Research Grants 17/22401-8 - Prebióticos, Biomateriais - BV FAPESP
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Fruit-refinery: obtention processes, characterization methods and generation of products derived from residues of the fruitculture

Grant number: 17/22401-8
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Nelson Ramos Stradiotto
Grantee:Nelson Ramos Stradiotto
Host Institution: Instituto de Pesquisa em Bioenergia (IPBEN). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Rio Claro. Rio Claro , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Adilson Roberto Gonçalves ; Jonas Contiero
Associated researchers:Adilson Roberto Gonçalves ; Afonso Lopes ; Celso Eduardo Tuna ; Edvaldo Aparecido Amaral da Silva ; Eleni Gomes ; Eliana Gertrudes de Macedo Lemos ; Henriette Monteiro Cordeiro de Azeredo ; Hideko Yamanaka ; Jeferson Gross ; José Luz Silveira ; Juliana Ferreira de Brito ; Maísa Azevedo Beluomini ; Marcelo Firmino de Oliveira ; Maria Del Pilar Taboada Sotomayor ; Maria Valnice Boldrin ; Michel Brienzo ; Patricia Alves Carneiro ; Ricardo Alan Verdú Ramos ; Sandra Imaculada Maintinguer
Associated research grant(s):19/26755-4 - Multi-user Equipent approved in grant 2017/22401-8 - Gas Chromatograph FID TCD headspace with automatic injector, AP.EMU
19/25088-4 - Multi-User Equipment approved in grant 2017/22401-8: APC Advanced Polymer Chromatography System, AP.EMU
Associated scholarship(s):24/04728-3 - Immobilization of endoglucanases and xylanases on magnetic supports: Evaluation of the hydrolysis of agro-industrial by-products aiming at the production of oligosaccharides, BP.PD
24/01731-3 - Isolation of Cellulose Nanocrystals and Production of cello-oligosaccharides from Banana Pseudo-stem through Chemical and Enzymatic Processes, BP.PD
24/10977-6 - Agro-industrial banana wastes applied in biogas production: evaluation of thermal pre-treatment in alkaline hydrolysis, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 24/08058-2 - Management of inorganic and organic waste through biodegradation and polymer blend formulations, BP.DR
24/12002-2 - Molecularly printed electrochemical sensor using L-Lysine electropolymerization on a surface containing gold nanoparticles and reduced graphene oxide for determining levulinic acid in samples from fruit growing processing, BP.IC
23/16410-5 - Evaluation of Banana Agroindustrial Waste Pre-Treated with Acid Additions in Hydrogen and Methane Generation, BP.IC
23/13016-4 - Effect of thickness on the physicochemical properties of bioplastic composed of starch and hemicellulose, and the possibility of carrying seeds, BP.IC
23/01008-7 - Molecularly imprinted sensors based on polyamino acids for the determination of bioproducts from fruitculture waste., BP.DR
23/02663-9 - Co-digestion of fruit waste and swine manure in acidogenic leached bed reactor and EGSB methanogen reactor: emphasis on multi-omic analysis of synergic metabolisms, BP.PD
23/06345-1 - Avaliation of the physical-chemical properties of bioplastic with pectin as base with different plastifying agents., BP.IC
23/00817-9 - Electrochemical sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymer on surface containing metallic nanoparticle and reduced graphene oxide for the enantioselective determination of (D) and (L)-limonene in agroindustrial waste, BP.MS
23/06494-7 - Development of xylose-selective core@shell Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) for application in dispersive solid phase extraction (DSPE) columns, BP.IC
23/01137-1 - Sucrose detection using an electrochemical platform modified with reduced graphene oxide and molecularly imprinted aspartic acid, BP.TT
23/01693-1 - Xylitol determination using electrochemical sensor modified with electropolymerized L-glutamine on reduced graphene oxide surface, BP.TT
21/12433-5 - Adaptive evolution of Bacillus subtilis for biosurfactant production, BP.PD
22/03960-4 - Evaluation of carbon source on the growth profile of probiotic microorganisms and metabolites produced, BP.IC
22/01134-0 - Evaluation of the physicochemical properties of bioplastics based on polysaccharides with different plasticizing agents, BP.IC
