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Developmental trajectories of children exposed to domestic violence


To conduct research and teaching activities at the Graduate Program in Psychology from the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), as well as participating as an international speaker at the 40th Meeting of the Brazilian Psychological Association - SBP to take place in Curitiba, Southern Brazil, October 20-23, 2010. (The proponent is the Vice-President of SBP). (1) Conference Participation - a) Key-note speaker at the 40th Meeting of the Brazilian Psychological Association on October 22nd, with the following topic: "Meta-parenting in the journey of child rearing: A mechanism for change" ,and (b) workshop "Children exposed to domestic violence " as part of a pre-conference training program sponsored by ISPCAN (International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect) in the same conference as above, on October, 20th. (2) Research Activities: Meeting with LAPREV´s (The Laboratory of Violence Analysis & Prevention), coordinated by the proponent to discuss and provide consultation to ongoing research projects, as well as the possibility of future collaboration and joint publications. Date: October 27, 2010. (3) Teaching Activities - a) teaching a one-day course (in a workshop format) to the Graduate Program of Psychology students entitled "Themes in Psychology: Childhearing and Developmental Trajectories". Date: October 26, 2010. This is a one credit course with theoretical and practical activities (homework involved) which should present a review of studies as well as theoretical issues on how parents guide their children's trajectories. (b) Conducting a supervision meeting with my Ph.D. student Sabrina M. D’Affonseca who among other goals of her dissertation involves validating to Brazil an instrument which Professor Holden has developed (Meta-parentig Questionarie MPQ). This activity will also involve a visit to a laboratory at the University's Health-School Unit which duplicates a home environment where Sabrina is collecting some of her data, and supervision meeting with Paolla M. Santini, M.A. student from the same Graduate Program whose work receives fundin from Fapesp (2008/07997-2) and (c) Taking part at Sabrina´s Oral Exam which will take place on October 28th, at the University. Conference Participation1.Key-note speaker at the 40th Meeting of the Brazilian Psychological Association on October 22nd, with the following topic: Meta-parenting in the journey of child rearing: A mechanism for change2.Workshop "Children exposed to domestic violence " as part of a pre-conference training program sponsored by ISPCAN (International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect) in the same conference as above, on October, 20th. Research Activities1.Meeting with LAPREV´s (The Laboratory of Violence Analysis & Prevention), coordinated by myself, to discuss and provide consultation to present research projects, as well as the possibility of future collaboration and joint publications. Date: October 27, 2010.Teaching Activities1.Teaching a one-day course (in a workshop format) to the Graduate Program of Psychology students entitled Themes in Psychology: Childhearing and Developmental Trajectories. Date: October 26, 2010.This is a one credit course with theoretical and practical activities (homework involved) which should present a review of studies as well as theoretical issues on how parents guide their children's trajectories.2.Conducting a supervision meeting with my Ph.D. student Sabrina M. D’Affonseca who among other goals of her dissertation is validating to Brazil an instrument you have developed: Meta-parentig Questionarie MPQ). This activity will also involve a visit to a laboratory at the University's Health-School Unit which duplicates a home environment where Sabrina is collecting some of her data.3.Taking part at Sabrina´s Oral Exam which will take place on October 28th, at the University. (AU)

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