Research Grants 12/50694-6 - Gases do efeito estufa, Etanol - BV FAPESP
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Greenhouse gases emission during vinasse and trash in areas cultivated with sugar cane: analytical infrastructure expansion


Brazil is the largest producer of cane sugar and current perspectives are of great growth in the sector, taking into account, among other factors, the interest of many countries to use ethanol as fuel, in the context of the protocol Kyoto and environmental and geopolitical issues surrounding fossil fuels. However, ethanol production has received considerable criticism, especially in the scenario of climate change and global warming. However, such criticisms were not based on direct measurements of N2O emissions in sugarcane and so little in intensive assessments covering the major soil management of the production cycle (vegetative) plant. Therefore, the sector requires that such measures are made, and nothing is known about the use of waste in the soil for the cultivation of sugar cane in Brazil, with respect to emissions of gases that cause greenhouse gas (GHG) Therefore, the main objective of this proposal is to expand the scientific infrastructure of the Bioclimate Laboratory from UFSCar campus Sorocaba (SP) to increase the efficiency of analytical samples, may meet the demands of research partners in the area thereby increasing and improving knowledge of the country on losses of N as N2O and other greenhouse gases during the production cycle of cane sugar after the application of two types of vinasse (regular and concentrated vinasse). Besides these measures, evaluations of leachable nitrogen forms and edaphic parameters after fertilization and vinasse, will also be focus of this project. (AU)

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Scientific publications (6)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BISCA ESCANHOELA, ANDREA SIBILA; PITOMBO, LEONARDO MACHADO; BRANDANI, CAROLINA BRAGA; NAVARRETE, ACACIO APARECIDO; BENTO, CAMILA BOLFARINI; DO CARMO, JANAINA BRAGA. Organic management increases soil nitrogen but not carbon content in a tropical citrus orchard with pronounced N2O emissions. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 234, p. 326-335, . (12/50694-6)
GABRIEL, GABRIELE V. M.; OLIVEIRA, LUCIANA C.; BARROS, DAYANE J.; BENTO, MARILIA S.; NEU, VANIA; TOPPA, ROGERIO H.; CARMO, JANAINA B.; NAVARRETE, ACACIO A.. Methane emission suppression in flooded soil from Amazonia. Chemosphere, v. 250, . (17/03575-5, 12/50694-6, 16/16687-3, 13/50940-0, 16/10796-5)
NISHISAKA, CAROLINE SAYURI; YOUNGERMAN, CONNOR; MEREDITH, LAURA K.; DO CARMO, JANAINA BRAGA; NAVARRETE, ACACIO APARECIDO. Differences in N2O Fluxes and Denitrification Gene Abundance in the Wet and Dry Seasons Through Soil and Plant Residue Characteristics of Tropical Tree Crops. FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, v. 7, . (16/15289-4, 16/16687-3, 12/50694-6, 17/17441-0)
PITOMBO, L. M.; CANTARELLA, H.; PACKER, A. P. C.; RAMOS, N. P.; DO CARMO, J. B.. Straw preservation reduced total N2O emissions from a sugarcane field. SOIL USE AND MANAGEMENT, v. 33, n. 4, p. 583-594, . (12/50694-6)
PITOMBO, LEONARDO M.; DO CARMO, JANAINA B.; DE HOLLANDER, MATTIAS; ROSSETTO, RAFFAELLA; LOPEZ, MARYEIMY V.; CANTARELLA, HEITOR; KURAMAE, EIKO E.. Exploring soil microbial 16S rRNA sequence data to increase carbon yield and nitrogen efficiency of a bioenergy crop. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, v. 8, n. 5, p. 867-879, . (13/50365-5, 12/50694-6)
SULEIMAN, AFNAN KHALIL AHMAD; LOURENCO, KESIA SILVA; PITOMBO, LEONARDO MACHADO; MENDES, LUCAS WILLIAM; WURDIG ROESCH, LUIZ FERNANDO; PIJL, AGATA; CARMO, JANAINA BRAGA; CANTARELLA, HEITOR; KURAMAE, EIKO EURYA. Recycling organic residues in agriculture impacts soil-borne microbial community structure, function and N2O emissions. Science of The Total Environment, v. 631-632, p. 1089-1099, . (12/50694-6, 13/12716-0, 14/24141-5)

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