Research Grants 14/18002-2 - Rutales, Sapindales - BV FAPESP
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Sapindales: phylogeny and diversification in the Neotropical Region

Grant number: 14/18002-2
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Botany - Plant Taxonomy
Principal Investigator:José Rubens Pirani
Grantee:José Rubens Pirani
Host Institution: Instituto de Biociências (IB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Pedro Dias de Oliveira
Associated researchers:Diego Demarco ; Eliana Regina Forni Martins ; Pedro Acevedo ; William Wayt Thomas
Associated research grant(s):18/18922-5 - XII Latin American Congress of Botany, AR.EXT
18/03049-4 - Neotropical Burseraceae: phylogenetic and taxonomic approaches, AV.EXT
17/13244-6 - The origins of guarana: phylogenetic, monographic, and biogeographical studies of Paullinia (Sapindaceae), AV.EXT
Associated scholarship(s):19/10636-6 - Floral morphology and development of Biebersteiniaceae: implications for floral evolution and diversification of Sapindales, BP.PD
19/03559-5 - Geographic distribution and taxonomy of Neotropical Sapindales, BP.TT
19/05167-7 - Library optimization and next generation sequencing for phylogenetic inference in Sapindales, BP.TT
+ associated scholarships 18/17236-0 - Population genomics of Pilocarpus spp. (Rutaceae), BP.PD
18/14853-9 - Comparative morphoanatomy and evolution of fruits of the tribe Galipeeae (Rutoideae, Rutaceae), BP.IC
18/18064-9 - Phylogenomics and evolution in Sapindaceae, BP.PD
18/03139-3 - Library optimization and next generation sequencing for phylogenetic inference in Sapindales, BP.TT
16/10308-0 - Population genomics in Pilocarpus spp. (Rutaceae), BP.PD
15/23548-7 - Chemical and morphological characterization of leaf cuticular wax of Simaba Aubl. (Simaroubaceae), BP.MS
16/06572-4 - Repetitive sequences in Sapindales: evolutionary impact on a global scale, BP.PD
15/24158-8 - Systematics and biogeography of Nycticalanthus and Spiranthera (Rutaceae), BP.MS
15/09444-4 - Phylogenomics and evolution of the Paullineae-Thouinieae clade, BP.PD
15/09776-7 - Neotropical Sapindales floral structure: implications for systematics and evolution, BP.PD - associated scholarships


Sapindales are currently considered a monophyletic group, and are part of Eudicots Malvids. This order comprises nine families, ca. 5200 species, 473 genera, mostly occurring in tropical and temperate regions of the world. About 40% of Sapindales species diversity is concentrated in the Neotropical region, where the order is represented by six families (Anacardiaceae, Burseraceae, Meliaceae, Rutaceae, Sapindaceae, and Simaroubaceae). Economically, Sapindales representatives play important roles in several markets as diverse as food, phamarceutic, woody and furniture, shipbuilding. Within Sapindales, interfamilial phylogenetic relationships are often unsupported or low-supported (otherwise taxon sampling balance among families is problematic), which may be improved by a much denser taxon sampling approach that includes as much neotropical groups as possible. Thus, we propose to infer a genus-level phylogeny of Sapindales (and species-level phylogenies of four selected neotropical genera: Schinus, Simaba, Spiranthera and Nycticalanthus), to build a phylogenetic classification for the order, and suggest (based on results) diversification hypotheses for each neotropical genus. After phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses, problematic areas of the phylogenetic tree will be identified and selected for later phylogenetic, taxonomic, and evolutionary studies in the order. In this study, we will perform phylogenetic and diversification analyses, based on six molecular markers (five from the cpDNA and one from the nDNA), for each genera and family sampled. After completion, this proposal will allow us to: 1) provide a genus-level phylogeny and a phylogenetic classification for Sapindales (and for each of the six families); 2) understand the diversification history of Neotropical Sapindales; 3) produce two PhD thesis and two MSc dissertations; and 4) stablish and develop an international cooperation program. (AU)

