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Effects of pre activation of inspiratory muscles on mechanical and physiological parameters in tethered running: relationship with tissue responses obtained by NIRS

Grant number: 18/05821-6
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: September 01, 2018 - August 31, 2020
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Physical Education
Principal Investigator:Fúlvia de Barros Manchado Gobatto
Grantee:Fúlvia de Barros Manchado Gobatto
Host Institution: Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas (FCA). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Limeira , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Claudio Alexandre Gobatto ; Marlene Aparecida Moreno


Many strategies have been conducted to increase sports performance. In this context, muscle pre-activation (PA) also named "post-activation potentiation (PAP)" is characterized by previous muscle contraction to be applied in a specific exercise stimulating muscle contraction capacity to improve performance in subsequent efforts. Physical training to inspiratory muscle (IM) has been suggested in sports context and positive effects obtained by this intervention have been associated to the prevention of fatigue, reduction of metaboreflex and redirection of blood flow to more activies muscle during effort. On the other hand, there is a lack of research investigated the effectiveness of the pre-activation applied to inspiratory muscle (PA-IM). Despite potentially contributing with high intensity and short volume exercises we still not observed studies associated with mechanical running parameters, especially focussed in force, velocity and power in this exercise type. In addition, the relationship among metaboreflex, redirected blood flow and O2 supply to active muscle in running exercise is unclear, including different samples (athletes and non-athletes) and strategies like PA-IM. The technique of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be used to evaluate the oxy and deoxyhemoglobin ratio in different muscles during exercise. Associating strategies to improve high intensity performance and technology tools, the present study aim to investigate the effects of PA-IM on mechanical and physiological responses of athletes and non-athletes submetted to all out run in tethered system. In add, using NIRS will be possible invetigated the relatioship among mechanical and physiological modification with O2 supply to more and less active muscles during and after high intensity running. So, we will selected young athletes and non-atlhletes that will be submitted to six lab visits. On first, they will be receive information about the study, they will answer the IPAQ questionnaire and will be accomplish the familiarization equipament. On second session, they will submitted body composition and inspiratory force evaluation (PImáx) and also will be adapted to the ergometer (non-motorized treadmill). Randomilly, all participants will be submetted to four sessions characterized by all out tethered run (30 seconds) preceded or not by three load conditions of PA- IM (15, 40 and 60% of PImáx composed by 2 series of 30 repetitions with 2 min interval between them). In each session, we will measure the run force, velocity and power (with high signal frequency) and will be monitore the physiological parameters (HR, blood lactate, pulse oximetry, oxi and deoxyhemoglobin in more and less active muscle in run efforts) and PSE before, during and after tests. We hope to improve the knowledge about the mechanisms related to effects of PA-IM. If confirmed the positive effects of this strategy, it will be possible suggest this applications in competitions and/or in specific training sessions. (AU)

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Scientific publications (6)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FULVIA BARROS; TORRES, RICARDO SILVA; MAROSTEGAN, ANITA BRUM; RASTEIRO, FELIPE MARRONI; HARTZ, CHARLINI SIMONI; MORENO, MARLENE APARECIDA; PINTO, ALLAN SILVA; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO ALEXANDRE. Complex Network Model Reveals the Impact of Inspiratory Muscle Pre-Activation on Interactions among Physiological Responses and Muscle Oxygenation during Running and Passive Recovery. BIOLOGY-BASEL, v. 11, n. 7, p. 23-pg., . (19/20894-2, 16/50250-1, 12/06355-2, 18/05821-6, 19/10666-2, 19/16253-1)
RASTEIRO, FELIPE MARRONI; DALCHECO MESSIAS, LEONARDO HENRIQUE; MENEZES SCARIOT, PEDRO PAULO; CRUZ, JOAO PEDRO; CETEIN, RAFAEL LUCAS; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO ALEXANDRE; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FULVIA BARROS. Effects of preferred music on physiological responses, perceived exertion, and anaerobic threshold determination in an incremental running test on both sexes. PLoS One, v. 15, n. 8, . (12/06355-2, 16/50250-1, 18/05821-6, 19/10666-2)
MANCHADO-GOBATTO, F. B.; MAROSTEGAN, A. B.; RASTEIRO, F. M.; CIRINO, C.; CRUZ, J. P.; MORENO, M. A.; GOBATTO, C. A.. New Insights into Mechanical, Metabolic and Muscle Oxygenation Signals During and After High-Intensity Tethered Running. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 10, n. 1, . (09/08535-5, 18/05821-6, 16/50250-1, 12/06355-2)
CIRINO, CAROLINA; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO A.; PINTO, ALLAN S.; TORRES, RICARDO S.; HARTZ, CHARLINI S.; AZEVEDO, PAULO H. S. M.; MORENO, MARLENE A.; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FULVIA B.. Complex network model indicates a positive effect of inspiratory muscles pre-activation on performance parameters in a judo match. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 11, n. 1, . (12/06355-2, 19/16253-1, 16/50250-1, 18/05821-6)
MAROSTEGAN, ANITA B.; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO A.; RASTEIRO, FELIPE M.; HARTZ, CHARLINI S.; MORENO, MARLENE A.; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FULVIA B.. Effects of different inspiratory muscle warm-up loads on mechanical, physiological and muscle oxygenation responses during high-intensity running and recovery. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 13-pg., . (19/20894-2, 19/10666-2, 16/50250-1, 12/06355-2, 18/05821-6, 09/08535-5)
DA CRUZ, JOAO PEDRO; DALCHECO MESSIAS, LEONARDO HENRIQUE; CETEIN, RAFAEL LUCAS; RASTEIRO, FELIPE MARRONI; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO ALEXANDRE; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FULVIA BARROS. Anaerobic and Agility Parameters of Salonists in Laboratory and Field Tests. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, v. 41, n. 7, p. 450-460, . (13/16710-7, 09/08535-5, 16/50250-1, 18/05821-6, 19/02286-5)

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