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Inclusion of yerba mate extract in bovine and sheep diets: effects on methanogenesis and meat quality


Brazil is a country dependent on the wealth generated by agribusiness, and the production of ruminants is one of the pillars of this chain. However, as is well known, this sector generates a significant amount of pollutant gases, mainly coming from the emission of enteric gases. From this, a great concern has arisen over the sector, since countries that do not reduce the emission of polluting gases can receive embargoes on exports, and the productive chain of the meat trades great part of its products internationally. Therefore, it is necessary to study alternatives that help in this generated environmental economic context. Yerba mate is a plant widely used in South American countries and has a rich composition with pharmacological properties, this plant has already been studied in the nutrition of cattle, and has led to a softer and healthier meat to consumers, but studies on its effect in the methanogenesis of ruminants has not yet been realized, much less its effects on the methanogenesis and quality of sheep meat. The objective of this project is to evaluate the potential of the herb-mate extract used as an additive to mitigate the emissions of enteric methane gases in beef cattle and sheep, as well as to evaluate this additive in relation to the effect on the microorganisms of the rumen and health animal, in addition to verifying if the beneficial effects already found in the beef of cattle are also expressed in sheep of cut. The novelty of the proposal lies in the evaluation of a plant widely exploited in Brazil for consumption and human use, whose concentrated extract may have promising results for the sustainability of the national livestock chain. (AU)

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
PENA-BERMUDEZ, YULI A.; LOBO, RICHARD R.; ROJAS-MORENO, DANNY A.; POLETI, MIRELE D.; DE AMORIM, TAMYRES R.; ROSA, ALESSANDRA F.; PEREIRA, ANGELICA S. C.; PINHEIRO, RAFAEL S. B.; BUENO, IVES C. S.. Effects of Feeding Increasing Levels of Yerba Mate on Lamb Meat Quality and Antioxidant Activity. ANIMALS, v. 10, n. 9, . (18/10308-6)
LOBO, RICHARD R.; VINCENZI, RAFAELA; ROJAS-MORENO, DANNY A.; LOBO, ANNELISE A. G.; DA SILVA, CAROLINE M.; BENETEL-JUNIOR, VANDERLEI; GHUSSN, LAURA R.; MUFALO, VINICIUS C.; BERNDT, ALEXANDRE; GALLO, SARITA B.; et al. Inclusion of Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) Extract in the Diet of Growing Lambs: Effects on Blood Parameters, Animal Performance, and Carcass Traits. ANIMALS, v. 10, n. 6, . (18/10308-6, 17/25319-0)
PENA-BERMUDEZ, YULI A.; VINCENZI, RAFAELA; MEO-FILHO, PAULO; SAKAMOTO, LEANDRO S.; LOBO, RICHARD; BENETEL, GABRIELA; LOBO, ANNELISE; MATOS, CAROL; BENETEL, VANDERLEI; LIMA, CESAR G.; et al. Effect of Yerba Mate Extract as Feed Additive on Ruminal Fermentation and Methane Emissions in Beef Cattle. ANIMALS, v. 12, n. 21, p. 12-pg., . (18/10308-6)
LOBO, RICHARD R.; CORREIA, BANNY S. B.; PENA-BERMUDEZ, YULI A.; VINCENZI, RAFAELA; DA SILVA, CAROLINE M.; PANOSSO, LETICIA L.; CERIBELI, CAROLINE; COLNAGO, LUIZ A.; CARDOSO, DANIEL R.; BERNDT, ALEXANDRE; et al. Effects of dietary inclusion of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) extract on lamb muscle metabolomics and physicochemical properties in meat. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, v. 99, n. 9, . (17/01189-0, 17/25319-0, 18/10308-6)

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