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Scientific publications (42)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
TOLKE, ELISABETH DANTAS; MEDINA, MARIA CAMILA; SOUTO, AUGUSTO LOPES; RODRIGUES MARQUES, JOAO PAULO; NOGUEIRA ALVES, GISELE GOMES; GAMA, REBECA LAINO; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS; DEMARCO, DIEGO. Diversity and evolution of secretory structures in Sapindales. Rev. bras. Bot., . (14/18002-2, 19/10636-6, 17/23882-0)
TOELKE, ELISABETH D.; BACHELIER, JULIEN B.; LIMA, ELIMAR A.; GALETTO, LEONARDO; DEMARCO, DIEGO; CARMELLO-GUERREIRO, SANDRA M.. Diversity of floral nectary secretions and structure, and implications for their evolution in Anacardiaceae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 187, n. 2, p. 209-231, . (14/18002-2)
DIAS, PEDRO; UDULUTSCH, RENATA GIASSI; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the South American genus Metrodorea (Rutaceae). TURKISH JOURNAL OF BOTANY, v. 39, n. 5, p. 825-834, . (14/18002-2)
GAMA, REBECA LAINO; MUELLNER-RIEHL, ALEXANDRA NORA; DEMARCO, DIEGO; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Evolution of reproductive traits in the mahagony family (Meliaceae). JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION, v. 59, n. 1, . (14/18002-2)
ALVES, GISELE G. N.; EL OTTRA, JULIANA H. L.; DEVECCHI, MARCELO F.; DEMARCO, DIEGO; PIRANI, JOSE R.. Structure of the flower of Simaba (Simaroubaceae) and its anatomical novelties. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 183, n. 1, p. 162-176, . (14/18002-2, 13/13108-4, 15/09776-7)
SILVEIRA, ELIELSON RODRIGO; ROMA, LUCAS PARADIZO; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS; DOS SANTOS, DEBORAH YARA ALVES CURSINO. Contrasting leaf cuticular wax composition of Conchocarpus and Dryades species (Rutaceae) from the Atlantic Forest and ``Restinga{''}. Rev. bras. Bot., . (14/18002-2)
CARVALHO, JULIANA C. S.; PIRANI, JOSE R.; FERREIRA, MARCELO J. P.. Esenbeckia (Pilocarpinae, Rutaceae): chemical constituents and biological activities. Rev. bras. Bot., . (14/18002-2, 14/21593-2)
GAMA, REBECA LAINO; LEITE EL OTTRA, JULIANA HANNA; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS; DEMARCO, DIEGO. Gynodioecy in Trichilia (Meliaceae) and a peculiar case of male sterility due to tapetal necrotic cell death. Rev. bras. Bot., . (14/18002-2)
LEITE EL OTTRA, JULIANA HANNA; DEMARCO, DIEGO; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Comparative floral structure and evolution in Galipeinae (Galipeeae: Rutaceae) and its implications at different systematic levels. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 191, n. 1, p. 30-101, . (09/08764-4, 15/09776-7, 14/18002-2, 09/54569-9)
ALVES DE LIMA, ELIMAR; DANTAS TOLKE, ELISABETH; LUIZA DA SILVA-LUZ, CINTIA; DEMARCO, DIEGO; MARIA CARMELLO-GUERREIRO, SANDRA. ruit morphoanatomy of Astronium Jacq. and Myracrodruon Allemao (Anacardiaceae): taxonomic implications and development of the calycinal wing. Rev. bras. Bot., . (19/10636-6, 14/18002-2)
DEVECCHI, MARCELO FERNANDO; THOMAS, WILLIAM WAYT; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Disentangling the Simaba ferruginea Species Complex (Simaroubaceae), With a New Species from Northern South America. SYSTEMATIC BOTANY, v. 43, n. 2, p. 557-570, . (14/18002-2)
ANA PAULA STECHHAHN LACCHIA; ELISABETH EMILIA AUGUSTA DANTAS TÖLKE; DIEGO DEMARCO; SANDRA MARIA CARMELLO-GUERREIRO. Presumed domatia are actually extrafloral nectaries on leaves of Anacardium humile (Anacardiaceae). Rodriguésia, v. 67, n. 1, p. 19-28, . (14/18002-2, 03/13556-5)
