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Regulation of redox homeostasis and integrated stress response by Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDI): mechanisms and role in the pathophysiology and therapy of vascular diseases


Redox homeostasis depends on the regulated production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) via enzymatic sources such as the Nox family NADPH oxidase complex, the main source of ROs in vascular cells. Recent studies from our laboratory disclosed an important role of PDI in the regulation of NADPH oxidase. The important functional effects of PDI in NADPH oxidase in a number of distinct cell types, the physical proximity between POI and NADPH oxidase complex subunits and the important functional versatility of PDI regarding its interaction with other proteins, chaperone effect, redox control of membrane proteins and protein traffic strongly indicate that the study of mechanisms whereby PDI affects NADPH oxidase is likely to provide important information with respect to the regulation of cellular redox homeostasis by NADPH oxidase. The main objective of this Theme Project is to investigate such mechanisms in depth. In parallel, considering that PDI is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) enzyme, we worked over our last Theme Project on the hypothesis that PDI has a role in the convergence between oxidative stress and ER stress and we collected data suggestive of such an important stress convergence in cellular models. It is possible that the effects of PDI on cellular redox homeostasis in vascular diseases strongly merge with the occurrence of ER stress. Therefore, a second goal of our Project is to further our understanding of redox PDI effects in the context of the convergence between NADPH oxidase and integrative cell response to ER stress. Specific goals of our project are: 1) to develop peptide and molecular tools to promote loss- or gain-of-function of PDI; 2) to investigate some post-translational modifications of PDI; 3) to evaluate the role of PDI in cell migration and associated redox and non-redox mechanisms; 4) to study the effect of PDI in the regulation of NO-superoxide interaction during laminar shear stress; 5) to investigate the role of lipd droplets as integrative platforms of redox processes dependent on PDI and NADPH oxidase; 6) to investigate mechanisms whereby redox processes, NADPH oxidase and PDI affect the adaptation to sustained ER stress in cell models; 7) to investigate, during vascular repair following angioplasty-induced injury, the effects of PDI modulation in redox homeostasis and ER stress signaling, as well as neointima extension and endothelial thrombogenicity; 8) to investigate a possible effect of PDI, redox processes and ER stress in the vascular phenotype associated with Marfan' s Syndrome. These results may indicate entirely novel pathways that can lead to therapeutic interventions for the control of redox homeostasis in vascular diseases. (AU)

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Scientific publications (26)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
TANAKA, LEONARDO Y.; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R. M.. Vascular remodeling: A redox-modulated mechanism of vessel caliber regulation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 109, n. SI, p. 11-21, . (13/17115-5, 09/54764-6, 13/07937-8)
DEMASI, MARILENE; SIMOES, VANESSA; BONATTO, DIEGO. Cross-talk between redox regulation and the ubiquitin-proteasome system in mammalian cell differentiation. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS, v. 1850, n. 8, SI, p. 1594-1606, . (09/54764-6, 11/23268-3)
