Research Grants 08/57808-1 - Química forênsica - BV FAPESP
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National Institute of Advanced Analytical Science and Technology


The National Institute of Advanced Analytical Science and Technology (INCTAA) will foster synergistic actions, within a modern inter and multi-disciplinary approach, leading to scientific advancements and technological innovations of analytical instrumentation and methods to face the challenges that arise nowadays in several fields of interest to the social and economic development of Brazil. Among these fields, it is worth citing: environment, new materials and nanotechnology (concerning its use and environmental impact, still unknown), biology, quality control of industrial products and processes (such as those of the pharmaceutical, petrochemical and fossil/renewable fuel sectors), commercialization of food and agricultural products, and forensic investigation. By meeting the demands from these various areas, the institute shall provide solutions to analytical problems of priority to the country, which will be of value to maintain the current trend of social and economic growth, by means of both a significant scientific and technology advancement and the formation of qualified human resources. The implementation of INCTAA will result in: a) formation of human resources in graduate and post-graduate levels; b) proposition and promotion of improvements in the curriculum of undergraduate courses, within the proposed multi-disciplinary approach to analytical science and technology; c) reduction of regional disparities; d) creation of an inductive environment for new and daring projects that require the involvement of the researchers and their groups in a synergistic network collaboration and e) simultaneous or anticipated actions to provide analytical support to the demand created by national technological sectors with respect to new processes and products resulting from innovative research, justifying the adjective advanced in its identification. In addition to the development of several specific short-term actions to address these goals, INCTAA shall endeavour to transfer the knowledge resulting from its lines of action to the private sector in order to improve the competitiveness of national companies. Within its scope, INCTAA will also provide various courses and training programs directed to graduate and undergraduate students, as well as technicians, in order to disseminate a contemporary vision of analytical science and technology. These courses will also serve the purpose of selecting talented students, who may be aggregated to INCTAA in the medium and long terms, or motivated to follow careers in the industry or in research centre's. INCTAA will serve as a basis to promote an intense scientific/technological cooperation among its main researchers, national and international collaborators, students, as well as industrial sectors directly or indirectly related to the institute proposal. (AU)

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Scientific publications (100)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CASSIANA C. MONTAGNER; FERNANDO F. SODRÉ; RAPHAEL D. ACAYABA; CRISTIANE VIDAL; IOLANA CAMPESTRINI; MARCO A. LOCATELLI; IGOR C. PESCARA; ANJAÍNA F. ALBUQUERQUE; GISELA A. UMBUZEIRO; WILSON F. JARDIM. Ten Years-Snapshot of the Occurrence of Emerging Contaminants in Drinking, Surface and Ground Waters and Wastewaters from São Paulo State, Brazil. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 3, p. 614-632, . (14/50951-4, 14/24740-6, 08/57808-1, 07/58449-2)
PARDELLAS, LEONARDO DA SILVA; CUNHA, KLEITON DA CRUZ; GONZAGA, FABIANO BARBIERI. Stability studies of pH reference materials under repeated use conditions by the primary measurement method. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 412, n. 22, SI, . (08/57808-1)
