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Understanding restored forests for benefiting people and nature - NewFor

Grant number: 18/18416-2
Support Opportunities:BIOTA-FAPESP Program - Thematic Grants
Duration: August 01, 2019 - July 31, 2025
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Forestry Resources and Forestry Engineering - Nature Conservation
Convênio/Acordo: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
Principal Investigator:Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion
Grantee:Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion
Principal researcher abroad: Franciscus Johannes Jozef Maria Bongers
Institution abroad: Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
Host Institution: Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Piracicaba , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Atuais )
Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues
Pesquisadores principais:
( Anteriores )
Lourens Poorter ; Marielos Peña Claros ; Paulo Guilherme Molin
Associated researchers: Alistair John Campbell ; ana catarina conte jakovac ; Angelica Faria de Resende ; Carl Salk ; Carla Morsello ; Carlos Alberto Silva ; Cássio Augusto Patrocínio Toledo ; Catherine Torres de Almeida ; Danilo Roberti Alves de Almeida ; Debora Cristina Rother ; Eben North Broadbent ; Edson José Vidal da Silva ; Edson Luis Santiami ; Gerd Sparovek ; Hans ter Steege ; Jean Paul Walter Metzger ; Joannes Guillemot ; Leandro Reverberi Tambosi ; Ludmila Pugliese de Siqueira ; Marcos Reis Rosa ; Marina Melo Duarte ; Marisa de Cassia Piccolo ; Matheus Pinheiro Ferreira ; Miguel Cooper ; Natalia Macedo Ivanauskas ; Paulo Guilherme Molin ; Pedro Medrado Krainovic ; Rafael Barreiro Chaves ; Renato Augusto Ferreira de Lima ; Renato Crouzeilles Pereira Rocha ; Ricardo Augusto Gorne Viani ; Ricardo Gomes César ; Robin Lee Chazdon ; Silvio Frosini de Barros Ferraz ; Simone Aparecida Vieira ; Victoria Gutierrez ; Vinicius Castro Souza
Associated grant(s):22/15507-2 - Investigating the relationship between functional and spectral diversity of restored forests of São Paulo state using artificial intelligence and remote sensing methods, AV.BR
21/13735-5 - Experimental games to deepen understanding of natural resources use in the Atlantic Forest of São Paulo, AV.EXT
Associated scholarship(s):24/07707-7 - Recovery of biomass and tree diversity along a forest restoration continuum, BP.PD
23/08463-1 - Dendrochronology applied to the evaluation of forest restoration in the Atlantic Forest biome: growth, nutrition, biomass and carbon in the tree stem wood, BP.DR
23/07118-9 - Tree Community Responses To Climate Change In Seasonal Semi-Deciduous Forest Remnant In São Paulo State, Brazil, BP.MS
+ associated scholarships 23/01325-2 - Comparative analysis (from 1 year) of active restoration techniques involving direct seeding and tree seedling, BP.IC
22/13398-1 - Optimizing high-diversity restoration: perceptions and approaches to add tree diversity in tropical forest restoration plantings, BE.PQ
22/16261-7 - Analysis of floristic diversity of restored forests using remote sensing, BP.IC
22/14695-0 - Economic feasibility and silvicultural potential of native timber species from Brazilian Atlantic Forest, BP.DR
22/11438-6 - Using deep learning to identify invasive Pinus spp. in wetlands, BP.IC
22/10055-6 - Evaluating recruited trees and soil attributes in distinct ecoregions of the Atlantic Forest in São Paulo, Brazil, BP.TT
22/03648-0 - Evaluating forest and soil attributes in distinct ecoregions of the Atlantic Forest in São Paulo, Brazil, BP.TT
22/01858-8 - Tree diversity patterns of new forests across human-modified landscapes and heterogeneous biogeographical contexts, BP.PD
21/09477-0 - Allelopathy or physical restriction? Influence of litter on the regeneration of native species in eucalyptus plantations, BP.IC
21/13687-0 - Evaluating the relationship between functional traits and ecosystem functions at a landscape perspective, BP.TT
21/00815-0 - Agroforestry system as a model of conservation and production to assist forest restoration initiatives, BP.MS
21/13500-8 - Using Lidar and Hyperspectral remote sensors to determine vegetation attributes, BP.TT
