Research Grants 15/07508-5 - Oxidação lipídica, Foto-oxidação - BV FAPESP
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The influence of photo-induced oxidation on peptide-membrane interactions

Grant number: 15/07508-5
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Visiting Researcher Grant - International
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Biophysics - Radiology and Photobiology
Principal Investigator:Mauricio da Silva Baptista
Grantee:Mauricio da Silva Baptista
Visiting researcher: Carlos Manuel Venancio Marques Serra
Visiting researcher institution: Institut Charles Sadron (ICS), France
Host Institution: Instituto de Química (IQ). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:12/50680-5 - Photosensitization in life sciences, AP.TEM


PepOxiLip is a research project devoted to the elucidation of the fundamental mechanisms by which photo-induced oxidation processes change self-assembled lipid membranes and their interactions with cell penetrating peptides. At the crossroads of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, PepOxiLip will address, from a Physical and Biochemical perspective, two key challenges: i) to identify and control the changes induced by photo-induced oxidation on plasma and model lipid membranes and ii) to evaluate the consequences of oxidation on membranes exposed to a solution of cargo-bearing or cargo-free cell penetrating peptides. As an outcome, PepOxiLip is expected not only to bring new insight into the understanding of the modifications of lipid membrane behaviour associated with lipid oxidation, but also to open new research pathways to devise strategies for the design of oxidative cell penetrating peptides and tissue destruction therapy based on oxidative stresses. Moreover, the contributions from the visiting scientist, that have a long collaboration history with the guest group, are also expected to significantly impact the pedagogical and technical environment available in the guest laboratory for pursuing efforts towards the understanding of the FAPESP Thematic Grant program 2012/50680-5 of the host laboratory: "Photo-sensitisation in Life Sciences". PepOxiLip is twin to RaftOxiLip, a project presented by professor André Schröder, seeking concomitantly support from FAPESP, for a visit of the group of professor Rosângela Itri, also a member of the Thematic Grant program "Photo-sensitisation in Life Sciences". (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
WEINBERGER, ANDREAS; WALTER, VIVIEN; MACEWAN, SARAH R.; SCHMATKO, TATIANA; MULLER, PIERRE; SCHRODER, ANDRE P.; CHILKOTI, ASHUTOSH; MARQUES, CARLOS M.. Cargo self-assembly rescues affinity of cell-penetrating peptides to lipid membranes. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 7, . (15/07508-5)
OKUDA-SHINAGAWA, NANCY M.; MOSKALENKO, YULIA E.; JUNQUEIRA, HELENA C.; BAPTISTA, MAURICIO S.; MARQUES, CARLOS M.; TERESA MACHINI, M.. Fluorescent and Photosensitizing Conjugates of Cell-Penetrating Peptide TAT(47-57): Design, Microwave-Assisted Synthesis at 60 degrees C, and Properties. ACS OMEGA, v. 2, n. 11, p. 8156-8166, . (13/07937-8, 15/07508-5)

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