Scholarship 20/02757-5 - Ensino de química, Literatura estrangeira - BV FAPESP
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Argumentation in Chemistry education: state of the art using foreign literature as a counterpoint to the existing results in Brazil

Grant number: 20/02757-5
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate (Direct)
Start date until: December 01, 2020
End date until: February 28, 2023
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Education - Specific topics in Education
Principal Investigator:Salete Linhares Queiroz
Grantee:Adriele Ribeiro dos Santos
Host Institution: Instituto de Química de São Carlos (IQSC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):22/05342-6 - Argumentation in chemistry education: state of the art using foreign literature as a counterpoint to the existing results in Brazil, BE.EP.DD


Argumentation is a desirable skill to the exercise of citizenship. Therefore, its implementation in Science education has been gaining increasing support of researchers in the area, portrayed by a broad academic production on the subject developed in recent decades that underline the urgent for studies that organize and systematize such knowledge. This project aims to investigate the national scenario on the argumentation in Chemistry education using foreign literature as a counterpoint to existing results in Brazil. For such, in the national context will be analyzed articles published from 2000 to 2020 in magazines with selective editorial policy, complete works in the annals of the National Research Meeting in Science Education and the National Chemistry Teaching Meeting, as well as Dissertations and Doctoral Theses (DT) defended in Graduate Programs (PPG) in Chemistry Teaching and Education. The counterpoints with the international context will be formulated by the analyses of articles published in English language in the area of Science education considering the period from 1990 to 2020 by publishers whose number of active journals overtake two-hundred. The documents will be investigated based on the following descriptors: years of defense or publication, objectives, results, methodological tools used in argumentation studying, thematic focuses, education degrees, institutions and countries of origin, research and data collection methods. The DT will also be evaluated according to the academic profile of the advisors, geographical region and PPG of origin. To that end, a "state of the art" research will be developed, enabling a discussion of the aforementioned academic production to support investigations related to the fundamental questions about the argumentation in Chemistry teaching, as well as to indicate the characteristics and demands of this field of study. (AU)

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