22/07855-0 - Extraction of polysaccharides from fruit residues and combination for bioplastic production, BP.TT
20/11104-5 - Whole utilization of fruits processing waste for the production of biopolymer films with UV-blocking properties for biodegradable packaging, BP.PD
21/02370-6 - Electrochemical sensor molecularly imprinted on a nanostructured surface for the determination of 3-hydroxydecanoic acid in rhamnolipids produced from agro-industrial residues of guava, BP.IC
21/02550-4 - Electrochemical sensors based on electrodes modified with copper nanopores and molecularly imprinted polymers for determination of xylobiosis in banana peel and pulp, BP.IC
20/14965-1 - Fruit-refinery: obtention processes and chracterization methods, BP.DD
20/14933-2 - Evaluation of polymerizing compounds in films based on biomass polysaccharides, BP.IC
20/15155-3 - Application of banana waste in the production of value-added co-products by anaerobic biological processes, BP.DD
20/06189-1 - Production and characterization of rhamnolipids produced from alternative substrates, BP.MS
20/09166-2 - Prebiotic and antioxidant effect of glucose oligosaccharides obtained from banana pseudostem, BP.IC
20/09193-0 - Sugarcane bagasse xylan acetylation and its effect on biofilm formation, BP.IC
20/02434-1 - Using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae PE-2 for production of D-lactic acid, BP.DD
19/26924-0 - Application of xidized lignins obtained from banana residues in the treatment of industrial effluents containing heavy metals, BP.IC
19/16853-9 - Biodegradation evaluation of films made with plant biomass polysaccharides, BP.MS
20/01900-9 - Lignins from banana residues evaluated as chelating agents and controlled-release formulations, BP.DD
19/13818-8 - Development of disposable sensors based on 3D graphene oxide, metal nanoparticles and molecularly imprinted polymers for the determination of phenolic acids in fruticulture waste, BP.DR - associated scholarships


The national fruitculture is one of the most important sectors of Brazilian economy, with significant contributions to the production of fruits, industrialized juices and sweets, exportations of industrialized food, and large-scale employment. Despite its great importance for the national economy, the agroindustry generates huge amounts of residues which contribute to increasing problems related to environmental issues. For this reason, our current project has the following four major aims: 1) to propose rational uses for residues derived from the fruitculture industry; 2) to generate high-value products; 3) to develop new methods for obtention and 4) to apply new methods of characterization for raw materials and products. The project's overarching goal is to establish a Fruit-Refinery using as raw materials residues generated by the agroindustrial sector of the national fruitculture. Thereby, this project intends to transform agroindustrial residues from fruits such as orange, banana, mango, pineapple and guava, by using processes such as microbial fermentation, enzymatic hydrolysis, auto-hydrolysis, and bioelectrochemistry, and by applying new methods for characterization of raw materials and their respective derived high-value compounds. The Fruit-Refinery outlined in this project proposes to yield high-value products such as: biodegradable polymers (poly(D-lactic acid) and polyhydroxyalkanoates), biosurfactants (ramnolipids), prebiotics (xylo-oligosaccharides), biomaterials (derived from cellulose and lignin) e biofuels (hydrogen and methane). (AU)

Articles published in Agência FAPESP Newsletter about the research grant:
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Scientific publications (50)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FELIPUCI, JEFFERSON POLES; SCHMATZ, ALISON ANDREI; DE ANGELIS, DERLENE ATTILI; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Biological pretreatment improved subsequent xylan chemical solubilization. BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, . (17/22401-8, 19/12997-6, 17/11345-0)