THIAGO BEVILACQUA FLORES; VINICIUS CASTRO SOUZA; RUBENS LUIZ GAYOSO COELHO. Flora do Espírito Santo: Meliaceae. Rodriguésia, v. 68, n. 5, p. 1693-1723, . (15/09444-4, 12/00964-7, 14/18002-2)
TOLKE, E. D.; LACCHIA, A. P. S.; LIMA, E. A.; DEMARCO, D.; ASCENSAO, L.; CARMELLO-GUERREIRO, S. M.. Secretory ducts in Anacardiaceae revisited: Updated concepts and new findings based on histochemical evidence. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, v. 138, p. 394-405, . (14/18002-2, 03/13556-5, 19/10636-6)
MEDINA, MARIA CAMILA; SOUSA-BAENA, MARIANE S.; PRADO, ERIKA; ACEVEDO-RODRIGUEZ, PEDRO; DIAS, PEDRO; DEMARCO, DIEGO. Laticifers in Sapindaceae: Structure, Evolution and Phylogenetic Importance (vol 11, 612985, 2021). FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, v. 12, p. 1-pg., . (14/18002-2, 17/23882-0)
BRITO, LILIAN DE ANDRADE; DIAS, PEDRO; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Synonymization of the monotypic genus Nycticalanthus in Spiranthera (Rutaceae: Galipeinae). PHYTOTAXA, v. 422, n. 1, p. 3-pg., . (14/18002-2, 15/24158-8)
TOLKE, ELISABETH DANTAS; BACHELIER, JULIEN B.; DE LIMA, ELIMAR ALVES; PENA FERREIRA, MARCELO JOSE; DEMARCO, DIEGO; CARMELLO-GUERREIRO, SANDRA MARIA. Osmophores and floral fragrance in Anacardium humile and Mangifera indica (Anacardiaceae): an overlooked secretory structure in Sapindales. AOB PLANTS, v. 10, n. 6, . (14/18002-2)
ELISABETH EMILIA AUGUSTA DANTAS TÖLKE; ANA PAULA STECHHAHN LACCHIA; DIEGO DEMARCO; SANDRA MARIA CARMELLO-GUERREIRO. Pericarp ontogeny of Tapirira guianensis Aubl. (Anacardiaceae) reveals a secretory endocarp in young stage. Acta Botanica Brasilica, v. 31, n. 3, p. 319-329, . (00/12469-3, 03/13556-5, 11/02293-0, 14/18002-2)
DEVECCHI, MARCELO FERNANDO; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. A new species of Simaba sect. Grandiflorae (Simaroubaceae) from Jalapao region, Tocantins, Brazil. PHYTOTAXA, v. 227, n. 2, p. 167-174, . (14/18002-2)
DEVECCHI, MARCELO FERNANDO; THOMAS, WILLIAM WAYT; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Simaba arenaria (Simaroubaceae): a New Species from Sandy Coastal Plains in Northeastern Brazil, with Notes on Seedling Morphology. SYSTEMATIC BOTANY, v. 41, n. 2, p. 401-407, . (14/18002-2)
STECHHAHN LACCHIA, ANA PAULA; DANTAS TOLKE, ELISABETH E. A.; CARMELLO-GUERREIRO, SANDRA M.; ASCENSAO, LIA; DEMARCO, DIEGO. Foliar colleters in Anacardiaceae: first report for the family. BOTANY, v. 94, n. 5, p. 337-346, . (14/18002-2, 03/13556-5, 00/12469-3)
ACEVEDO-RODRIGUEZ, PEDRO; WURDACK, KENNETH J.; SILVIA FERRUCCI, M.; JOHNSON, GABRIEL; DIAS, PEDRO; COELHO, RUBENS G.; SOMNER, GENISE V.; STEINMANN, VICTOR W.; ZIMMER, ELIZABETH A.; STRONG, MARK T.. Generic Relationships and Classification of Tribe Paullinieae (Sapindaceae) with a New Concept of Supertribe Paulliniodae. SYSTEMATIC BOTANY, v. 42, n. 1, p. 96-114, . (14/18002-2)
MARCELO FERNANDO DEVECCHI; JOSÉ RUBENS PIRANI. Flora do Espírito Santo: Simaroubaceae. Rodriguésia, v. 71, . (14/18002-2)
MEDINA, MARIA CAMILA; SOUSA-BAENA, MARIANE S.; PRADO, ERIKA; ACEVEDO-RODRIGUEZ, PEDRO; DIAS, PEDRO; DEMARCO, DIEGO. Laticifers in Sapindaceae: Structure, Evolution and Phylogenetic Importance. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, v. 11, . (14/18002-2, 17/23882-0)
MELO-DE-PINNA, GLADYS FLAVIA DE A.; EDSON-CHAVES, BRUNO; MENEZES-E-VASCONCELOS, KARLA; DE LEMOS, RENATA C. C.; SANTOS-DA-CRUZ, BRUNA; DEVECCHI, MARCELO FERNANDO; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Underground system of geoxylic species of Homalolepis Turcz. (Simaroubaceae, Sapindales) from the Brazilian Cerrado. Rev. bras. Bot., v. 45, n. 1, p. 11-pg., . (14/18002-2, 19/15195-8)
BRITO, LILIAN DE ANDRADE; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Taxonomic Revision of Spiranthera (Rutaceae). SYSTEMATIC BOTANY, v. 47, n. 1, p. 20-pg., . (14/18002-2, 15/24158-8)
