Research Grants 18/21336-0 - Mecatrônica, Sistemas de controle - BV FAPESP
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Towards high speed parallel kinematic machines, Phase II: instrumentation, modeling and control of a flexible manipulator


The design of high-performance manipulators requires not only a proper choice of the kinematic architecture but also the reduction of its inertia and the use of more advanced control strategies. Although parallel kinematic machines have a high dynamic capacity, the complexity of their control strategies imposes an important technical difficulty for their applicability. This complexity arises due to the lack of a direct measurement of the position of the manipulator's end-effector. This may be more critical if the manipulators under study are subject to vibrations due to the flexibility of their components. In this project, alternatives for controlling the position of the end-effector of a planar 3RRR manipulator with flexible links will be investigated. The design of control systems for this kind of system requires more accurate state estimation algorithms to be used in the feedback or feedforward control strategies. These estimates can be made indirectly from the data acquired using sensors installed in the system (encoders, strain gauges, and a camera) and dynamic models. This data will be treated using Sensor Fusion techniques. These estimations can be used for a better understanding of the design trade-offs, for improving the system performance and stability using control techniques, for data monitoring for diagnoses, among others. (AU)

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Scientific publications (12)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BORG, DENIS; SESTITO, GUILHERME SERPA; DA SILVA, MAIRA MARTINS. achine-learning classification of environmental conditions inside a tank by analyzing radar curves in industrial level measurement. FLOW MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION, v. 79, . (18/21336-0)
VIEIRA, HIPARCO LINS; WAJNBERG, ERIC; BECK, ANDRE TEOFILO; DA SILVA, MAIRA MARTINS. Reliable motion planning for parallel manipulators. MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY, v. 140, p. 553-566, . (18/21336-0, 14/01809-0)
COLOMBO, FERNANDA THAIS; SILVA, MAIRA MARTINS DA. Two hybrid model-based control strategies for a flexible parallel planar manipulator. CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE, v. 127, p. 9-pg., . (18/22760-0, 18/21336-0)
DE CARVALHO FONTES, JOAO VITOR; COLOMBO, FERNANDA THAIS; FLORO DA SILVA, NATASSYA BARLATE; DA SILVA, MAIRA MARTINS. Model-based joint and task space control strategies for a kinematically redundant parallel manipulator. ROBOTICA, v. 40, n. 5, p. 17-pg., . (18/22760-0, 18/21336-0)
COLOMBO, FERNANDA THAIS; DA SILVA, MAIRA MARTINS. A comparison between gain-scheduling linear quadratic regulator and model predictive control for a manipulator with flexible components. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART I-JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ENGINEERING, v. 236, n. 7, p. 9-pg., . (18/22760-0, 18/21336-0)
SESTITO, GUILHERME SERPA; TURCATO, AFONSO CELSO; DIAS, ANDRE LUIS; FERRARI, PAOLO; SPATTI, DANILO HERNANE; DA SILVA, MAIRA MARTINS. A general optimization-based approach to the detection of real-time Ethernet traffic events. COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY, v. 128, . (18/21336-0)
BARBOSA, ARTHUR S.; TAHARA, LUCAS Z.; DA SILVA, MAIRA M.. Motion planning of a fish-like piezoelectric actuated robot using model-based predictive control. JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL, . (18/15894-0, 18/21336-0)
VIEIRA, HIPARCO LINS; DE CARVALHO FONTES, JOAO VITOR; DA SILVA, MAIRA MARTINS. Reliable redundancy resolution strategies for kinematically redundant parallel manipulators. MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY, v. 167, . (18/21336-0)
VIEIRA, HIPARCO LINS; BECK, ANDRE TEOFILO; DA SILVA, MAIRA MARTINS. Combined interval analysis-Monte Carlo simulation approach for the analysis of uncertainties in parallel manipulators. MECCANICA, v. 56, n. 7, p. 1867-1881, . (14/01809-0, 18/21336-0)
SESTITO, GUILHERME SERPA; TURCATO, AFONSO CELSO; DIAS, ANDRE LUIS; FERRARI, PAOLO; DA SILVA, MAIRA MARTINS. Versatile unsupervised anomaly detection method for RTE-based networks. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, v. 206, p. 8-pg., . (18/21336-0)
COLOMBO, FERNANDA THAIS; DA SILVA, MAIRA MARTINS. Deriving suitable models for model-based control design of a parallel manipulator with flexible components. JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (18/22760-0, 18/21336-0)
BORG, DENIS; SESTITO, GUILHERME SERPA; DA SILVA, MAIRA MARTINS. Machine-learning classification of environmental conditions inside a tank by analyzing radar curves in industrial level measurements. FLOW MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION, v. 79, p. 9-pg., . (18/21336-0)

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