MOGOLLON, RENE; CONTRERAS, CAROLINA; DA SILVA NETA, MAGNOLIA LOURENCO; NASCIMENTO MARQUES, EMANUEL JOSE; ZOFFOLI, JUAN PABLO; DE FREITAS, SERGIO TONETTO. Non-destructive prediction and detection of internal physiological disorders in `Keitt' mango using a hand-held Vis-NIR spectrometer. Postharvest Biology and Technology, v. 167, . (08/57808-1)
GOUVEIA, MARCELO A.; PELLEGRINI, PALOMA E. S.; DOS SANTOS, JULIANA S.; RAIMUNDO, JR., IVO M.; CORDEIRO, CRISTIANO M. B.. Analysis of immersed silica optical microfiber knot resonator and its application as a moisture sensor. APPLIED OPTICS, v. 53, n. 31, p. 7454-7461, . (11/00322-2, 08/57808-1)
DE SOUZA, ALEXANDER OSSANES; DA SILVA, EMANUELI DO NASCIMENTO; PEREIRA, CAMILA CORREA; CADORE, SOLANGE; RIBEIRO, ANDERSON SCHWINGEL; VIEIRA, MARIANA ANTUNES. Characterization of the Bioaccessibility of Minerals from Commercial Breakfast Cereals by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP OES). Analytical Letters, . (08/57808-1)
RODRIGUES, DAYVISON R.; DE OLIVEIRA, DIANA S. M.; PONTES, MARCIO J. C.; LEMOS, SHERLAN G.. Voltammetric e-Tongue Based on a Single Sensor and Variable Selection for the Classification of Teas. FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 11, n. 7, SI, p. 1958-1968, . (08/57808-1)
ANDRÉA MONTEIRO S. SILVA; EDUARDO DE ARAUJO VIANA; MARIA FERNANDA PIMENTEL; YEDA M. B. ALMEIDA; IVO M. RAIMUNDO JR. Evaluation of a PVC sensing phase for determination of chlorinated hydrocarbons in water by mid-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 22, n. 8, p. 1470-1477, . (08/57808-1)
FRANCA, LEANDRO; GRASSI, SILVIA; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; MANUEL AMIGO, JOSE. A single model to monitor multistep craft beer manufacturing using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING, v. 126, p. 95-103, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
PEREIRA, CLAUDETE F.; VIEGAS, ISABELLE M. A.; SOUZA SOBRINHA, IZABEL G.; PEREIRA, GORETI; PEREIRA, GIOVANNIA A. L.; KREBS, PATRICK; MIZAIKOFF, BORIS. Surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy using silver selenide quantum dots. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 8, n. 30, p. 10448-10455, . (08/57808-1)
DA SILVA, IGOR J. G.; RAIMUNDO, IVO M., JR.; MIZAIKOFF, BORIS. Analysis of sugars and sweeteners via terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. N/A, p. 8-pg., . (11/13777-8, 08/57808-1)
GASPAR, RAFAEL D. L.; FORTES, PAULA R.; MAZALI, ITALO O.; SIGOLI, FERNANDO A.; RAIMUNDO, IVO M.. Optical Temperature Sensors Based On Europium(III) Beta-Diketonate Complexes Chemically Bonded To Functionalized Polydimethylsiloxane. CHEMISTRYSELECT, v. 3, n. 37, p. 10491-10501, . (13/22127-2, 14/50906-9, 08/57808-1)
REBOUCAS, JICARLA PORTELA; RODRIGUES ROHWEDDER, JARBAS JOSE; PASQUINI, CELIO. A fast method for determination of surface area of zeolite-based catalysts and zeolites using near infrared emission spectroscopy. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 11, n. 21, p. 2819-2825, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
GONZAGA, FABIANO BARBIERI; BRAGA, JR., LESCY ROMULO; SAMPAIO, ALEXANDRE PIMENTEL; MARTINS, THIAGO DE SOUZA; DE OLIVEIRA, CHARLES GIOVANI; DOS SANTOS PACHECO, RAQUEL MORAES. A simple method for forward variable selection and calibration: evaluation for compact and low-cost laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 409, n. 11, p. 3017-3024, . (08/57808-1)
NOLASCO-PEREZ, IRENE M.; ROCCO, LUIZ A. C. M.; CRUZ-TIRADO, JAM P.; POLLONIO, MARISE A. R.; BARBON, JR., SYLUIO; BARBON, ANA PAULA A. C.; BARBIN, DOUGLAS F.. Comparison of rapid techniques for classification of ground meat. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, v. 183, p. 151-159, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1, 15/24351-2)
PISSARD, AUDREY; NASCIMENTO MARQUES, EMANUEL JOSE; DARDENNE, PIERRE; LATEUR, MARC; PASQUINI, CELIO; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; PIERNA, JUAN ANTONIO FERNANDEZ; BAETEN, VINCENT. Evaluation of a handheld ultra-compact NIR spectrometer for rapid and non-destructive determination of apple fruit quality. Postharvest Biology and Technology, v. 172, . (08/57808-1)
