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Rubens Maciel Filho


Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Faculdade de Engenharia Química (FEQ)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

bachelor's at Chemical Engineering from Universidade Federal de São Carlos (1981), master's at Chemical Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1985) and doctorate at Engenharia Química from The University of Leeds (1989). Has experience in Chemical Engineering, focusing on Biochemical Processes, acting on the following subjects: modelagem, otimização, simulação, controle and redes neurais. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

Articles published in Pesquisa FAPESP Magazine about the researcher:
En la senda del hidrógeno verde 
The path to sustainable hydrogen 
Científicos brasileños desarrollan una batería a base de sodio 
Brazilian researchers develop sodium-based battery 
El desafío del sector aéreo para anular su huella de carbono 
Airline industry strives to eliminate its carbon footprint 
Coches eléctricos impulsados con etanol 
Electric vehicles powered by ethanol 
Made-to-measure prostheses 
Prótesis a medida 
Made-to-measure prostheses 
Plástico de asaí 
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Articles published in Pesquisa para Inovação FAPESP about the researcher:
Researchers explore strategies to convert CO2 into value-added products for industry 
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New Energies for a Better and Sustainable World: Challenges and Perspectives

Published by Agência FAPESP - February 12, 2019. Nowadays with the environmental concern and the need to spread development all around the word new emphasis has to be given for different feedstock besides conventional sources as oil and coal. In this context, biomass may be a valuable feedstock for fuels, chemicals and energy as well as a better use of the available solar irradiation . As it is strongly recognized that environmental changes imply in the reduction of Green House Gas emissions, there are enormous incentives to have new paradigms and process that are not only friendly to human being, but also are attractive economically. Molecular systems offer the highest energy densities when compared to any form of electricity, however, most of the molecules used as fuel nowadays are processed by non-renewable and non-sustainable technologies. Bio-fuels technologies have proved to be a possible way to have sustainable development, however, an alternative sustainable approach would be use of solar energy (sun light) to obtain high density energy carriers such as hydrogen, methanol, etc, from abundant, low cost, and clean supplies. Solar driven routes to synthesize molecules based on photoelectrochemical (PEC) approach are alternative ways to produce liquid fuels in a sustainable concept. Energy storage devices such as metal-oxygen batteries and supercapacitors will play important role in making renewable energy accessible. In order to perform that, investigation of devices building and chemistry of the electrode surfaces and electrodes/electrolytes interfaces by means of in-situ and operando characterizations are necessary. The electrode development hinges heavily on material science; high surface area composed of metal oxide and polymer decorated carbon, which are highly stable electrodes are under developed for batteries and supercapacitors. Beyond materials science, electrodes/electrolytes interfaces investigations under dynamic conditions will probably help to elucidate chemical behavior of those energy storage processes. The large availability of nature gas world-wide turns the attention to methane, CH4, its major component, which is a cleaner energy source than petroleum. Such a scenario has renewed scientific interest in technologies that can efficiently and sustainably convert such feedstock into useful products, however, its conversion to new products is limited due to the high stability of the of the chemical C-H binding. In this context, the use of electrochemical reactions to achieve sustainable and scalable methane conversion processes that can overcome the limitations of traditional technologies are welcome. Such a challenging task requires a multidisciplinary approach involving a strong background on disciplines like electrochemistry, materials science and nanotechnology. Perspectives, and processes development towards renewable energies will be presented and discussed. Rubens Maciel Filho | FAPESP Week London.
Patent applications

SISTEMA E PROCESSO PARA MONITORAMENTO DE PROCESSOS DE FERMENTAÇÃO BR1020130068640 - Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais (CNPEM); Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Eduardo Ono ; Carlos Kenichi Suzuki ; Carlos Eduardo Vaz Rossell ; Celina Kiyomi Yamakawa ; Jaciane Lutz Ienczak ; Eric Fujiwara - March 2013, 25

