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Refinement and initial validation of a scale of barriers and stigmas in relation to palliative care

Grant number: 19/07644-7
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): July 01, 2019
Effective date (End): June 30, 2020
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine - Medical Clinics
Principal Investigator:Bianca Sakamoto Ribeiro Paiva
Grantee:Julia de Pauli Moraes
Host Institution: Hospital do Câncer de Barretos. Fundação Pio XII (FP). Barretos , SP, Brazil


It is estimated that in 2018 18.1 million new cases of cancer worldwide have occurred, resulting in 9.6 million deaths. In this scenario, the importance of palliative care is manifested by its role in promoting multidisciplinary care to the patient and family, facing a life threatening illness. However, there is hesitation in the transition from curative to palliative care. Thus, after a qualitative research and systematic review of literature performed at the Hospital de Amor, a scale for the identification and quantification of barriers and stigmas related to Palliative Care was elaborated. Rationale: Palliative care has proven to be beneficial in improving quality of life, as well as reducing unnecessary and aggressive terminal care. In addition, early referral to palliative care minimizes aggressive measures, allowing an increase in survival and a better quality of life. However, it is noted that there are barriers and stigmas of patients and their relatives regarding this modality of palliative care, which may imply the difficulty of professionals in this early referral. Objective: To carry out the initial validation of the Scale of barriers and stigmas in relation to Palliative Care. Methodology: Descriptive, methodological study with validation of health assessment instruments, constituted by stage 1, where a committee of specialists will evaluate the scale; stage 2, EBE-CP22 pre-test to a sample of 20 patients and stage 3 - initial validation of EBE-CP22, which will be applied to a sample of 110 patients. Expected results: EBE-CP22 has good psychometric properties and is useful in clinical oncology practice.

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