NASCIMENTO MARQUES, EMANUEL JOSE; DE FREITAS, SERGIO TONETTO. Performance of new low-cost handheld NIR spectrometers for nondestructive analysis of umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arruda) quality. Food Chemistry, v. 323, . (08/57808-1)
DE SOUZA, ALEXANDER OSSANES; PEREIRA, CAMILA CORREA; HELING, ADRIANA IVEN; ORESTE, ELIEZER QUADRO; CADORE, SOLANGE; RIBEIRO, ANDERSON SCHWINGEL; VIEIRA, MARIANA ANTUNES. Determination of total concentration and bioaccessible fraction of metals in infant cereals by MIP OES. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 77, p. 60-65, . (08/57808-1)
MILANI, RAQUEL F.; MORGANO, MARCELO A.; CADORE, SOLANGE. Trace elements in Camellia sinensis marketed in southeastern Brazil: Extraction from tea leaves to beverages and dietary exposure. LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 68, p. 491-498, . (12/19142-7, 08/57808-1)
CAMPESTRINI, IOLANA; JARDIM, WILSON F.. Occurrence of cocaine and benzoylecgonine in drinking and source water in the Sao Paulo State region, Brazil. Science of The Total Environment, v. 576, p. 374-380, . (08/57808-1)
DA SILVA, VITOR H.; VIEIRA, FRANCISCO S.; ROHWEDDER, JARBAS J. R.; PASQUINI, CELIO; PEREIRA, CLAUDETE F.. Multivariate quantification of mebendazole polymorphs by terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THZ-TDS). ANALYST, v. 142, n. 9, p. 1519-1524, . (11/13777-8, 08/57808-1)
GOMES DA SILVA, IGOR JOSE; TUETUENCUE, ERHAN; NAEGELE, MARKUS; FUCHS, PETER; FISCHER, MARC; RAIMUNDO, JR., IVO M.; MIZAIKOFF, BORIS. Sensing hydrocarbons with interband cascade lasers and substrate-integrated hollow waveguides. ANALYST, v. 141, n. 14, p. 4432-4437, . (08/57808-1)
ARANHA, TAISE S. C. P.; OLIVEIRA, ANDREA; QUEIROZ, HELENA M.; CADORE, SOLANGE. A fast alkaline treatment for cadmium determination in meat samples. FOOD CONTROL, v. 59, p. 447-453, . (08/57808-1)
DA SILVA, VITOR H.; GONCALVES, JACQUELINE L.; VASCONCELOS, FERNANDA V. C.; PIMENTEL, M. FERNANDA; PEREIRA, CLAUDETE F.. Quantitative analysis of mebendazole polymorphs in pharmaceutical raw materials using near-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, v. 115, p. 587-593, . (08/57808-1)
SANTOS, JULIANA S.; RAIMUNDO, JR., IVO M.; CORDEIRO, CRISTIANO M. B.; BIAZOLI, CLAUDECIR R.; GOUVEIA, CARLOS A. J.; JORGE, PEDRO A. S.. Characterisation of a Nafion film by optical fibre Fabry-Perot interferometry for humidity sensing. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 196, p. 99-105, . (11/00322-2, 08/57808-1)
PAIVA, EDUARDO MAIA; RODRIGUES ROHWEDDER, JARBAS JOSE; PASQUINI, CELIO; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; PEREIRA, CLAUDETE FERNANDES. Quantification of biodiesel and adulteration with vegetable oils in diesel/biodiesel blends using portable near-infrared spectrometer. FUEL, v. 160, p. 57-63, . (08/57808-1)
NASCIMENTO, DANIELLE S.; INSAUSTI, MATIAS; BAND, BEATRIZ S. F.; LEMOS, SHERLAN G.. Simultaneous determination of Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Co and Zn in bioethanol fuel by adsorptive stripping voltammetry and multivariate linear regression. FUEL, v. 137, p. 172-178, . (08/57808-1)
ROHWEDDER, J. J. R.; PASQUINI, C.; FORTES, P. R.; RAIMUNDO, JR., I. M.; WILK, A.; MIZAIKOFF, B.. iHWG-mu NIR: a miniaturised near-infrared gas sensor based on substrate-integrated hollow waveguides coupled to a micro-NIR-spectrophotometer. ANALYST, v. 139, n. 14, p. 3572-3576, . (08/57808-1)
MONTAGNER, CASSIANA C.; JARDIM, WILSON F.; VON DER OHE, PETER C.; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA A.. Occurrence and potential risk of triclosan in freshwaters of Sao Paulo, Brazil-the need for regulatory actions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 21, n. 3, p. 1850-1858, . (08/57808-1, 12/00303-0)
DE PAULA, LAURO C. M.; SOARES, ANDERSON S.; SOARES, TELMA W.; JUNIOR, CELSO G. C.; COELHO, CLARIMAR J.; DE OLIVEIRA, ANSELMO E.. Epistasis-based FSA: Two versions of a novel approach for variable selection in multivariate calibration. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, v. 81, p. 213-222, . (08/57808-1)
