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Frailty in old age: modalities for care and support

Grant number: 14/01740-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): February 10, 2014
Effective date (End): June 09, 2014
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Vania Aparecida Gurian Varoto
Grantee:Francieli Vitolo
Supervisor: Christine Houston
Host Institution: Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (CCBS). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Research place: George Brown College, Canada  
Associated to the scholarship:13/09905-6 - Frailty in old age: arrangements for care and support, BP.IC


Along with the aging process, has been observed aspects of frailty that integrate the everyday of longevous people. The organizations that attend frail elderly people are rare in Brazil and that the Long Term Care and the Healthcare through of Hospital and Clinics has greater prominence. Another spaces such as Adult Day Care Center don't are in evidence in Brazil. The Municipal Council of the Elderly (CMI) guided by Elderly Statute verify the operation of organizations that attend elderly and grant their rights. The CMI of the São Carlos, where this research happens, was implemented from 1998 and have relation with Municipal Secretariat for Citizenship and Social Care. Objective: Identify organizations that attend elderly people with characteristics of frailty in the CMI of São Carlos and expand to identify these spaces in Toronto, CA. Methodology: exploratory, descriptive, documentary and retrospective study based on qualitative research. The records, documents and registers of the CMI of São Carlos and in the city of Toronto, CA will be identified and checked. For this it will be used a field guide to register. This work is related to research titled "Articulating Knowledge and Experiences in Gerontology", sponsored by FAPESP, process number 2012/11030-5, and follows the ethical principles in researches. Expected results: Identify organizations registered in the CMI of São Carlos (BR) and in the city of Toronto (CA) that offer services to frail elderly verifying their organizational structure and identify if there is or there isn't a tendency of greater number of services offered to frail elderly people. (AU)

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