MARTINS, RODRIGO PAGANO; SCHMATZ, ALISON ANDREI; DE FREITA, LIDYANE ALINE; ROSSINI MUTTON, MARCIA JUSTINO; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Solubilization of hemicellulose and fermentable sugars from bagasse, stalks, and leaves of sweet sorghum. INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, v. 170, . (19/12997-6, 17/22401-8)
ABE, MATEUS MANABU; BRANCIFORTI, MARCIA CRISTINA; MONTAGNOLLI, RENATO NALLIN; MARIN MORALES, MARIA APARECIDA; JACOBUS, ANA PAULA; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Production and assessment of the biodegradation and ecotoxicity of xylan-and starch-based bioplastics. Chemosphere, v. 287, n. 3, . (19/12997-6, 19/16853-9, 17/22401-8)
CARPINELLI MACEDO, JOAO VICTOR; ABE, MATEUS MANABU; SANVEZZO, PAULA BERTOLINO; GRILLO, RENATO; BRANCIFORTI, MARCIA CRISTINA; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Xylan-starch-based bioplastic formulation and xylan influence on the physicochemical and biodegradability properties. POLYMER BULLETIN, v. N/A, p. 26-pg., . (19/12997-6, 17/22401-8)
SANTOS, LETICIA B.; SILVA, RODRIGO D.; ALONSO, JOVAN D.; BRIENZO, MICHEL; SILVA, NATALIA C.; PEROTTO, GIOVANNI; OTONI, CAIO G.; AZEREDO, HENRIETTE M. C.. Bioplastics from orange processing byproducts by an ecoefficient hydrothermal approach. FOOD PACKAGING AND SHELF LIFE, v. 38, p. 8-pg., . (21/05092-7, 20/11104-5, 17/22401-8)
CANDIDO, JOAO PAULO; ALMEIDA, ERYKA COSTA; DE OLIVEIRA LEITE, DILZA NALIN; BRIENZO, MICHEL; DE FRANCESCHI DE ANGELIS, DEJANIRA. Vinasse from sugarcane bagasse (hemicellulose) acid hydrolysate and molasses supplemented: biodegradability and toxicity. ECOTOXICOLOGY, v. 30, n. 5, . (17/22401-8)
PEREIRA, BEATRIZ SALUSTIANO; DE FREITAS, CAROLINE; VIEIRA, ROGERIO MARTINS; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Brazilian banana, guava, and orange fruit and waste production as a potential biorefinery feedstock. JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT, v. 24, n. 6, p. 15-pg., . (20/14965-1, 17/22401-8)
MARTINS, JULIA RIBEIRO; SCHMATZ, ALISON ANDREI; SALAZAR-BRYAN, ANA MARIA; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Effect of Dilute Acid Pretreatment on the Sugarcane Leaf for Fermentable Sugars Production. SUGAR TECH, v. 24, n. 5, p. 11-pg., . (17/22401-8)
DA CONCEICAO, EMANUELA; BUFFON, EDERVALDO; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS. Lead signal enhancement in anodic stripping voltammetry using graphene oxide and pectin as electrode modifying agents for biofuel analysis. FUEL, v. 325, p. 9-pg., . (17/22401-8, 17/25329-6, 19/13818-8)
ABE, MATEUS MANABU; BRANCIFORTI, MARCIA CRISTINA; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Biodegradation of Hemicellulose-Cellulose-Starch-Based Bioplastics and Microbial Polyesters. RECYCLING, v. 6, n. 1, p. 21-pg., . (17/22401-8, 19/16853-9, 19/12997-6)
ALVES, ISMAEL CARLOS BRAGA; DOS SANTOS, JOSE RIBAMAR NASCIMENTO; MARQUES, EDMAR PEREIRA; SOUSA, JANYEID KARLA CASTRO; BELUOMINI, MAISA AZEVEDO; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS; MARQUES, ALDALEA LOPES BRANDES. Electrochemical sensor based on carbon nanotube decorated with manganese oxide nanoparticles for naphthalene determination. Analytical Sciences, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (18/12131-6, 17/22401-8)
PEREIRA, BEATRIZ SALUSTIANO; DE FREITAS, CAROLINE; MASARIN, FERNANDO; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Xylooligosaccharides from Industrial Fruit and Restaurant Waste Produced by Liquid Hot Water Treatment. BioEnergy Research, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (17/22401-8)
YOSHIMURA, INGRID; SALAZAR-BRYAM, ANA MARIA; DE FARIA, ADRIANO UEMURA; LEITE, LUCAS PRADO; LOVAGLIO, ROBERTA BARROS; CONTIERO, JONAS. Guava Seed Oil: Potential Waste for the Rhamnolipids Production. FERMENTATION-BASEL, v. 8, n. 8, p. 14-pg., . (20/06189-1, 17/22401-8)
DE AZEVEDO, GABRIEL OLIVEIRA; SHIMIZU, FELIPE LANGE; FONTES, LUCIANA COELHO; CONTIERO, JONAS; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Lignin surface area influenced by biomass heterogeneity and pretreatment process. BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, . (17/22401-8)