RODRIGUES E BRITO, LIVIA; BRAZ, ANDRE; HONORATO, RICARDO SALDANHA; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; PASQUINI, CELIO. Evaluating the potential of near infrared hyperspectral imaging associated with multivariate data analysis for examining crossing ink lines. Forensic Science International, v. 298, p. 169-176, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
DA SILVA, EMANUELI DO NASCIMENTO; CIDADE, MIRLA; HEERDT, GABRIEL; RIBESSI, RAFAEL L.; MORGON, NELSON H.; CADORE, SOLANGE. Effect of Selenite and Selenate Application on Mineral Composition of Lettuce Plants Cultivated Under Hydroponic Conditions: Nutritional Balance Overview Using a Multifaceted Study. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 29, n. 2, p. 371-379, . (12/15020-4, 14/15425-0, 08/57808-1, 13/26855-2)
ABREU, ROMARIO E. L.; PAZ, JOSE E. M.; SILVA, ADENILTON C.; PONTES, MARCIO J. C.; LEMOS, SHERLAN G.. Ethanol fuel adulteration with methanol assessed by cyclic voltammetry and multivariate calibration. FUEL, v. 156, p. 20-25, . (08/57808-1)
DA SILVA, VITOR HUGO; REBOUCAS, MARCIO V.; SALLES, ALAN ROCHA; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; COELHO PONTES, MARCIO JOSE; PASQUINI, CELIO. Determination of naphtha composition by near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate regression to control steam cracker processes. Fuel Processing Technology, v. 131, p. 230-237, . (08/57808-1)
JORA, M. Z.; NOBREGA, J. A.; ROHWEDDER, J. J. R.; PASQUINI, C.. Double tungsten coil atomic absorption spectrometer based on an acousto-optic tunable filter. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, v. 103, p. 1-8, . (08/57808-1, 12/01957-4)
SOUZA, JULIA APARECIDA L.; ALBUQUERQUE, MIRACY MUNIZ; GRANGEIRO, JR., SEVERINO; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; DE SANTANA, DAVI PEREIRA; SIMOES, SIMONE S.. Quantification of captopril disulphide as a degradation product in captopril tablets using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, v. 62, p. 35-41, . (08/57808-1)
GONZAGA, FABIANO BARBIERI; GONCALVES, MARY ANE; SOBRAL, SIDNEY PEREIRA; RIBEIRO, CARLA DE MATOS. A new method for determining the acid number of ethanol fuel using coulometric titration. FUEL, v. 94, n. 1, p. 70-74, . (08/57808-1)
TEIXEIRA BADARO, AMANDA; MANUEL AMIGO, JOSE; BLASCO, JOSE; ALEIXOS, NURIA; FERREIRA, AMANDA RIOS; PEDROSA SILVA CLERICI, MARIA TERESA; BARBIN, DOUGLAS FERNANDES. Near infrared hyperspectral imaging and spectral unmixing methods for evaluation of fiber distribution in enriched pasta. Food Chemistry, v. 343, . (14/50951-4, 17/17628-3, 08/57808-1, 19/06842-0, 15/24351-2)
RODRIGUES E BRITO, LIVIA; CHAVES, AMANDA BELEM; BRAZ, ANDRE; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Raman hyperspectral imaging and a novel approach for objective determination of the order of crossing ink lines. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 223, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
CAROLINA S. SILVA; ANDRÉ BRAZ; MARIA FERNANDA PIMENTEL. Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in Forensic Chemistry: Critical Review, Current Trends and Challenges. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 11, p. 2259-2290, . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)
DA SILVA, EMANUELI DO NASCIMENTO; CADORE, SOLANGE. Bioavailability Assessment of Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, and Zinc from Selenium-Enriched Lettuce. Journal of Food Science, v. 84, n. 10, p. 2840-2846, . (13/26855-2, 12/15020-4, 14/15425-0, 16/23625-4, 08/57808-1)
DELAQUA, DOUGLAS; CARNIER, RUAN; CADORE, SOLANGE; SANCHES, VITOR LACERDA; BERTON, RONALDO SEVERIANO; CORBI, FABIANA CRISTINA ANDRADE; COSCIONE, ALINE RENEE. In vitro bioaccessibility and bioavailability of selenium in agronomic biofortified wheat. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 105, . (08/57808-1)