21/13468-7 - Evaluating recruited trees and soil attributes in distinct ecoregions of the Atlantic Forest in São Paulo, Brazil, BP.TT
20/08081-3 - New forests: potential and contributions to biodiversity conservation, BP.MS
20/15792-3 - Creating spaces for ecosystem restoration by increasing operational efficiency in the harvest of sugarcane, BP.MS
21/01293-8 - Motivations that influence the owners decision making in degrad, conserve and/or restore native vegetation in its rural properties, Atlantic Forest, SP, BP.MS
21/00828-5 - Combining new forests attributes, structure and functions with the perception of their contributions to ecosystem services, BP.TT
19/24049-5 - Monitoring São Paulo State restoration forests: application of new remote sensing tools and subsidies for public policies, BP.PD
21/00615-1 - Evaluating forest and soil attributes in distinct ecoregions of the Atlantic Forest in São Paulo, Brazil, BP.TT
21/00616-8 - Evaluating recruited trees and soil attributes in distinct ecoregions of the Atlantic Forest in São Paulo, Brazil, BP.TT
20/05533-0 - 36 years of dynamics of one hectare of a semideciduous seasonal forest, BP.IC
20/04603-5 - Spatial and temporal dynamics of native vegetation cover in buffer zones of conservation units of the State of São Paulo, BP.IC
20/06734-0 - Unravelling landscape drivers of forest recovery in a successional perspective, BP.PD
20/06198-0 - Using Lidar and Hyperspectral remote sensors to determine vegetation attributes, BP.TT
20/02712-1 - Evaluating forest and soil attributes in distinct ecoregions of the Atlantic Forest in São Paulo, Brazil, BP.TT
20/02769-3 - Evaluating the relationship between functional traits and ecosystem functions at a landscape perspective, BP.TT
20/00010-0 - Combining new forests attributes, structure and functions with the perception of their contributions to ecosystem services, BP.TT
19/21920-7 - Evaluating drivers of forest recovery with a multiscale approach, BP.DD
19/08533-4 - Understanding ecological and social aspects of restoration actions in tropical regions through systematic reviews and meta-analyses, BP.PD - associated scholarships


Restoration methods, policies, and supportive market and legal instruments have been developed to promote large-scale restoration in the Atlantic Forest region. To shift the scale of restoration from few thousands to millions of hectares a novel approach is needed. This project aims to explore the potential of restored forests for benefiting people and nature in the Atlantic Forest hotspot. We consider here all new forests, encompassing young restoration plantations, natural regeneration, and agroforests, but not commercial monoculture tree plantations. We evaluate how upscaling from plot-based inventories to large-scale planning and design is possible, taking into account ecological functions, forest services and human perceptions. By using a 5-objectives stepwise approach, we will 1) determine the attributes of new forests and their drivers of regeneration and deforestation across main ecoregions of São Paulo state, 2) assess the aboveground diversity and structure of new forests, 3) evaluate key forest functions based on functional traits, which allows to 4) predict new forests' potential contributions to ecosystem services provisioning, through biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, watershed services, agricultural production, and forest goods supply; and 5) develop novel policies and market instruments to foster and stimulate new forests in the era of ambitious restoration commitments and societal demands for ecosystem services. We combine field based evaluations of new forest's structure, diversity and functions with recent technological advances based on the use of high-resolution satellite images, powerful algorithms to explore land use dynamics, participatory science, drones with Lidar detection and ranging and hyperspectral sensors to study, map, project and manage new forests. In close collaboration with farmers, regional NGOs, companies, and government our research project will be able to translate fundamental knowledge on the structure, function and potential services of new forests to information needed by a large diversity of stakeholders, including farmers, companies and policy makers. This information will both support guidelines for effective and goal-oriented forest restoration, and provide alternative landscape developments, based on well understood synergies and trade-offs between the various landscape functions, and thereby promote a sustainable future of the Atlantic Forest region. (AU)

