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Modern Mathematics for teaching in primary (1960-1990): changes in professional knowledge

Grant number: 19/13630-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Effective date (Start): December 01, 2019
Effective date (End): January 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Education
Principal Investigator:Wagner Rodrigues Valente
Grantee:Relicler Pardim Gouveia
Host Institution: Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (EFLCH). Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). Campus Guarulhos. Guarulhos , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:17/15751-2 - Mathematics in teacher training and teaching: processes and dynamics of production of professional knowledge, 1890-1990, AP.TEM


This research project aims at the elaboration of a Doctoral Thesis, within the scope of the Post-Graduation Program in Education and Health in Childhood and Adolescence, Federal University of São Paulo. It is a research linked to the thematic project FAPESP: "Mathematics in teacher training and teaching: processes and dynamics of production of professional knowledge, 1890-1990". Aiming to contribute to the thematic project, we assume in this proposal the problem of making an incursion into the history of mathematical education, through a study of the mathematical knowledge considered as elements of the teacher's professional knowledge of the initial series in time of the Modern Mathematics Movement - MMM. For our study, we propose to analyze teacher guidance documents, prepared by official bodies of the State and Municipal secretariats of São Paulo. The study will mobilize as categories of analysis the concepts of "knowledge to be taught" and "knowledge to teach" theoretical constructs used by Hofstetter and Schneuwly (2017), also the concepts of vulgata, culture and school discipline, developed by Andre Chervel (1990), as well as the notions of appropriation and representation put forward in Chartier's (1991) studies. We aim to contribute with a reflection about the change in the professional knowledge of the teacher who teaches mathematics, taking into account studies about the teaching profession, considering the contributions of authors such as Nóvoa (1989, 1995), Bourdoncle (2000) and Machado (1995) in the advent of what became known as the Modern Mathematical Movement. What new professional knowledge should be part of the training of the teacher who teaches mathematics? (AU)

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