GOUVEIA, MARCELO A.; PELLEGRINI, PALOMA E. S.; DOS SANTOS, JULIANA S.; RAIMUNDO, IVO M., JR.; CORDEIRO, CRISTIANO M. B.. Analysis of immersed silica optical microfiber knot resonator and its application as a moisture sensor. APPLIED OPTICS, v. 53, n. 31, p. 8-pg., . (08/57808-1, 11/00322-2)
CAMILA C. PEREIRA; ALEXANDER O. DE SOUZA; DAISA H. BONEMANN; ELIÉZER Q. ORESTE; LUIS EDUARDO C. ANTUNES; SOLANGE CADORE; ANDERSON S. RIBEIRO; MARIANA A. VIEIRA. Evaluation of Total Concentration and Bioaccessible Fraction of Metals in Berry Fruits from Different Cultivars. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 36, n. 1, . (08/57808-1)
MORAES, M. R.; DO NASCIMENTO DA SILVA, E.; SANCHES, V. L.; CADORE, S.; GODOY, H. T.. Bioaccessibility of some minerals in infant formulas. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE, . (08/57808-1)
SILVA, CAROLINA S.; BRAZ, ANDRE; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in Forensic Chemistry: Critical Review, Current Trends and Challenges. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 11, SI, p. 2259-2290, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
RODRIGUES LEANDRO, JOAO GUILHERME; GONZAGA, FABIANO BARBIERI; DE FIGUEIREDO LATORRACA, JOAO VICENTE. Discrimination of wood species using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 53, n. 5, p. 1079-1091, . (08/57808-1)
ORESTE, ELIEZER QUADRO; FONTES, LAIANE DE MOURA; RIBESSI, RAFAEL LUIS; PASQUINI, CELIO; RIBEIRO, ANDERSON SCHWINGEL. Classification of Ceramic Tableware by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. Analytical Letters, v. 53, n. 9, . (08/57808-1)
FERNANDES, RAFAEL S.; RAIMUNDO JR, IVO M.; FERNANDA PIMENTEL, M.. Revising the synthesis of Stober silica nanoparticles: A multivariate assessment study on the effects of reaction parameters on the particle size. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, v. 577, p. 1-7, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
DA SILVA, NEIRIVALDO CAVALCANTE; FRANCA, LEANDRO DE MOURA; AMIGO, JOSE MANUEL; BAUTISTA, MANEL; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Evaluation and assessment of homogeneity in images. Part 2: Homogeneity assessment on single channel non-binary images. Blending end-point detection as example. CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS, v. 180, p. 15-25, . (08/57808-1)
MILANI, RAQUEL FERNANDA; SILVESTRE, LETICIA KIS; MORGANO, MARCELO ANTONIO; CADORE, SOLANGE. Investigation of twelve trace elements in herbal tea commercialized in Brazil. JOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, v. 52, p. 111-117, . (12/19142-7, 08/57808-1)
OLIVEIRA, VANESSA DA SILVA; HONORATO, RICARDO SALDANHA; HONORATO, FERNANDA ARAUJO; PEREIRA, CLAUDETE FERNANDES. Authenticity assessment of banknotes using portable near infrared spectrometer and chemometrics. Forensic Science International, v. 286, p. 121-127, . (08/57808-1)
VILLA, JAVIER E. L.; PASQUINI, CELIO; POPPI, RONEI J.. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and MCR-ALS for the selective sensing of urinary adenosine on filter paper. Talanta, v. 187, p. 99-105, . (08/57805-2, 14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
CUNHA, KLEITON DA CRUZ; PARDELLAS, LEONARDO DA SILVA; GONZAGA, FABIANO BARBIERI. Stability Monitoring of Electrolytic Conductivity Reference Materials Under Repeated Use Conditions by the Primary Measurement Method. JOURNAL OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY, v. 49, n. 3, . (08/57808-1)
MALEGORI, CRISTINA; NASCIMENTO MARQUES, EMANUEL JOSE; DE FREITAS, SERGIO TONETTO; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; PASQUINI, CELIO; CASIRAGHI, ERNESTINA. Comparing the analytical performances of Micro-NIR and Ft-NIR spectrometers in the evaluation of acerola fruit quality, using PLS and SVM regression algorithms. Talanta, v. 165, p. 112-116, . (08/57808-1)
MILANI, RAQUEL FERNANDA; DE PAIVA, ESTHER LIMA; PERON, LEANDRO IAGE; MORGANO, MARCELO ANTONIO; CADORE, SOLANGE. Arsenic species in herbal tea leaves and infusions determination by HPLC-ICP-MS. LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 98, p. 606-612, . (12/19142-7, 08/57808-1)