DA SILVA LUZ, CINTIA LUIZA; MITCHELL, JOHN DANIEL; DALY, DOUGLAS C.; BITENCOURT, CAMILA; OLIVEIRA PIERRE, PATRICIA MARIA; PELL, SUSAN K.; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Hidden Species of Anacardiaceae in the Andean Cloud Forests: A Revision of Schinus section Myrtifolia. SYSTEMATIC BOTANY, v. 47, n. 4, p. 34-pg., . (13/04345-2, 14/18490-7, 14/18002-2)
GROPPO, MILTON; CAVALCANTE DE LEMOS, LUISA JORIO; FERREIRA, PAOLA DE LIMA; FERREIRA, CAROLINA; BRUNIERA, CARLA POLESELLI; DE CASTRO, NEUZA MARIA; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS; LEITE EL OTTRA, JULIANA HANNA; KALLUNKI, JACQUELYN ANN. A tree nymph of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Dryades (Galipeinae, Rutaceae), a new neotropical genus segregated from Conchocarpus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, v. 154, . (07/06336-0, 15/09776-7, 14/18002-2, 16/06260-2, 11/10446-0, 06/03170-0)
PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS; MAJURE, LUCAS C.; DEVECCHI, MARCELO FERNANDO. An updated account of Simaroubaceae with emphasis on American taxa. Rev. bras. Bot., . (14/18002-2)
GUIMARAES, RAFAEL; FORNI-MARTINS, ELIANA REGINA. Chromosome numbers and their evolutionary meaning in the Sapindales order: an overview. Rev. bras. Bot., . (14/18002-2)
ROMERO-DA-CRUZ, V, MARIA; GUIMARAES, RAFAEL; DEVECCHI, MARCELO F.; PIRANI, JOSE R.; FORNI-MARTINS, ELIANA R.. Chromosome numbers in Homalolepis Turcz. and their significance in Simaroubaceae evolution. Rev. bras. Bot., . (14/18002-2, 16/06572-4)
ALVES, GISELE GOMES NOGUEIRA; FONSECA, LUIZ HENRIQUE MARTINS; DEVECCHI, MARCELO FERNANDO; EL OTTRA, JULIANA HANNA LEITE; DEMARCO, DIEGO; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. What reproductive traits tell us about the evolution and diversification of the tree-of-heaven family, Simaroubaceae. Rev. bras. Bot., . (14/18002-2)
PASCHOALINI, GUILHERME DE ORNELLAS; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS; DEMARCO, DIEGO; LEITE EL OTTRA, JULIANA HANNA. Revisiting pericarp structure, dehiscence and seed dispersal in Galipeeae (Zanthoxyloideae, Rutaceae). Rev. bras. Bot., . (14/18002-2, 18/14853-9, 15/09776-7)
DEVECCHI, MARCELO F.; THOMAS, WILLIAM W.; PIRANI, JOSE R.. Two new dwarf species of Homalolepis (Simaroubaceae) from the Brazilian Cerrado (Neotropical savanna). PHYTOTAXA, v. 336, n. 3, p. 252-262, . (14/18002-2)
DA SILVA-LUZ, CINTIA LUIZA; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS; MITCHELL, JOHN DANIEL; DALY, DOUGLAS; CAPELLI, NATALIE DO VALLE; DEMARCO, DIEGO; PELL, SUSAN K.; PLUNKETT, GREGORY M.. Phylogeny of Schinus L. (Anacardiaceae) with a new infrageneric classification and insights into evolution of spinescence and floral traits. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, v. 133, p. 302-351, . (14/18002-2, 13/04345-2, 14/18490-7)
DEVECCHI, MARCELO FERNANDO; THOMAS, WILLIAM WAYT; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Taxonomic revision of the neotropical genus Homalolepis Turcz. (Simaroubaceae). PHYTOTAXA, v. 366, n. 1, p. 1+, . (14/18002-2)
CAMILO VERÍSSIMO DE OLIVEIRA BARBOSA; RUBENS LUIZ GAYOSO COELHO; PEDRO LAGE VIANA. Flora das cangas da Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brasil: Sapindaceae. Rodriguésia, v. 69, n. 1, p. 229-239, . (15/09444-4, 14/18002-2)
DEVECCHI, MARCELO FERNANDO; THOMAS, WILLIAM WAYT; PLUNKETT, GREGORY M.; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Testing the monophyly of Simaba (Simaroubaceae): Evidence from five molecular regions and morphology. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, v. 120, p. 63-82, . (14/18002-2)
TOLKE, ELISABETH DANTAS; DEMARCO, DIEGO; CARMELLO-GUERREIRO, SANDRA MARIA; BACHELIER, JULIEN B.. Flower Structure and Development of Spondias tuberosa and Tapirira guianensis (Spondioideae): Implications for the Evolution of the Unisexual Flowers and Pseudomonomery in Anacardiaceae. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCES, v. 182, n. 9, . (14/18002-2)

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