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Cristiano Soleo de Funari


Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Botucatu. Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas (FCA)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Cristiano Funari has a BSc in chemical engineering from the University of Campinas (Brazil), MSc in drugs and medicines from the University of São Paulo (Brazil), and a PhD in chemistry from the Institute of Chemistry at São Paulo State University (Brazil). He performed part of his PhD at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) and University of Salerno (Italy). He was a postdoc fellow at the Australian Center for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS) and at IQ/UNESP, applying concepts of green chemistry to the chemistry of natural products. He worked at Labiana Life Sciences (Spain) and Centroflora Group, where he developed and coordinated projects for innovation in natural products. He was selected as one of SciFinder Future Leaders in Chemistry in 2014. Prof. Funari is currently an associate professor 5.3 at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the São Paulo State University, and collaborates with national and international institutions, such as The University of Manchester, the Future Industries Institute (University of South Australia), The Centre for Green Chemical Science (The University of Auckland), The University of Munster, and the University of Kiel. Prof. Funari is particularly interested in developing strategies and methods to make Natural Product Chemistry more adherent to Green Chemistry concepts, since he strongly believes that chemists of natural products should play a major role in developing a novel ecological paradigm in Chemistry. It seems to be essential for natural products chemistry to recapture its preeminent role in drug discovery, since Pharmaceutical Industry is strongly investing on greening their products and processes. He is the founder and coordinator of the Green Biotech Network, a network among young scientists from different campi and scientific institutions. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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APERFEIÇOAMENTO EM CROMATÓGRAFO A LÍQUIDO PARA EXTRAÇÃO DE MICROMOLÉCULAS DE MATRIZES SÓLIDAS E MÉTODO DE ANÁLISE CROMATOGRÁFICA UTILIZANDO DITO EQUIPAMENTO BR1020150210477 - Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Alberto José Cavalheiro ; Vinícius Guimarães Ferreira ; Gabriel Mazzi Leme ; Cristiano Soleo De Funari - August 2015, 31

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