DE SOUZA, ALEXANDER OSSANES; DA SILVA, EMANUELI DO NASCIMENTO; PEREIRA, CAMILA CORREA; CADORE, SOLANGE; RIBEIRO, ANDERSON SCHWINGEL; VIEIRA, MARIANA ANTUNES. Characterization of the Bioaccessibility of Minerals from Commercial Breakfast Cereals by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP OES). Analytical Letters, v. 54, n. 18, p. 2874-2882, . (08/57808-1)
NETTO, JOSE MARCELINO; HONORATO, FERNANDA A.; CELSO, PAULO GUSTAVO; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Authenticity of almond flour using handheld near infrared instruments and one class classifiers. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 115, p. 8-pg., . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
BONEMANN, DAISA HAKBART; BEDUHN LUCKOW, ANA CLAUDIA; PEREIRA, CAMILA CORREA; DE SOUZA, ALEXANDER OSSANES; CADORE, SOLANGE; NUNES, ADRIANE MEDEIROS; VIEIRA, MARIANA ANTUNES; RIBEIRO, ANDERSON SCHWINGEL. Determination of total concentration and bioaccessible fraction of metals in tomatoes and their derivatives by MIP OES. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 96, . (08/57808-1)
BRAZ, ANDRE; SANTOS SILVA, CAROLINA; PEIXOTO, ANA CHRISTINA; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; PEREIRA, GORETI; CAIXETA CASTRO SOUZA BRAGA, PATRICIA; MARTINI, ANDRE LUIZ; LINO FERNANDES ALCANTARA, THAYNARA. Preliminary study on the identification of synthetic cathinones in street seized samples by Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. 52, n. 4, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
PEREIRA, JOSE FRANCIELSON Q.; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; AMIGO, JOSE MANUEL; HONORATO, RICARDO S.. Detection and identification of Cannabis sativa L. using near infrared hyperspectral imaging and machine learning methods. A feasibility study. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 237, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
LIMA, KASSIO M. G.; RAIMUNDO, JR., IVO M.; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Simultaneous determination of BTX and total hydrocarbons in water employing near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 160, n. 1, p. 691-697, . (08/57808-1)
KILLNER, M. H. M.; DANIELI, E.; CASANOVA, F.; ROHWEDDER, J. J. R.; BLUEMICH, B.. Mobile compact H-1 NMR spectrometer promises fast quality control of diesel fuel. FUEL, v. 203, p. 171-178, . (08/57808-1)
DA SILVA, NEIRIVALDO CAVALCANTE; HONORATO, RICARDO SALDANHA; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; GARRIGUES, SALVADOR; LUISA CERVERA, MARIA; DE LA GUARDIA, MIGUEL. Near Infrared Spectroscopy Detection and Quantification of Herbal Medicines Adulterated with Sibutramine. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, v. 60, n. 5, p. 1199-1205, . (08/57808-1)
MONTAGNER, C. C.; UMBUZEIRO, G. A.; PASQUINI, C.; JARDIM, W. F.. Caffeine as an indicator of estrogenic activity in source water. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS, v. 16, n. 8, p. 1866-1869, . (08/57808-1, 12/00303-0)
MONTAGNER, CASSIANA C.; VIDAL, CRISTIANE; ACAYABA, RAPHAEL D.; JARDIM, WILSON F.; JARDIM, ISABEL C. S. F.; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA A.. Trace analysis of pesticides and an assessment of their occurrence in surface and drinking waters from the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil). ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 6, n. 17, p. 6668-6677, . (08/57808-1, 12/00303-0)
DE JESUS, JEMMYSON ROMARIO; FERNANDES, RAFAEL DA SILVA; PESSOA, GUSTAVO DE SOUZA; RAIMUNDO, JR., IVO MILTON; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO. Depleting high-abundant and enriching low-abundant proteins in human serum: An evaluation of sample preparation methods using magnetic nanoparticle, chemical depletion and immunoaffinity techniques. Talanta, v. 170, p. 199-209, . (08/57808-1)
