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The Brazilian crisis seen from the Latin American perspective: the struggles for social mobility in the frontiers of (il)legality

Grant number: 21/13970-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Post-doctor
Effective date (Start): May 10, 2022
Effective date (End): December 14, 2022
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Sociology - Urban Sociology
Principal Investigator:Gabriel de Santis Feltran
Grantee:Leonardo de Oliveira Fontes
Supervisor: Gareth Alun Jones
Host Institution: Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Research place: University of London, England  
Associated to the scholarship:19/13125-2 - The crisis seen from the periphery: struggle for social mobility in the frontiers of (i)legality, BP.PD


In the position of Visiting Fellow at the Latin American and Caribbean Center at the London School of Economics (LSE-LACC), I aim to develop my research in comparative terms - both theoretical and methodological - and write two original articles. The first will investigate the growth of the entrepreneurial disposition amidst neoliberalism, precarity, and frustrations in the formal job market. The second will analyze the practices activated by this entrepreneurial disposition in the urban peripheries and its multiple expressions, including the desire to produce "social impact" and associations with criminal and illegal activities. Both articles will approach the themes from a comparative perspective with a focus on Latin America. This period as a Visiting Fellow will also provide an internationalization of the research in four ways. First, I will participate in LSE-LACC's seminars and present my research results at these opportunities. Second, I intend to visit other important research centers focused on Latin American and other issues similar to those of my interests where I have established an initial dialogue, such as the Latin American Center at Oxford University and Cardiff University. Third, I will deepen an ongoing discussion with researchers at Cardiff University for the preparation of a collective publication on neoliberalism and precariousness at work. Finally, I intend to use my time abroad to prepare a workshop to be presented at Cebrap, as part of the dissemination of research results in Brazil, possibly with a hybrid format (in-person and virtual), bringing together Brazilian and UK researchers around the theme of social mobility strategies within (in)formal and (i)legal markets. (AU)

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