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Scientific publications (21)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DI SACCO, ALICE; HARDWICK, KATE A.; BLAKESLEY, DAVID; BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.; BREMAN, ELINOR; CECILIO REBOLA, LOIC; CHOMBA, SUSAN; DIXON, KINGSLEY; ELLIOTT, STEPHEN; RUYONGA, GODFREY; et al. Ten golden rules for reforestation to optimize carbon sequestration, biodiversity recovery and livelihood benefits. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, v. 27, n. 7, p. 1328-1348, . (18/18416-2)
ROMANELLI, JOAO P.; MELI, PAULA; NAVES, RAFAELA P.; ALVES, MARCELO C.; RODRIGUES, RICARDO R.. Reliability of evidence-review methods in restoration ecology. Conservation Biology, v. 35, n. 1, . (13/50718-5, 19/08533-4, 18/18416-2)
ROMANELLI, JOAO PAULO; MELI, PAULA; BISPO SANTOS, JOAO PAULO; JACOB, IGOR NOGUEIRA; SOUZA, LUKAS RODRIGUES; RODRIGUES, ANDRE VIEIRA; TREVISAN, DIEGO PERUCHI; HUANG, CHUNBO; ALMEIDA, DANILO R. A.; SILVA, LUIZ G. M.; et al. Biodiversity responses to restoration across the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Science of The Total Environment, v. 821, p. 10-pg., . (21/07958-1, 18/18416-2, 20/08081-3, 19/08533-4, 18/21338-3, 13/50718-5)
BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.; GUILLEMOT, JOANNES; CESAR, RICARDO G.; ANDRADE, HENRIQUE S.; MENDES, ALEX; SORRINI, TAISI B.; PICCOLO, MARISA D. C.; PELUCI, MARINA C.; MORENO, VANESSA D. S.; COLLETTA, GABRIEL; et al. The cost of restoring carbon stocks in Brazil's Atlantic Forest. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, v. 32, n. 2, p. 830-841, . (13/50718-5, 17/05662-2, 18/18416-2, 14/14503-7)
BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.; HOLL, KAREN D.. Guidance for successful tree planting initiatives. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 57, n. 12, . (18/18416-2)
HANEDA, LEO EITI; BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.; MOLIN, PAULO G.; FERREIRA, MATHEUS PINHEIRO; SILVA, CARLOS ALBERTO; DE ALMEIDA, CATHERINE TORRES; RESENDE, ANGELICA FARIA; SANTORO, GIULIO BROSSI; ROSA, MARCOS; GUILLEMOT, JOANNES; et al. Forest landscape restoration: Spectral behavior and diversity of tropical tree cover classes. REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS-SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT, v. 29, p. 15-pg., . (21/11940-0, 20/15792-3, 18/18416-2, 18/21338-3, 20/06734-0, 19/24049-5)
GUILLEMOT, JOANNES; MARTIN-STPAUL, NICOLAS K.; BULASCOSCHI, LETICIA; POORTER, LOURENS; MORIN, XAVIER; PINHO, BRUNO X.; LE MAIRE, GUERRIC; BITTENCOURT, PAULO R. L.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.; BONGERS, FRANS; et al. Small and slow is safe: On the drought tolerance of tropical tree species. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, v. 28, n. 8, p. 17-pg., . (18/18416-2)
MAURE, LUCAS ANDRIGO; DINIZ, MILENA FIUZA; COELHO, MARCO TULIO PACHECO; MOLIN, PAULO GUILHERME; DA SILVA, FERNANDO RODRIGUES; HASUI, ERICA. Biodiversity and carbon conservation under the ecosystem stability of tropical forests. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 345, p. 12-pg., . (18/18416-2, 21/11940-0)
ROSENFIELD, MILENA F. F.; JAKOVAC, CATARINA C. C.; VIEIRA, DANIEL L. M.; POORTER, LOURENS; BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.; VIEIRA, IMA C. G.; DE ALMEIDA, DANILO R. A.; MASSOCA, PAULO; SCHIETTI, JULIANA; ALBERNAZ, ANA LUISA M.; et al. Ecological integrity of tropical secondary forests: concepts and indicators. BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (18/18416-2, 18/21338-3)
BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.; AMAZONAS, NINO T.; CHAZDON, ROBIN L.; VAN MELIS, JULIANO; RODRIGUES, RICARDO R.; SILVA, CARINA C.; SORRINI, TAISI B.; HOLL, KAREN D.. Exotic eucalypts: From demonized trees to allies of tropical forest restoration?. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, . (18/18416-2, 13/50718-5, 14/02070-9, 16/07498-2)