DA SILVA, EMANUELI DO NASCIMENTO; HEERDT, GABRIEL; CIDADE, MIRLA; PEREIRA, CATARINIE DINIZ; MORGON, NELSON HENRIQUE; CADORE, SOLANGE. Use of in vitro digestion method and theoretical calculations to evaluate the bioaccessibility of Al, Cd, Fe and Zn in lettuce and cole by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Microchemical Journal, v. 119, p. 152-158, . (12/15020-4, 08/57808-1, 13/26855-2)
ORLANDO, RICARDO M.; ROHWEDDER, JARBAS J. R.; RATH, SUSANNE. Electric Field-Assisted Solid Phase Extraction: Study of Electrochromatographic Parameters with an Anionic Model Compound. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 26, n. 2, p. 310-318, . (08/03064-1, 07/07079-0, 08/57808-1)
VILLA, JAVIER E. L.; PEREIRA, CATARINIE D.; CADORE, SOLANGE. A novel, rapid and simple acid extraction for multielemental determination in chocolate bars. Microchemical Journal, v. 121, p. 199-204, . (08/57808-1)
MONTAGNER, CASSIANA C.; SODRE, FERNANDO F.; ACAYABA, RAPHAEL D.; VIDAL, CRISLIANE; CAMPESTRINI, IOLANA; LOCATELLI, MARCO A.; PESCARA, IGOR C.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANJAINA F.; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA A.; JARDIM, WILSON F.. Ten Years-Snapshot of the Occurrence of Emerging Contaminants in Drinking, Surface and Ground Waters and Wastewaters from Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 3, SI, p. 614-632, . (07/58449-2, 14/50951-4, 08/57808-1, 14/24740-6)
MELCHERT, WANESSA R.; REIS, BOAVENTURA F.; ROCHA, FABIO R. P.. Green chemistry and the evolution of flow analysis. A review. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 714, p. 8-19, . (08/57808-1)
CARREIRO SOARES, SOFACLES FIGUEREDO; MEDEIROS, EVERALDO PAULO; PASQUINI, CELIO; MORELLO, CAMILO DE LELIS; HARROP GALVAO, ROBERTO KAWAKAMI; UGULINO ARAUJO, MARIO CESAR. Classification of individual cotton seeds with respect to variety using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 8, n. 48, p. 8498-8505, . (08/57808-1)
DA SILVA, VITOR HUGO; DA SILVA, JANSON JOSE; PEREIRA, CLAUDETE FERNANDES. Portable near-infrared instruments: Application for quality control of polymorphs in pharmaceutical raw materials and calibration transfer. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, v. 134, p. 287-294, . (08/57808-1)
VILLA, JAVIER E. L.; PASQUINI, CELIO; POPPI, RONEI J.. Coupling of the ring-oven-based preconcentration technique and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: Application for the determination of purine bases in DNA. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 991, p. 95-103, . (08/57805-2, 08/57808-1)
RIBEIRO, CYNTIA CABRAL; ORLANDO, RICARDO MATHIAS; RODRIGUES ROHWEDDER, JARBAS JOSE; REYES REYES, FELIX GUILLERMO; RATH, SUSANNE. Electric field-assisted solid phase extraction and cleanup of ionic compounds in complex food matrices: Fluoroquinolones in eggs. Talanta, v. 152, p. 498-503, . (12/11401-3, 13/09543-7, 08/03064-1, 08/57808-1)
LUZ, MACIEL SANTOS; OLIVEIRA, PEDRO VITORIANO. Simultaneous determination of Cr, Fe, Ni and V in crude oil by emulsion sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 3, n. 6, p. 1280-1283, . (08/57808-1)
BIZZI, CEZAR AUGUSTO; DE MORAES FLORES, ERICO MARLON; PICOLOTO, ROCHELE SOGARI; BARIN, JULIANO SMANIOTO; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM ARAUJO. Microwave-assisted digestion in closed vessels: effect of pressurization with oxygen on digestion process with diluted nitric acid. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 2, n. 6, p. 734-738, . (08/57808-1, 06/59083-9)
VIEIRA, FRANCISCO SENNA; PASQUINI, CELIO. Near infrared emission photometer for measuring the oxidative stability of edible oils. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 796, p. 101-107, . (08/57808-1)
MEDEIROS, MARIA LUCIMAR DA SILVA; CRUZ-TIRADO, J. P.; LIMA, ADRIANO FREITAS; NETTO, JOSE MARCELINO DE SOUZA; RIBEIRO, ANA PAULA BADAN; BASSEGIO, DOGLAS; GODOY, HELENA TEIXEIRA; BARBIN, DOUGLAS FERNANDES. Assessment oil composition and species discrimination of Brassicas seeds based on hyperspectral imaging and portable near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy tools and chemometrics. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 107, p. 11-pg., . (20/09198-1, 14/50951-4, 15/24351-2, 19/06846-5, 08/57808-1, 18/02500-4)
