIK; DONNER, REIK V.. Spatial organization of connectivity in functional climate networks describing event synchrony of heavy precipitation. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 230, n. 14-15, p. 3045-3063, . (11/50151-0)
CANO-CRESPO, ANA; TRAXL, DOMINIK; THONICKE, KIRSTEN. Spatio-temporal patterns of extreme fires in Amazonian forests. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 230, n. 14-15, p. 3033-3044, . (11/50151-0)
KROMER, JUSTUS A.. Noise-induced dynamics of coupled excitable systems with slow positive feedback. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 230, n. 14-15, p. 2725-2735, . (11/50151-0)
EKHTIARI, NIKOO; CIEMER, CATRIN; KIRSCH, CATRIN; DONNER, V, REIK. Coupled network analysis revealing global monthly scale co-variability patterns between sea-surface temperatures and precipitation in dependence on the ENSO state. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 230, n. 14-15, p. 3019-3032, . (11/50151-0)
SUN, XIAOJUAN; PERC, MATJAZ; KURTHS, JUERGEN; LU, QISHAO. Fast regular firings induced by intra- and inter-time delays in two clustered neuronal networks. Chaos, v. 28, n. 10, . (11/50151-0)
GRZYBOWSKI, J. M. V.; MACAU, E. E. N.; YONEYAMA, T.. The Lyapunov-Krasovskii theorem and a sufficient criterion for local stability of isochronal synchronization in networks of delay-coupled oscillators. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA, v. 346, p. 28-36, . (11/50151-0)
MUELLER-HANSEN, FINN; HEITZIG, JOBST; DONGES, JONATHAN F.; CARDOSO, MANOEL F.; DALLA-NORA, ELOI L.; ANDRADE, PEDRO; KURTHS, JUERGEN; THONICKE, KIRSTEN. Can Intensification of Cattle Ranching Reduce Deforestation in the Amazon? Insights From an Agent-based Social-Ecological Model. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, v. 159, p. 198-211, . (11/50151-0, 15/50122-0)
CHOUDHARY, ANSHUL; MITRA, CHIRANJIT; KOHAR, VIVEK; SINHA, SUDESHNA; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Small-world networks exhibit pronounced intermittent synchronization. Chaos, v. 27, n. 11, . (11/50151-0)
HEITZIG, J.; KITTEL, T.; DONGES, J. F.; MOLKENTHIN, N.. Topology of sustainable management of dynamical systems with desirable states: from defining planetary boundaries to safe operating spaces in the Earth system. EARTH SYSTEM DYNAMICS, v. 7, n. 1, p. 21-50, . (11/50151-0)
QUILES, MARCOS G.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; RUBIDO, NICOLAS. Dynamical detection of network communities. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 6, . (11/50151-0, 11/18496-7, 15/50122-0)
RAMOS, ANTNIO M. DE T.; ZOU, YONG; DE OLIVEIRA, GILVAN SAMPAIO; KURTHS, JURGEN; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. Unveiling non-stationary coupling between Amazon and ocean during recent extreme events. Climate Dynamics, v. 50, n. 3-4, p. 767-776, . (15/07373-2, 14/14229-2, 11/50151-0, 15/50122-0)
TAKADA, SILVIA HONDA; IKEBARA, JULIANE MIDORI; DE SOUSA, ERICA; CARDOSO, DEBORA STERZECK; RESENDE, RODRIGO RIBEIRO; ULRICH, HENNING; RUECKL, MARTIN; RUEDIGER, STEN; KIHARA, ALEXANDRE HIROAKI. Determining the Roles of Inositol Trisphosphate Receptors in Neurodegeneration: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Complex Topic. Molecular Neurobiology, v. 54, n. 9, p. 6870-6884, . (12/50880-4, 11/50151-0, 15/50122-0, 14/16711-6)
FALCKE, MARTIN; FRIEDHOFF, VICTOR NICOLAI. The stretch to stray on time: Resonant length of random walks in a transient. Chaos, v. 28, n. 5, . (11/50151-0)