PEREIRA, BEATRIZ SALUSTIANO; DE FREITAS, CAROLINE; CONTIERO, JONAS; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Enzymatic Production of Xylooligosaccharides from Xylan Solubilized from Food and Agroindustrial Waste. BioEnergy Research, . (17/22401-8)
ABE, MATEUS MANABU; MARTINS, JULIA RIBEIRO; SANVEZZO, PAULA BERTOLINO; MACEDO, JOAO VITOR; BRANCIFORTI, MARCIA CRISTINA; HALLEY, PETER; BOTARO, VAGNER ROBERTO; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Advantages and Disadvantages of Bioplastics Production from Starch and Lignocellulosic Components. POLYMERS, v. 13, n. 15, . (19/12997-6, 19/16853-9, 17/22401-8)
OLSEN, BRUNA GABRIELLE; FALONE, MAX FABRICIO; BUFFON, EDERVALDO; YOSHIMURA, INGRID; VALE, RAYANE DA SILVA; CONTIERO, JONAS; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS. Alternative method for rhamnolipids quantification using an electrochemical platform based on reduced graphene oxide, manganese nanoparticles and molecularly imprinted Poly(L-Ser). Talanta, v. 272, p. 10-pg., . (17/22401-8, 21/02370-6)
DA CONCEICAO, EMANUELA; BUFFON, EDERVALDO; BELUOMINI, MAISA AZEVEDO; FALONE, MAX FABRICIO; DE ANDRADE, FERNANDA BATISTA; CONTIERO, JONAS; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS. Electrochemical detection of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production from Burkholderia glumae MA13 using a molecularly imprinted polymer-reduced graphene oxide modified electrode. Microchimica Acta, v. 191, n. 8, p. 12-pg., . (17/22401-8, 18/12131-6, 19/13818-8)
RODRIGUES, CAROLINE VARELLA; PIRES, LORENA OLIVEIRA; MEDINA, KELLY JOHANA DUSSAN; MAINTINGUER, SANDRA IMACULADA. Recovery of Crude Glycerol and Citrus Vinasse in Anaerobic Digestion in Two Stages for Lactic Acid and Biomethane Production. INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 18, n. 4, p. 9-pg., . (17/22401-8, 17/16795-3)
ALVES, ISMAEL CARLOS BRAGA; DOS SANTOS, JOSE RIBAMAR NASCIMENTO; MARQUES, EDMAR PEREIRA; DE AZEVEDO, LORENA CARVALHO MARTINIANO; BELUOMINI, MAISA AZEVEDO; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS; MARQUES, ALDALEA LOPES BRANDES. Simultaneous determination of benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) by Au nanoparticles (AuNP) anchored in reduced graphene oxide electrode. Electroanalysis, v. 36, n. 2, p. 15-pg., . (17/22401-8, 18/12131-6)
FORSAN, CAROLINA FROES; DE FREITAS, CAROLINE; MASARIN, FERNANDO; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Xylooligosaccharide production from sugarcane bagasse and leaf using Aspergillus versicolor endoxylanase and diluted acid. BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, . (17/22401-8, 19/12997-6)
BELUOMINI, MAISA AZEVEDO; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Simultaneous detection of hesperidin and narirutin in residual water using nanoporous platinum electrosynthesized by alloying-dealloying mechanism. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 904, . (14/50945-4, 17/22401-8, 18/12131-6)
PEREIRA, BEATRIZ SALUSTIANO; SCHMATZ, ALISON ANDREI; DE FREITAS, CAROLINE; MASARIN, FERNANDO; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Fruit and Restaurant Waste Polysaccharides Recycling Producing Xylooligosaccharides. RECYCLING, v. 8, n. 1, p. 11-pg., . (17/22401-8)
VIEIRA, ROGERIO MARTINS; SANVEZZO, PAULA BERTOLINO; BRANCIFORTI, MARCIA CRISTINA; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Effects of Particle Size on the Preparation of Biomass Samples for Structural Characterization. BioEnergy Research, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (20/14965-1, 17/22401-8)
BUFFON, EDERVALDO; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS. Disposable p-coumaric acid sensor containing reduced graphene oxide, nickel nanoparticles and biodegradable molecularly imprinted polymer for fruit peel analysis. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 118, p. 10-pg., . (19/13818-8, 17/22401-8)
FORSAN, CAROLINA FROES; DE FREITAS, CAROLINE; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Cello-oligosaccharides and Xylooligosaccharides Production by a Combination of Mechanical, Chemical, and Enzymatic Treatments of Banana Pseudostem and Leaves and Guava Bagasse. BioEnergy Research, v. 17, n. 1, p. 16-pg., . (17/22401-8)
