Research Grants 06/00679-0 - Transtornos mentais, Esquizofrenia - BV FAPESP
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The evaluation of the needs of patients with serious mental health disorders attended to at psychosocial attention community centers


The problem: The service’s evaluation process is complex and involves a series of controls. In this project we are opting to study the needs of patients suffering from serious mental health disorders. The option for measuring their needs is based on the idea that the Public Health System, including that of mental health, presupposes an installed assistance structure that would potentially fill the needs of the health system user. This occurrence has the advantage of placing the patient’s perspective concerning his/her difficulties as the central aspect in the evaluation process, which could well help in the process of planning and the provision of care. Objective: to study the needs of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia within the Public Mental Health Assistance System in the city of Santos. Method: A case study, having as its objective the mental health assistance network, which will be carried out in two phases: (1) the collection of information concerning the city, state and country Public Health Systems, by making use of the World Health Organization Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS). (2) An evaluation of patients’ needs by using two methodological approaches: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative approach will involve a representative sample of patients, chosen at random, among those who have attended the Community Services Attention Clinics (Caps) during the period of a year prior to the start of the survey. The instruments to be used will be those of clinical evaluation (Life Chart Rating Form and Positive and Negative Symptom Scale - PANSS) and patient needs (Camberwell Assessment of Need - CAN). The qualitative approach will investigate the relationship between the user and the health system. Our proposal is to carry out in-depth interviews with the various players involved in the assistance (family members, companions, mental health professionals, administrative personnel and other professionals involved within the service) along with an ethnographic observation of the day to day running of the service. The objective is to understand the way in which these three groups evaluate the attention to patients with schizophrenia, as well as possible limits in the patient’s itinerary within the health system (including mental health). Expected results: 1) to develop methodology for the evaluation of the Public Health Systems and community mental health system (CAPs) that is simple and easily applicable within the Brazilian Unified Public Health Service (SUS). (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
REZENDE ANDRADE, MARIO CESAR; SLADE, MIKE; BANDEIRA, MARINA; EVANS-LACKO, SARA; MARTIN, DENISE; ANDREOLI, SERGIO BAXTER. Need for information in a representative sample of outpatients with schizophrenia disorders. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY, v. 64, n. 5, p. 476-481, . (06/00679-0)
REZENDE ANDRADE, MARIO CESAR; SLADE, MIKE; BANDEIRA, MARINA; EVANS-LACKO, SARA; KOMAROFF, JANINA; MARTIN, DENISE; MARI, JAIR DE JESUS; ANDREOLI, SERGIO BAXTER. Subjective distress in a representative sample of outpatients with psychotic disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, v. 189, p. 220-223, . (06/00679-0)
SÉRGIO BAXTER ANDREOLI; NAOMAR ALMEIDA-FILHO; DENISE MARTIN; MÁRIO DINIS M L MATEUS; JAIR DE JESUS MARI. É a reforma psiquiátrica uma estratégia para reduzir o orçamento da saúde mental? O caso do Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, v. 29, n. 1, p. 43-46, . (06/00679-0)

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