CIEMER, CATRIN; BOERS, NIKLAS; BARBOSA, HENRIQUE M. J.; KURTHS, JURGEN; RAMMIG, ANJA. Temporal evolution of the spatial covariability of rainfall in South America. Climate Dynamics, v. 51, n. 1-2, p. 371-382, . (13/50510-5, 11/50151-0)
ZOU, YONG; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; SAMPAIO, GILVAN; RAMOS, ANTONIO M. T.; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Characterizing the exceptional 2014 drought event in So Paulo by drought period length. Climate Dynamics, v. 51, n. 1-2, p. 433-442, . (11/50151-0, 15/50122-0)
KLINSHOV, VLADIMIR V.; NEKORKIN, VLADIMIR I.; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Stability threshold approach for complex dynamical systems. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, v. 18, . (11/50151-0)
NETO VERRI, FILIPE ALVES; URIO, PAULO ROBERTO; ZHAO, LIANG. Network Unfolding Map by Vertex-Edge Dynamics Modeling. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, v. 29, n. 2, p. 405-418, . (13/07375-0, 13/25876-6, 15/18456-6, 11/50151-0)
HOEFNER, M.; SADOFEV, S.; KOBIN, B.; HECHT, S.; HENNEBERGER, F.. Hybrid polaritons in a resonant inorganic/organic semiconductor microcavity. Applied Physics Letters, v. 107, n. 18, . (11/50151-0)
ARAUJO, BILZA; ZHAO, LIANG. Data heterogeneity consideration in semi-supervised learning. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, v. 45, p. 234-247, . (13/07375-0, 11/50151-0)
RUFFINO, PAULO R.. Exploring a Fourier-Malliavin numerical model. SAO PAULO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, v. 11, n. 1, p. 125-132, . (11/50151-0, 15/07278-0)
BOERS, NIKLAS; BARBOSA, HENRIQUE M. J.; BOOKHAGEN, BODO; MARENGO, JOSE A.; MARWAN, NORBERT; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Propagation of Strong Rainfall Events from Southeastern South America to the Central Andes. Journal of Climate, v. 28, n. 19, p. 7641-7658, . (13/50538-7, 11/50151-0)
SALAZAR, F. J. T.; WINTER, O. C.; MACAU, E. E.; MASDEMONT, J. J.; GOMEZ, G.. Zero drift regions and control strategies to keep satellite in formation around triangular libration point in the restricted Sun-Earth-Moon scenario. Advances in Space Research, v. 56, n. 7, p. 1502-1518, . (08/06066-5, 11/08171-3, 15/00559-3, 11/50151-0, 13/03233-6)
BOERS, NIKLAS; DONNER, REIK V.; BOOKHAGEN, BODO; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Complex network analysis helps to identify impacts of the El Nino Southern Oscillation on moisture divergence in South America. Climate Dynamics, v. 45, n. 3-4, p. 619-632, . (11/50151-0)
HOEGELE, MICHAEL; RUFFINO, PAULO. Averaging along foliated Levy diffusions. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS, v. 112, p. 1-14, . (12/03992-1, 11/50151-0)
CRUZEIRO, ANA BELA; GOMES, ANDRE DE OLIVEIRA; ZHANG, LIANGQUAN. Asymptotic properties of coupled forward-backward stochastic differential equations. Stochastics and Dynamics, v. 14, n. 3, . (11/50151-0)
LIANG, XIAOMING; ZHAO, LIANG. Phase-Noise-Induced Resonance in Arrays of Coupled Excitable Neural Models. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, v. 24, n. 8, p. 1339-1345, . (11/50151-0)
KROMER, JUSTUS A.; SCHIMANSKY-GEIER, LUTZ; TORAL, RAUL. Weighted-ensemble Brownian dynamics simulation: Sampling of rare events in nonequilibrium systems. Physical Review E, v. 87, n. 6, . (11/50151-0)
KOMAROV, MAXIM; PIKOVSKY, ARKADY. Dynamics of Multifrequency Oscillator Communities. Physical Review Letters, v. 110, n. 13, . (11/50151-0)
