Research Grants 17/19478-9 - Cromatografia gasosa-espectrometria de massas, Microextração em fase s - BV FAPESP
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Analytical developments for determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in milk

Grant number: 17/19478-9
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry
Principal Investigator:Stanislau Bogusz Junior
Grantee:Stanislau Bogusz Junior
Host Institution: Instituto de Química de São Carlos (IQSC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Emanuel Carrilho ; Letícia Aparecida Marques


Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are compounds of well-known toxicity that could be found as contaminants in the environment and in food, particularly meat, fish and milk. The nutritional characteristics and the drinking milk habit since childhood turns the non-occupational human exposure to PCBs by milk ingestion a concern to us. This project aims : i) to develop and optimize a SPME/GC-MS methodology to PCBs determinations; ii) to map the PCBs contamination in milk produced in the main milk-producing regions of São Paulo state and estimate the daily intake of PCBs for consumption of milk by schoolchildren; and iii) to construct microfluidic device with C4D detection of high specificity for PCB class markers, with simple and inexpensive instrumentation, intending to use in screening analysis as a point-of-care device. The first approach stands out by use of statistic and chemometrics tools to improve the SPME extraction and GC-MS analysis, by using commercial SPME fibers and experimental design approaches that there are not employed to this analytes yet, as well as the validation of proposed methodology for routine laboratory analysis. The second one will provide information about daily PCBs intake by children correlating contaminations levels found in milk and food habits from a questionnaire. The third approach brings innovation in C4D detection system through surface modification of the working electrode by using a molecularly imprinted polymer, specific for PCBs, which integrated to microfluidics platform of suitable configuration will result in a simple, robust, versatile and portable device for field testing. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
TAKEKAWA, VICTOR SADANORY; MARQUES, LETICIA APARECIDA; STRUBINGER, ETHAN; SEGATO, THIAGO PINOTTI; BOGUSZ, JR., STANISLAU; BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; CARRILHO, EMANUEL. Development of low-cost planar electrodes and microfluidic channels for applications in capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection ((CD)-D-4). ELECTROPHORESIS, v. 42, n. 16, p. 1560-1569, . (17/19478-9, 18/19750-3)
TAKEKAWA, VICTOR SADANORY; MARQUES, LETICIA APARECIDA; STRUBINGER, ETHAN; SEGATO, THIAGO PINOTTI; BOGUSZ, JR., STANISLAU; BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; CARRILHO, EMANUEL. Development of low-cost planar electrodes and microfluidic channels for applications in capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection ((CD)-D-4). ELECTROPHORESIS, . (17/19478-9, 18/19750-3)

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