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(Reference retrieved automatically from Web of Science through information on FAPESP grant and its corresponding number as mentioned in the publication by the authors.)

Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Modified Electrode to Evaluate Phenacetin Based on the Preconcentration of Acetaminophen

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Salles, Maiara O. [1] ; Araujo, William R. [1] ; Paixao, Thiago R. L. C. [1]
Total Authors: 3
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Quim, BR-05508000 Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 1
Document type: Journal article
Source: Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society; v. 27, n. 1, p. 54-61, JAN 2016.
Web of Science Citations: 6

A glassy carbon electrode modified with a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) containing phenacetin recognition sites is introduced. The phenacetin-selective MIP was synthesised based on the electropolymerisation of pyrrole in a 1:1 (v/v) water/ethanol with HClO4 solution. The MIP-modified electrode showed higher recognition ability in comparison with a bare electrode for procaine and aminopyrine, reported to electrochemically interfere in the quantification of phenacetin in cocaine samples. In addition, the MIP was able to preconcentrate one of the intermediates of the phenacetin electrochemical oxidation, acetaminophen, indicating the possibility of monitoring phenacetin based on the acetaminophen oxidation. The acetaminophen oxidation peak is 15 times more detectable compared to the signal obtained by the non-molecularly imprinted polymer (NIP), and it occurs 450 mV below the phenacetin electrochemical oxidation signal. These achieved characteristics decrease the possibility of interference from other electrochemical reactions that may occur in the same potential range as phenacetin electrochemical process. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 12/12106-5 - Development of intelligent devices (electronic noses and tongues) using electrochemical, colorimetric and mass measurements aiming to the discrimination of forensic and food samples
Grantee:Thiago Regis Longo Cesar da Paixão
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 11/11115-8 - Development of a hibrid tongue (electrochemistry and colorimetric) aiming the discrimination of forensic samples.
Grantee:Maiara Oliveira Salles
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
FAPESP's process: 11/19903-5 - Development of electroanalytical methods for detection/discrimination of drugs of abuse, its adulterants and explosives in forensic samples
Grantee:William Reis de Araujo
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate (Direct)