LANGE, STEFAN; ROCKEL, BURKHARDT; VOLKHOLZ, JAN; BOOKHAGEN, BODO. Regional climate model sensitivities to parametrizations of convection and non-precipitating subgrid-scale clouds over South America. Climate Dynamics, v. 44, n. 9-10, p. 2839-2857, . (11/50151-0)
LANGE, STEFAN; DONGES, JONATHAN F.; VOLKHOLZ, JAN; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Local Difference Measures between Complex Networks for Dynamical System Model Evaluation. PLoS One, v. 10, n. 4, . (11/50151-0)
BREVE, FABRICIO A.; ZHAO, LIANG; QUILES, MARCOS G.. Particle competition and cooperation for semi-supervised learning with label noise. Neurocomputing, v. 160, p. 63-72, . (11/17396-9, 13/07375-0, 11/50151-0, 11/18496-7)
BOERS, NIKLAS; BOOKHAGEN, BODO; MARENGO, JOSE; MARWAN, NORBERT; VON STORCH, JIN-SONG; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Extreme Rainfall of the South American Monsoon System: A Dataset Comparison Using Complex Networks. Journal of Climate, v. 28, n. 3, p. 1031-1056, . (13/50538-7, 11/50151-0)
RUFFINO, PAULO R.. Application of an averaging principle on foliated diffusions: topology of the leaves. Electronic Communications in Probability, v. 20, . (11/50151-0, 12/18780-0)
MARWAN, NORBERT; KURTHS, JUERGEN; FOERSTER, SASKIA. Analysing spatially extended high-dimensional dynamics by recurrence plots. Physics Letters A, v. 379, n. 10-11, p. 894-900, . (11/50151-0)
LIANG, XIAOMING; ZHAO, LIANG; LIU, ZONGHUA. Enhancing Weak Signal Transmission Through a Feedforward Network. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, v. 23, n. 9, p. 1506-1512, . (11/03631-6, 11/50151-0)
WU, HUANYU; ZOU, YONG; ALVES, LINCOLN M.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; SAMPAIO, GILVAN; MARENGO, JOSE A.. Uncovering episodic influence of oceans on extreme drought events in Northeast Brazil by ordinal partition network approaches. Chaos, v. 30, n. 5, . (11/50151-0, 15/50122-0)
LLOPART, MARTA; DOMINGUES, LEONARDO MORENO; TORMA, CSABA; GIORGI, FILIPPO; DA ROCHA, ROSMERI PORFIRIO; AMBRIZZI, TERCIO; REBOITA, MICHELLE SIMOES; ALVES, LINCOLN MUNIZ; COPPOLA, ERIKA; DA SILVA, MARIA LEIDINICE; et al. Assessing changes in the atmospheric water budget as drivers for precipitation change over two CORDEX-CORE domains. Climate Dynamics, v. 57, n. 5-6, SI, p. 1615-1628, . (11/50151-0, 15/50122-0)
CIEMER, CATRIN; REHM, LARS; KURTHS, JUERGEN; DONNER, V, REIK; WINKELMANN, RICARDA; BOERS, NIKLAS. An early-warning indicator for Amazon droughts exclusively based on tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, v. 15, n. 9, . (11/50151-0)
COMIN, CESAR HENRIQUE; COSTA, LUCIANO DA FONTOURA. Shape, connectedness and dynamics in neuronal networks. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS, v. 220, n. 2, p. 16-pg., . (11/50151-0, 11/50761-2, 11/22639-8)
MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; DE MELO, CRISTIANO F.; PRADO, ANTONIO BERTACHINI DE A.; WINTER, OTHON C.. Celestial mechanics: from the errant stars to guidance of spacecrafts. COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS, v. 34, n. 2, p. 5-pg., . (11/50151-0)
MITRA, CHIRANJIT; CHOUDHARY, ANSHUL; SINHA, SUDESHNA; KURTHS, JUERGEN; DONNER, REIK V.. Multiple-node basin stability in complex dynamical networks. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 95, n. 3, p. 9-pg., . (11/50151-0)

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