Research Grants 22/06838-5 - Educação escolar básica, Ensino médio - BV FAPESP
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Creative and sustainable robotics in the development of a professional and technological education integrated to high school: empowering projects in a steam approach

Grant number: 22/06838-5
Support Opportunities:Improvement in Public Education Program
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Education - Educational Teaching and Learning
Agreement: Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo
Principal Investigator:Adriana Aparecida de Lima Terçariol
Grantee:Adriana Aparecida de Lima Terçariol
Host Institution: Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE). Campus Vergueiro. São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: Agnaldo Keiti Higuchi ; Cleber Gustavo Dias ; Daniela Melaré Vieira Barros ; Elisangela Aparecida Bulla Ikeshoji ; Ingrid Santella Evaristo ; Lucimara de Sousa Teixeira ; Paulo Roberto Prado Constantino ; Raquel Rosan Christino Gitahy ; Romeu Afecto ; Ronaldo Lasakoswitsck ; Stéphani Vilela Ferreira Custódio


The main objective of this project is the development of a methodological proposal based on Project-Based Learning (PBL), in a STEAM perspective, focused on the use of creative and sustainable robotics, in order to create opportunities for the re-signification of pedagogical practices triggered in the of Technical Education integrated with Secondary Education, aiming at a better articulation of basic and technical training. Based on this objective, an approach considered qualitative will be used, contemplating a critical-collaborative action-research that will be carried out in the relationship between professors-researchers at the university and professors in service in schools. The insertion of research in the context of teacher education promotes a movement that understands teachers as subjects who can build knowledge in a process of critical reflection on their activity, considering the institutional, collective and contextualized dimension. In this sense, the research universe will be two public schools of the state education network linked to the Paula Souza Center (CPS) which is an autarchy of the Government of the State of São Paulo. The first school to be considered is Etec Prof. Ermelinda Giannini Teixeira, located in the municipality of Santana de Parnaíba, located in the West Zone of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. As a second school, there is Etec Albert Einstein, which is located in the northern part of the city of São Paulo. These schools will involve teachers who will act as collaborators together with students linked to courses in the area of Information Technologies. These participants, with the support of the associated researchers, will have the opportunity to experience a process of critical-collaborative action-research, based on significant problems for these school institutions, envisioning new practices with a view to jointly developing intervention projects in the school. Outlined, from a STEAM perspective, focused on the use of creative and sustainable robotics in these contexts. More specifically, this investigation will be developed in seven stages, namely: 1. Bibliographic Review and Systematic Survey of Literature; 2. Documentary Research; 3. Diagnosis - Identification of Profile, Expectations and Emerging Problems; 4. Organization, Systematization and Data Analysis (Diagnosis); 5. Intervention Planning and Development; 6. Final Data Collection and Analysis (Perceptions); 7. Communication and Evaluation of Results. As main results, it is expected the systematization and sharing of various products with the scientific community and other interested parties, since the preparation and submission of articles to qualified journals, national and international events, from the collection and systematization of data is expected. From the literature review, systematic review of literature and documents, as well as from the diagnostic evaluation carried out in the investigated contexts and intervention to be applied. In addition, it is estimated the survey of indicators that reveal how the use of creative and sustainable robotics in Technical Education integrated to High School, from projects structured in a STEAM approach, can contribute to the re-signification of pedagogical practices in courses in the area of Information Technologies offered at this level of education, as well as the reconfiguration of their curricula. Finally, it is also intended to identify thematic axes and a pedagogical architecture that can guide the continuing and in-service training of teachers in a hybrid modality, aiming at proposing structured projects in a STEAM approach, aimed at the integration of creative and sustainable robotics into the curriculum of Technical Education integrated with Secondary Education, especially in courses in the area of Information Technologies. (AU)

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