Research Grants 11/23807-1 - Reatores biológicos, Ácido clavulânico - BV FAPESP
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Development and evaluation of the operational conditions of bioreactors for production of biotechnological products


This project proposes to evaluate and compare performance criteria of conventional bioreactor (stirred and aerated tank) operated with different impellers, and non-conventional bioreactors (bubble column and airlift) with different geometries, as well as compare the performances of such equipment in the production processes of clavulanic acid by Streptomyces clavuligerus and cellulases by Aspergillus niger. The research's approach is focused on the bioreactor, i.e., in its model and geometry, on the impeller model (for conventional bioreactor), operating conditions, and operating mode, which define the oxygen mass transfer and shear conditions, morphology and cell growth pattern, the rheology of the broth and the product biosynthesis. In other words, in the present proposal the bioreactor is the main actor, and the applications in the bioproduct production are the case-studies. The proposal will be developed in steps, which will be executed in parallel involving Scientific Initiation, Master's and PhD thesis. They are: A) Evaluation of shear and oxygen transfer conditions in the production of clavulanic acid in conventional bioreactor with different impellers. B) Study of the production and degradation of clavulanic acid in pneumatic bioreactor under low temperatures. C) Evaluation of hydrodynamic conditions, shear and oxygen mass transfer in different pneumatic bioreactors. D) Evaluation of the operating and culture conditions on cellulase production by Aspergillus niger utilizing sugar cane bagasse as inductor. E) Design, construction and experimental analysis and simulation of geometric parameters in hydrodynamics and oxygen mass transfer in pneumatic bioreactors. (AU)

