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Production and characterization of edible coatings containing carotenoids and phenolic compounds co-encapsulated in TPP-chitosomes for application on fresh strawberries

Grant number: 20/07061-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): October 01, 2020
Effective date (End): August 31, 2022
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Food Science and Technology - Food Engineering
Principal Investigator:Milena Martelli Tosi
Grantee:Sabrina Guarda Botelho Pinho
Host Institution: Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos (FZEA). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Pirassununga , SP, Brazil


Food processing is widely used to increase the shelf life of foods and to guarantee nutritional, sensory and microbiological quality. However, post-harvest losses and by-products generated after processing are a serious problem and deserve viable alternatives for reuse, such as the extraction and valorization of the remained active compounds. Thus, the objectives of this project are: (I) the extraction of active compounds (phenolic and carotenoids) from by-products obtained after processing of carrot juice, using ultrasound-assisted extraction with absolute ethanol; (II) the co-encapsulation of bioactives into TPP-chitosome particles and (III) the application of active particles in chitosan-based coatings in order to enrich and increase the shelf life of fresh strawberries. The first part of this project has already been studied by our research group and, therefore, the optimal condition will be used. The size and surface charge of the particles will be analyzed by dynamic light scattering and the morphology will be observed by scanning electron microscopy. Environmental stability of the encapsulated compounds will be evaluated as a function of time, exposure to ultraviolet light and temperature. The most stable suspension will be used for the coating application. The mass loss, firmness and color of strawberries will be evaluated during the storing time. Active coatings are expected to improve the shelf life and nutritional quality of strawberries.

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