REDE SEMI-INTERPENETRANTE DE POLI 2-HIDRÓXIETILMETACRILATO-POLI ÁCIDO LÁCTICO, SEU PROCESSO DE PRODUÇÃO E USO BR1020140185097 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Marcele Fonseca Passos ; Rubens Maciel Filho - July 2014, 28

PROCESSO DE OBTENÇÃO DE POLIÉSTER RETICULADO UTILIZANDO PROCESSO LIVRE DE REAGENTES TÓXICOS, POLIÉSTER RETICULADO E USO BR1020150067518 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Natalia Lorena Parada Hernandez ; Maria Regina Wolf Maciel ; Maria Ingrid Rocha Barbosa Schiavon ; Anderson De Jesus Bonon ; André Luiz Jardini Munhoz ; Rubens Maciel Filho - March 2015, 26

PROCESSO PARA OBTENÇÃO DE NANOCOMPÓSITOS DE (L-LACTÍDEO) SEM INERTIZAÇÃO E SOLVENTES BR1020160161720 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Ana Flávia Pattaro ; Maria Ingrid Rocha Barbosa Schiavon ; André Luiz Jardini Munhoz ; Rubens Maciel Filho - July 2016, 12

PROCESSO DE PRODUÇÃO DE MICROPARTÍCULAS SIMBIÓTICAS E SEU USO PARA PREPARAÇÃO DE PRODUTOS ALIMENTÍCIOS BR1020200116657 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Rosana Goldbeck ; Ana Carla Kawazoe Sato ; Manoela Martins ; Cristiane Conte Paim De Andrade - June 2020, 10

DISPOSITIVO ELETROQUÍMICO PARA CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE ELETRODOS EM REGIME DINÂMICO DE OPERAÇÃO BR1020200262980 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Gustavo Doubek ; André Navarro De Miranda ; Leticia Frigerio Cremasco ; Thayane Carpanedo De Morais Nepel ; Chayene Gonçalves Anchieta ; Rubens Maciel Filho - December 2020, 21

PROCESSO DE PRODUÇÃO DE ÁCIDO LÁTICO BR1020190267348 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Rubens Maciel Filho / REGIANE ALVES DE OLIVEIRA / CARLOS EDUARDO VAZ ROSSELL - December 2019, 15

METHOD OF OBTAINING A RETICULATED POLYESTER USING FREE PROCESS OF TOXIC REAGENTS, RETICULATED POLYESTER AND USE PCT/BR2015/000188 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Rubens Maciel Filho ; André Luiz Jardini Munhoz ; Anderson de Jesus Bonon ; Maria Ingrid Rocha Barbosa Schiavon ; Maria Regina Wolf Maciel ; Natalia Lorena Parada Hernandez - December 2015, 10

PROCESSO PARA OBTENÇÃO DE NANOCOMPÓSITOS DE POLI(L-LACTÍDEO)SEM INERTIZAÇÃO E SOLVENTES PCT/BR2017/000067 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Rubens Maciel Filho ; André Luiz Jardini Munhoz ; Maria Ingrid Rocha Barbosa Schiavon (FEQ) ; Ana Flávia Pattaro - June 2017, 29

ELETRÓLITO, BATERIAS QUE COMPREENDEM UM LÍQUIDO IÔNICO CRISTALINO COMO ADITIVO EM ELETRÓLITO E O USO DO LÍQUIDO IÔNICO CRISTALINO EM BATERIAS BR102021016975-3 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Gustavo Doubek ; Chayene Gonçalves Anchieta ; Rubens Maciel Filho ; Thayane Carpanedo De Morais Nepel ; Letícia Maria Sampaio Barros - August 2021, 26

PROCESSO DE PRODUÇÃO DE MICROPARTÍCULAS SIMBIÓTICAS E SEU USO PARA PREPARAÇÃO DE PRODUTOS ALIMENTÍCIOS PCT/BR2021/050248 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Ana Carla Kawazoe Sato ; Rosana Goldbeck ; Manoela Martins ; Cristiane Conte Paim De Andrade - June 2021, 09

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