DUARTE, MARINA MELO; MORAL, RAFAEL DE ANDRADE; GUILLEMOT, JOANNES; ZUIM, CAROLINE ISAAC FERREIRA; POTVIN, CATHERINE; BONAT, WAGNER HUGO; STAPE, JOSE LUIZ; BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.. High tree diversity enhances light interception in tropical forests. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, v. 109, n. 7, p. 2597-2611, . (18/18416-2, 13/50718-5)
SCHEERES, JANNEKE; DE JONG, JOHAN; BREDE, BENJAMIN; BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.; BROADBENT, EBEN NOTH; ZAMBRANO, ANGELICA MARIA ALMEYDA; GORGENS, ERIC BASTOS; SILVA, CARLOS ALBERTO; VALBUENA, RUBEN; MOLIN, PAULO; et al. Distinguishing forest types in restored tropical landscapes with UAV-borne LIDAR. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, v. 290, p. 14-pg., . (20/06734-0, 18/21338-3, 19/24049-5, 18/18416-2, 20/15792-3)
ROMANELLI, JOAO P.; PIANA, MAX R.; KLAUS, VALENTIN H.; BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.; MURCIA, CAROLINA; CARDOU, FRANCOISE; WALLACE, KIRI JOY; ADAMS, CRISTINA; MARTIN, PHILIP A.; BURTON, PHILIP J.; et al. Convergence and divergence in science and practice of urban and rural forest restoration. BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, v. N/A, p. 18-pg., . (13/50718-5, 18/18416-2, 19/08533-4, 21/07958-1, 22/14695-0)
DE SIQUEIRA, LUDMILA P.; TEDESCO, ANAZELIA M.; MELI, PAULA; DIEDERICHSEN, ANITA; BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.. Gender inclusion in ecological restoration. RESTORATION ECOLOGY, v. 29, n. 7, . (18/18416-2)
ROMANELLI, JO AO PAULO; SILVA, LUIZ G. M.; GONCALVES, MARIA CAROLINA P.; NAVES, RAFAELA P.; DE ALMEIDA, DANILO ROBERTI ALVES; DE RESENDE, ANGELICA FARIA; RODRIGUES, RICARDO RIBEIRO. Repeatability of the searching process in reviews of restoration outcomes. RESTORATION ECOLOGY, v. 29, n. 8, . (19/23908-4, 19/24049-5, 18/18416-2, 18/21338-3, 13/50718-5, 19/08533-4)
DE ALMEIDA, DANILO R. A.; STARK, SCOTT C.; VALBUENA, RUBEN; BROADBENT, EBEN N.; SILVA, THIAGO S. F.; DE RESENDE, ANGELICA F.; FERREIRA, MATHEUS P.; CARDIL, ADRIAN; SILVA, CARLOS A.; AMAZONAS, NINO; et al. A new era in forest restoration monitoring. RESTORATION ECOLOGY, v. 28, n. 1, . (18/21338-3, 18/18416-2, 19/14697-0)
ROMANELLI, JOAO PAULO; BOSCHI, RAQUEL STUCCHI; DE ALMEIDA, DANILO ROBERTI ALVES; RODRIGUES, RICARDO RIBEIRO. Is the methodology used in reviews of restoration outcomes reliable? A systematic map protocol. ECOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS AND EVIDENCE, v. 1, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (13/50718-5, 18/18416-2, 19/08533-4)
BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.; AMAZONAS, NINO T.; CHAZDON, ROBIN L.; VAN MELIS, JULIANO; RODRIGUES, RICARDO R.; SILVA, CARINA C.; SORRINI, TAISI B.; HOLL, KAREN D.. Exotic eucalypts: From demonized trees to allies of tropical forest restoration?. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 57, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (13/50718-5, 18/18416-2, 14/02070-9, 16/07498-2)
ROSA, MARCOS R.; BRANCALION, PEDRO H. S.; CROUZEILLES, RENATO; TAMBOSI, LEANDRO R.; PIFFER, PEDRO R.; LENTI, FELIPE E. B.; HIROTA, MARCIA; SANTIAMI, EDSON; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Hidden destruction of older forests threatens Brazil's Atlantic Forest and challenges restoration programs. SCIENCE ADVANCES, v. 7, n. 4, . (18/18416-2)
DE ALMEIDA, DANILO ROBERTI ALVES; BROADBENT, EBEN NORTH; FERREIRA, MATHEUS PINHEIRO; MELI, PAULA; ZAMBRANO, ANGELICA MARIA ALMEYDA; GORGENS, ERIC BASTOS; RESENDE, ANGELICA FARIA; DE ALMEIDA, CATHERINE TORRES; DO AMARAL, CIBELE HUMMEL; CORTE, ANA PAULA DALLA; et al. Monitoring restored tropical forest diversity and structure through UAV-borne hyperspectral and lidar fusion. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, v. 264, . (19/24049-5, 19/08533-4, 18/21338-3, 18/18416-2, 19/14697-0)
ROMANELLI, JOAO PAULO; GONCALVES, MARIA CAROLINA PEREIRA; DE ABREU PESTANA, LUIS FERNANDO; SOARES, JESSICA AKEMI HITAKA; BOSCHI, RAQUEL STUCCHI; ANDRADE, DANIEL FERNANDES. Four challenges when conducting bibliometric reviews and how to deal with them. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 28, n. 43, . (13/50718-5, 19/23908-4, 19/08533-4, 18/18416-2, 16/17304-0)

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