Research Grants 15/04646-8 - Conforto ambiental, Desempenho ambiental - BV FAPESP
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Performance under the Ergonomic approach of buildings icons of the Brazilian Modernist Architecture in São Paulo, produced between 1930 and 1964.


This research aims to evaluate the performance under the Ergonomic approach, icons buildings of Brazilian modernist architecture, located in São Paulo, produced between 1930 and 1960, commercial and residential use, namely: building South American Bank (now Banco Itaú ) (1966), at Avenida Paulista, Rino Levi architect; National Building Set (1963), also on the same avenue, designed by architect Daniel Libeskind; the Louveiras (1946) building in the Higienópolis neighborhood, designed by architect Vila Nova Artigas and the building Anchieta (1948), on Paulista Avenue, designed by the Rio office MM Robertos.The research is part of the FAPESP Research (ref. 2014 process / 15961-9). "The Thermal and Lighting Performance of icons Buildings of the Brazilian Modernist Architecture in São Paulo, produced between 1930 and 1964, under the responsibility of Prof.. Dr. Joana Carla S. Gonçalves, to which I belong as a research associate.Besides understanding the ergonomics interrelationships with other areas of environmental comfort (lighting and thermal) research aims to assist in the understanding of the overall performance of buildings, not only assessing the functional that have occurred over the life of buildings, both in physical space, such as environmental aspects, but also with the expectations of users when to live and work.The method to be used in experimental research is inductive with field survey of physical and environmental variables. Results will be analyzed comparatively between experimental data of buildings in their current settings and design, and are faced with ergonomic performance criteria, particularly those set out in ISO 26800-2011 Ergonomics - General approach, principles and concepts, ASTM E 2350-2013 Standard Guide for Integration of Ergonomics / Human Factors into New Occupational Systems and NBR 9050: 2004. Accessibility to buildings, furniture, equipment and urban spaces.The applied method is based on the results achieved in previous research that evaluated the performance under the ergonomic approach. As a result of performance evaluation, under ergonomic approach, will be formulated design recommendations for contemporary architecture. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MULFARTH, ROBERTA CONSENTINO KRONKA; GONCALVES, JOANA CARLA SOARES; MICHALSKI, RANNY LOUREIRO XAVIER NASCIMENTO; SHIMOMURA, ALESSANDRA RODRIGUES PRATA; NASCIMENTO E SOUZA, BEATRIZ; CUNHA, GUILHERME REIS MURI; MARCONDES-CAVALERI, MONICA PEREIRA; MONROY, MANUEL ALVAREZ GOMEZ. The environmental response of office buildings from the Brazilian bioclimatic modernism in Sa similar to o Paulo: the case study of Complexo Conjunto Nacional-CCN (1962). Solar Energy, v. 220, p. 617-634, . (14/15961-9, 15/04646-8, 18/25711-0)

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