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Scientific publications (23)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MESTRE, JULIA C.; CERRI, MARCEL O.; ESPERANCA, MATEUS N.; PEDROLLI, DANIELLE B.; BADINO, ALBERTO C.. Aeration step method for k(L)a measurement under growth conditions in pneumatic bioreactors. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 94, n. 7, p. 2327-2332, . (11/23807-1, 18/11405-5, 12/17756-8)
CUNHA, FERNANDA M.; BADINO, ALBERTO C.; FARINAS, CRISTIANE S.. Effect of a novel method for in-house cellulase production on 2G ethanol yields. BIOCATALYSIS AND AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 9, p. 224-229, . (14/19000-3, 11/23807-1)
XIMENES, EDUARDO; FARINAS, CRISTIANE S.; BADINO, ALBERTO C.; LADISCH, MICHAEL R.. Moving from residual lignocellulosic biomass into high-value products: Outcomes from a long-term international cooperation. BIOFUELS BIOPRODUCTS & BIOREFINING-BIOFPR, v. 15, n. 2, . (11/23807-1)
ESPERANCA, MATEUS N.; MENDES, CAROLINE E.; RODRIGUEZ, GUILHERME Y.; CERRI, MARCEL O.; BETTEGA, RODRIGO; BADINO, ALBERTO C.. Sparger design as key parameter to define shear conditions in pneumatic bioreactors. Biochemical Engineering Journal, v. 157, . (11/23807-1, 12/17756-8)
CORREA, LUCIANO JACOB; BADINO, ALBERTO COLLI; GONCALVES CRUZ, ANTONIO JOSE. Mixing design for enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse: methodology for selection of impeller configuration. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 39, n. 2, p. 285-294, . (11/23807-1)
MENDES, CAROLINE E.; BADINO, ALBERTO C.. Hydrodynamics of Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids in internal-loop airlift reactors. Biochemical Engineering Journal, v. 109, p. 137-152, . (11/23807-1, 12/17756-8)
MENDES, CAROLINE E.; BADINO, ALBERTO C.. Oxygen transfer in different pneumatic bioreactors containing viscous Newtonian fluids. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN, v. 94, p. 456-465, . (11/23807-1, 12/17756-8)
COSTA, CECILIA L. L.; BADINO, ALBERTO C.. Production of clavulanic acid by Streptomyces clavuligerus in batch cultures without and with glycerol pulses under different temperature conditions. Biochemical Engineering Journal, v. 69, p. 1-7, . (11/23807-1)
ESPERANCA, MATEUS N.; BUFFO, MARIANE M.; MENDES, CAROLINE E.; RODRIGUEZ, GUILHERME Y.; BETTEGA, RODRIGO; BADINO, ALBERTO C.; CERRI, MARCEL O.. inking maximal shear rate and energy dissipation/circulation function in airlift bioreactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal, v. 178, . (18/11405-5, 20/08699-7, 11/23807-1, 12/17756-8)
ESPERANCA, MATEUS N.; MENDES, CAROLINE E.; RODRIGUEZ, GUILHERME Y.; CERRI, MARCEL O.; BETTEGA, RODRIGO; BADINO, ALBERTO C.. Average shear rate in airlift bioreactors: searching for the true value. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 42, n. 6, p. 995-1008, . (11/23807-1, 12/17756-8)
CORREA, LUCIANO JACOB; BADINO, ALBERTO COLLI; GONCALVES CRUZ, ANTONIO JOSE. Power consumption evaluation of different fed-batch strategies for enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 39, n. 5, p. 825-833, . (11/23807-1)
LOPES COSTA, CECILIA LADEIRA; BADINO, ALBERTO COLLI. Overproduction of clavulanic acid by extractive fermentation. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 18, n. 3, p. 154-160, . (11/23807-1)
CUNHA, F. M.; KREKE, T.; BADINO, A. C.; FARINAS, C. S.; XIMENES, E.; LADISCH, M. R.. Liquefaction of sugarcane bagasse for enzyme production. Bioresource Technology, v. 172, p. 249-252, . (11/23807-1)
RODRIGUEZ, G. Y.; VALVERDE-RAMIREZ, M.; MENDES, C. E.; BETTEGA, R.; BADINO, A. C.. Global performance parameters for different pneumatic bioreactors operating with water and glycerol solution: experimental data and CFD simulation. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 38, n. 11, p. 2063-2075, . (11/23807-1, 12/17756-8)
OLIVEIRA MAFRA, AGNES CRISTINA; FURLAN, FELIPE FERNANDO; BADINO, ALBERTO COLLI; TARDIOLI, PAULO WALDIR. Gluconic acid production from sucrose in an airlift reactor using a multi-enzyme system. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 38, n. 4, p. 671-680, . (11/23807-1)
CUNHA, F. M.; ESPERANCA, M. N.; FLORENCIO, C.; VASCONCELLOS, V. M.; FARINAS, C. S.; BADINO, A. C.. Three-phasic fermentation systems for enzyme production with sugarcane bagasse in stirred tank bioreactors: Effects of operational variables and cultivation method. Biochemical Engineering Journal, v. 97, p. 32-39, . (11/23807-1, 08/56246-0)
C. BELLÃO; T. ANTONIO; M. L. G. C. ARAUJO; A. C. BADINO. Production of clavulanic acid and cephamycin C by Streptomyces clavuligerus under different fed-batch conditions. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. 30, n. 2, p. 257-266, . (11/23807-1, 05/55079-4)
ESPERANCA, M. N.; CUNHA, F. M.; CERRI, M. O.; ZANGIROLAMI, T. C.; FARINAS, C. S.; BADINO, A. C.. Gas hold-up and oxygen mass transfer in three pneumatic bioreactors operating with sugarcane bagasse suspensions. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 37, n. 5, p. 805-812, . (11/23807-1, 08/56246-0)
BUSTAMANTE, M. C. C.; CERRI, M. O.; BADINO, ALBERTO C.. Comparison between average shear rates in conventional bioreactor with Rushton and Elephant ear impellers. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 90, p. 92-100, . (11/23807-1)
CERRI, M. O.; BADINO, A. C.. Shear conditions in clavulanic acid production by Streptomyces clavuligerus in stirred tank and airlift bioreactors. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 35, n. 6, p. 977-984, . (11/23807-1)
ESPERANCA, MATEUS N.; CERRI, MARCEL O.; MAZZIERO, VITOR T.; BETTEGA, RODRIGO; BADINO, ALBERTO C.. Hydrodynamic comparison of different geometries of square cross-section airlift bioreactor using computational fluid dynamics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (12/17756-8, 11/23807-1, 20/08699-7)
BUFFO, MARIANE M.; ESPERANCA, MATEUS N.; FARINAS, CRISTIANE S.; BADINO, ALBERTO C.. Relation between pellet fragmentation kinetics and cellulolytic enzymes production by Aspergillus niger in conventional bioreactor with different impellers. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, v. 139, . (11/23807-1)

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