FONSECA, ALINE C. S.; PEREIRA, JOSE F. Q.; HONORATO, RICARDO S.; BRO, RASMUS; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Hierarchical classification models and Handheld NIR spectrometer to human blood stains identification on different floor tiles. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 267, n. 1, . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)
CRUZ-TIRADO, J. P.; VIEIRA, MATHEUS SILVA DOS SANTOS; AMIGO, JOSE MANUEL; SICHE, RAUL; BARBIN, DOUGLAS FERNANDES. Prediction of protein and lipid content in black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) larvae flour using portable NIR spectrometers and chemometrics. FOOD CONTROL, v. 153, p. 12-pg., . (14/50951-4, 20/09198-1, 15/24351-2, 08/57808-1, 22/07725-0)
FONSECA, ALINE C. S.; PEREIRA, JOSE F. Q.; HONORATO, RICARDO S.; BRO, RASMUS; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Classification of bloodstains deposited at different times on floor tiles using hierarchical modelling and a handheld NIR spectrometer. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. N/A, p. 7-pg., . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)
PEREIRA, JOSE F. Q.; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; HONORATO, RICARDO S.; BRO, RASMUS. Hierarchical method and hyperspectral images for classification of blood stains on colored and printed fabrics. CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS, v. 210, . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)
FERNANDO S. FONSECA JR.; LÍVIA R. E BRITO; MARIA FERNANDA PIMENTEL; LEILA B. LEAL. Determination of Ethanol in Gel Hand Sanitizers Using Mid and Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 31, n. 9, p. 1759-1763, . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)
BRUNO JACOBS; DAISA HAKBART BONEMANN; CAMILA CORRÊA PEREIRA; ALEXANDER OSSANES DE SOUZA; ANA CLAUDIA BEDUHN LUCKOW; MEIBEL TEIXEIRA LISBOA; ANDERSON SCHWINGEL RIBEIRO; SOLANGE CADORE; ADRIANE MEDEIROS NUNES. Avaliação da concentração total e da fração bioacessível de metais em amostras de casca de uva de cultivares Tannat e Cabernet Sauvignon por MIP OES. Química Nova, v. 44, n. 5, p. 547-552, . (08/57808-1)
RODRIGUES, DAYVISON R.; DE OLIVEIRA, DIANA S. M.; PONTES, MARCIO J. C.; LEMOS, SHERLAN G.. Voltammetric e-Tongue Based on a Single Sensor and Variable Selection for the Classification of Teas. FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 11, n. 7, p. 11-pg., . (08/57808-1)
CAROLINE D. CLASEN; SANDY A. SILVA; KAIANE Q. RIBEIRO; ANDERSON S. RIBEIRO; MARIANA A. VIEIRA. Evaluation of Total Concentrations and Bioaccessible Fractions of Essential and Toxic Elements in Amaranth, Quinoa and Chia by MIP OES. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 35, n. 5, . (08/57808-1)
PARDELLAS, LEONARDO DA SILVA; CUNHA, KLEITON DA CRUZ; GONZAGA, FABIANO BARBIERI. Stability studies of pH reference materials under repeated use conditions by the primary measurement method. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 412, n. 22, p. 8-pg., . (08/57808-1)
MOGOLLON, RENE; CONTRERAS, CAROLINA; DA SILVA NETA, MAGNOLIA LOURENCO; NASCIMENTO MARQUES, EMANUEL JOSE; ZOFFOLI, JUAN PABLO; DE FREITAS, SERGIO TONETTO. Non-destructive prediction and detection of internal physiological disorders in 'Keitt' mango using a hand-held Vis-NIR spectrometer. Postharvest Biology and Technology, v. 167, p. 7-pg., . (08/57808-1)
SILVA, ERKLAYLLE G. C.; SILVA, CAROLINA S.; PIMENTEL, M. FERNANDA. Infrared spectroscopy for document dating - Advantages, challenges and limitations. TALANTA OPEN, v. 5, p. 12-pg., . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)

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FOTÔMETRO DE EMISSÃO NA REGIÃO DO INFRAVERMELHO PRÓXIMO BR1020120278316 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) . Célio Pasquini ; Francisco Senna Vieira - October 2012, 30