SOARES MORETTI, ANA IOCHABEL; MARTINS LAURINDO, FRANCISCO RAFAEL. Protein disulfide isomerases: Redox connections in and out of the endoplasmic reticulum. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, v. 617, n. SI, p. 106-119, . (14/23657-8, 13/07937-8, 09/54764-6)
TREVELIN, SILVIA CELLONE; DOS SANTOS, CELIO XAVIER; FERREIRA, RAPHAEL GOMES; LIMA, LARISSA DE SA; SILVA, RANGEL LEAL; SCAVONE, CRISTOFORO; CURI, RUI; CARLOS ALVES-FILHO, JOSE; CUNHA, THIAGO MATTAR; ROXO-JUNIOR, PERSIO; et al. Apocynin and Nox2 regulate NF-kappa B by modifying thioredoxin-1 redox-state. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 6, . (12/24677-7, 09/54764-6, 13/08216-2, 13/03520-5, 11/19670-0, 11/03293-3, 13/07937-8)
ARAUJO, THAIS L. S.; ZEIDLERA, JULIANNA D.; OLIVEIRA, PERCILLIA V. S.; DIAS, MATHEUS H.; ARMELIN, HUGO A.; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R. M.. Protein disulfide isomerase externalization in endothelial cells follows classical and unconventional routes. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 103, p. 199-208, . (14/20595-1, 12/02372-0, 09/54764-6, 13/07937-8)
MEIRELLES, THAYNA; ARAUJO, THAIS L. S.; NOLASCO, PATRICIA; MORETTI, ANA I. S.; GUIDO, MARIA C.; DEBBAS, VICTOR; PEREIRA, LYGIA V.; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R.. Fibrillin-1 mg Delta(lPn) Marfan syndrome mutation associates with preserved proteostasis and bypass of a protein disulfide isomerase-dependent quality checkpoint. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY, v. 71, p. 81-91, . (12/23490-0, 09/54764-6, 13/07937-8)
TREVELIN, SILVIA C.; CARLOS, DANIELA; BERETTA, MATTEO; DA SILVA, JOAO S.; CUNHA, FERNANDO Q.. Diabetes Mellitus and Sepsis: A Challenging Association. Shock, v. 47, n. 3, p. 276-287, . (13/08216-2, 11/03293-3, 11/19670-0, 09/54764-6)
MORETTI, ANA I. S.; PAVANELLI, JESSYCA C.; NOLASCO, PATRICIA; LEISEGANG, MATTHIAS S.; TANAKA, LEONARDO Y.; FERNANDES, CAROLINA G.; WOSNIAK, JR., JOAO; KAJIHARA, DANIELA; DIAS, MATHEUS H.; FERNANDES, DENISE C.; et al. Conserved Gene Microsynteny Unveils Functional Interaction Between Protein Disulfide Isomerase and Rho Guanine-Dissociation Inhibitor Families. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 7, . (09/54764-6, 15/15281-0, 12/10203-3, 14/24511-7, 13/07937-8)
TANAKA, LEONARDO Y.; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R. M.. Vascular remodeling: A redox-modulated mechanism of vessel caliber regulation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 109, p. 11-pg., . (13/17115-5, 09/54764-6, 13/07937-8)
GIMENEZ, MARCELA; VERISSIMO-FILHO, SIDNEY; WITTIG, ILKA; SCHICKLING, BRANDON M.; HAHNER, FABIAN; SCHUERMANN, CHRISTOPH; NETTO, LUIS E. S.; ROSA, JOSE CESAR; BRANDES, RALF P.; SARTORETTO, SIMONE; et al. Redox Activation of Nox1 (NADPH Oxidase 1) Involves an Intermolecular Disulfide Bond Between Protein Disulfide Isomerase and p47(phox) in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY, v. 39, n. 2, p. 224-236, . (13/07937-8, 09/54764-6, 13/03520-5)
DE BESSA, TIPHANY CORALIE; PAGANO, ALESSANDRA; SOARES MORETTI, ANA IOCHABEL; SANTOS OLIVEIRA, PERCILLIA VICTORIA; MENDONCA, SAMIR ANDRADE; KOVACIC, HERVE; MARTINS LAURINDO, FRANCISCO RAFAEL. Subverted regulation of Nox1 NADPH oxidase-dependent oxidant generation by protein disulfide isomerase A1 in colon carcinoma cells with overactivated KRas. CELL DEATH & DISEASE, v. 10, . (16/00686-8, 09/54764-6, 14/20595-1, 13/02070-6, 13/07937-8)
