Scholarship 14/03514-8 - Biofísica, Tensoativos - BV FAPESP
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Structural investigations on model-systems based on amphiphilic peptides

Grant number: 14/03514-8
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Post-doctor
Start date until: May 15, 2014
End date until: May 14, 2015
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Chemistry - Physical-Chemistry
Principal Investigator:Wendel Andrade Alves
Grantee:Emerson Rodrigo da Silva
Supervisor: Ian W. Hamley
Host Institution: Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH). Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC). Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Santo André , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: University of Reading, England  
Associated to the scholarship:13/12674-6 - Structural investigations on model systems based on amphiphilic peptides, BP.PD


We propose the synthesis and characterization of new peptide nanostructures obtained from self-assembly processes. Novel peptide sequences, of bolamphiphile and lipopeptide type, will be prepared. The choice for these classes relies on the rich polymorphism of mesophases that they are able to form and on their ability to establish biointerfaces through molecular recognition, which increases their application significantly. We intend to evaluate the formation of these systems under different physicochemical conditions - e.g., ionic strength, pH, polarity, etc. - and contribute to elucidate the interactions appearing in their ordering process. Small-angle scattering techniques (X-rays and neutrons) will be used to probe structural aspects and provide insights on the mechanisms involved in the self-assembly. After determining the optimal conditions for obtaining the arrays, their respective phase diagrams will be determined. To achieve this, techniques providing complementary information in both direct and reciprocal space will be used. Besides data on structure and morphology, these techniques will supply parameters on chemical and physical properties of the arrays. This information, combined with data from in silico experiments performed by collaborators, is expected to contribute towards elucidating basic mechanisms involved in the building of the nanostructures. In the following, structural changes will be evaluated in the peptides by varying the amino acid residues. The goal is to obtain different supramolecular organizations with a range of potential applications, namely in transport and/or detection architectures. Furthermore, this hierarchical process could be followed in situ by using scattering techniques to probe the kinetics of self-assembly. (AU)

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DECANDIO, CARLA C.; SILVA, EMERSON R.; HAMLEY, IAN W.; CASTELLETTO, VALERIA; LIBERATO, MICHELLE S.; OLIVEIRA, JR., VANI X.; OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANO L. P.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Self-Assembly of a Designed Alternating Arginine/Phenylalanine Oligopeptide. Langmuir, v. 31, n. 15, p. 4513-4523, . (12/15481-1, 14/03514-8, 13/12997-0)
DA SILVA, EMERSON RODRIGO; WALTER, MERLIN NATHANIEL MARK; REZA, MEHEDI; CASTELLETTO, VALERIA; RUOKOLAINEN, JANNE; CONNON, CHE JOHN; ALVES, WENDEL ANDRADE; HAMLEY, IAN WILLIAM. Self-Assembled Arginine-Capped Peptide Bolaamphiphile Nanosheets for Cell Culture and Controlled Wettability Surfaces. Biomacromolecules, v. 16, n. 10, p. 3180-3190, . (14/03514-8, 13/12997-0)
DA SILVA, EMERSON RODRIGO; ALVES, WENDEL ANDRADE; CASTELLETTO, VALERIA; REZA, MEHEDI; RUOKOLAINEN, JANNE; HUSSAIN, ROHANAH; HAMLEY, IAN WILLIAM. Self-assembly pathway of peptide nanotubes formed by a glutamatic acid-based bolaamphiphile. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v. 51, n. 58, p. 11634-11637, . (14/03514-8, 13/12997-0)
SILVA, EMERSON R.; COONEY, GARY; HAMLEY, IAN W.; ALVES, WENDEL A.; LEE, SHANNON; O'CONNOR, BRENDAN F.; REZA, MEHEDI; RUOKOLAINEN, JANNE; WALLS, DERMOT. Structural behaviour and gene delivery in complexes formed between DNA and arginine-containing peptide amphiphiles. SOFT MATTER, v. 12, n. 45, p. 9158-9169, . (15/24018-1, 13/12674-6, 14/03514-8)

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