GUIDO, MARIA C.; DEBBAS, VICTOR; SALEMI, VERA M.; TAVARES, ELAINE R.; MEIRELLES, THAYNA; ARAUJO, THAIS L. S.; NOLASCO, PATRICIA; FERREIRA-FILHO, JULIO C. A.; TAKIMURA, CELSO K.; PEREIRA, LYGIA V.; et al. Effect of the Antioxidant Lipoic Acid in Aortic Phenotype in a Marfan Syndrome Mouse Model. OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY, v. 2018, p. 16-pg., . (13/07937-8, 09/54764-6)
WATANABE, MONICA M.; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R. M.; FERNANDES, DENISE C.. Methods of measuring protein disulfide isomerase activity: a critical overview. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, v. 2, . (09/54764-6, 13/07937-8)
WATANABE, MONICA M.; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R. M.; FERNANDES, DENISE C.. Methods of measuring protein disulfide isomerase activity: a critical overview. RONTIERS IN CHEMISTR, v. 2, p. 6-pg., . (13/07937-8, 09/54764-6)
TANAKA, LEONARDO Y.; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R. M.. Vascular remodeling: A redox-modulated mechanism of vessel caliber regulation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 109, n. SI, p. 11-21, . (13/17115-5, 13/07937-8, 09/54764-6)
TANAKA, LEONARDO Y.; ARAUJO, HANIEL A.; HIRONAKA, GUSTAVO K.; ARAUJO, THAIS L. S.; TAKIMURA, CELSO K.; RODRIGUEZ, ANDRES I.; CASAGRANDE, ANNELISE S.; GUTIERREZ, PAULO S.; LEMOS-NETO, PEDRO ALVES; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R. M.. Peri/Epicellular Protein Disulfide Isomerase Sustains Vascular Lumen Caliber Through an Anticonstrictive Remodeling Effect. Hypertension, v. 67, n. 3, p. 613-622, . (09/54764-6, 10/06360-0, 13/07937-8)
GIMENEZ, MARCELA; SCHICKLING, BRANDON M.; LOPES, LUCIA R.; MILLER, JR., FRANCIS J.. Nox1 in cardiovascular diseases: regulation and pathophysiology. Clinical Science, v. 130, n. 3, p. 151-165, . (13/18300-0, 13/03520-5, 13/07937-8, 09/54764-6)
TREVELIN, SILVIA CELLONE; LOPES, LUCIA ROSSETTI. Protein Disulfide Isomerase and Nox: New Partners in Redox Signaling. CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN, v. 21, n. 41, p. 5951-5963, . (09/54764-6, 13/03520-5, 13/07937-8)
DEMASI, MARILENE; SIMOES, VANESSA; BONATTO, DIEGO. Cross-talk between redox regulation and the ubiquitin-proteasome system in mammalian cell differentiation. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS, v. 1850, n. 8, p. 13-pg., . (11/23268-3, 09/54764-6)
SOARES MORETTI, ANA IOCHABEL; MARTINS LAURINDO, FRANCISCO RAFAEL. Protein disulfide isomerases: Redox connections in and out of the endoplasmic reticulum. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, v. 617, p. 14-pg., . (13/07937-8, 09/54764-6, 14/23657-8)
FERNANDES, DENISE C.; WOSNIAK JR, JOAO; GONCALVES, RENATA C.; TANAKA, LEONARDO Y.; FERNANDES, CAROLINA G.; ZANATTA, DANIELA B.; DE MATTOS, ANA BARBOSA M.; STRAUSS, BRYAN E.; LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R. M.. PDIA1 acts as master organizer of NOX1/NOX4 balance and phenotype response in vascular smooth muscle. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, v. 162, p. 603-614, . (13/07937-8, 18/07230-5, 09/54764-6, 13/03363-7)
E. BASSI; M. LIBERMAN; M.K. MARTINATTI; L.A. BORTOLOTTO; F.R.M. LAURINDO. Lipoic acid, but not tempol, preserves vascular compliance and decreases medial calcification in a model of elastocalcinosis. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, v. 47, n. 2, p. 119-127, . (09/54764-6, 04/13683-0)
LAURINDO, FRANCISCO R. M.; ARAUJO, THAIS L. S.; ABRAHAO, THALITA B.. Nox NADPH Oxidases and the Endoplasmic Reticulum. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, v. 20, n. 17, p. 2755-2775, . (09/54764-6)

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