MARTINS, JULIA RIBEIRO; LLANOS, JAIBER HUMBERTO RODRIGUEZ; BOTARO, VAGNER; GONCALVES, ADILSON ROBERTO; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Hemicellulose Biomass Degree of Acetylation (Natural Versus Chemical Acetylation) as a Strategy for Based Packaging Materials. BioEnergy Research, v. 17, n. 2, p. 20-pg., . (17/22401-8, 21/10839-4, 23/06702-9)
SILVA, RODRIGO D.; PACHECO, THALYTA F.; SANTI, AMANDA D. DE; MANARELLI, FABIANA; BOZZO, BRENO R.; BRIENZO, MICHEL; OTONI, CAIO G.; AZEREDO, HENRIETTE M. C.. From bulk banana peels to active materials: Slipping into bioplastic films with high UV-blocking and antioxidant properties. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 438, p. 16-pg., . (17/22401-8, 20/11104-5, 21/05092-7)
MARTINS, JULIA RIBEIRO; LLANOS, JAIBER HUMBERTO RODRIGUEZ; ABE, MATEUS MANABU; COSTA, MICHELLE LEALI; BRIENZO, MICHEL. New blend of renewable bioplastic based on starch and acetylated xylan with high resistance to oil and water vapor. Carbohydrate Research, v. 537, p. 12-pg., . (17/22401-8, 21/10839-4)
MODENES JUNIOR, MARCO ANTONIO; BELUOMINI, MAISA AZEVEDO; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS. Voltammetric determination of sulfur in biodiesel microemulsion using a silver solid amalgam electrode. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 14, n. 36, p. 9-pg., . (17/22401-8, 11/05633-6, 14/50945-4, 18/12131-6)
FORSAN, CAROLINA FROES; SCHMATZ, ALISON; MASARIN, FERNANDO; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Xylooligosaccharide production by optimized sulfuric, acetic acid, and liquid hot water treatment of sugarcane leaves. BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (17/22401-8)
ZAMORA, HERNAN DARIO ZAMORA; FERREIRA, HENRIQUE; PICH, ANDRIJ; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Hemicellulose additive to chitosan-based bioplastic improved the tensile strength and allowed to control the material swelling. POLYMER BULLETIN, v. 81, n. 10, p. 21-pg., . (17/22401-8, 21/10839-4)
ABE, MATEUS MANABU; PORTINHO, JORGE LACO; GONCALVES, MATHEUS DE MORAES CUNHA; SANVEZZO, PAULA BERTOLINO; DE FREITAS, CAROLINE; DE SOUZA, JOYCE FARIA; CARNEIRO, RUAN; FERRAGUT, CARLA; COSTA, MICHELLE LEALI; AOUADA, MARCIA REGINA DE MOURA; et al. Development of polysaccharide bioplastic: Analysis of thermo-mechanical properties and different environmental implications. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 469, p. 17-pg., . (17/22401-8, 19/06170-1, 19/12997-6, 19/16853-9)
DA SILVA, MATEUS PAULA; BELUOMINI, MAISA AZEVEDO; DE FREITAS, CAROLINA; BRIENZO, MICHEL; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS. Electrochemical detection of xylobiose in banana biomass using a 3D porous copper oxide foam electrode modified with a molecularly imprinted Poly-L-arginine film. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 124, p. 10-pg., . (18/12131-6, 21/02550-4, 17/22401-8)
SCHMATZ, ALISON ANDREI; CANDIDO, JOAO PAULO; DE ANGELIS, DEJANIRA DE FRANCESCHI; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Semi-Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Improved by Lignin and Extractives Removal from Sugarcane Bagasse. FERMENTATION-BASEL, v. 9, n. 5, p. 15-pg., . (17/22401-8)
BUFFON, EDERVALDO; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS. Disposable three-dimensional graphene oxide electrode with sandwich-like architecture for the determination of ascorbic acid in fruit juices. MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, v. 35, p. 11-pg., . (19/13818-8, 17/22401-8)
DE FREITAS, CAROLINE; TERRONE, CAROL CABRAL; MASARIN, FERNANDO; CARMONA, ELEONORA CANO; BRIENZO, MICHEL. In vitro study of the effect of xylooligosacch arides obtained from banana pseudostem xylan by enzymatic hydrolysis on probiotic bacteria. BIOCATALYSIS AND AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 33, . (17/22401-8, 19/12997-6)
PEREIRA, BEATRIZ SALUSTIANO; CASTRISANA, RAISSA NOBRE; DE FREITAS, CAROLINE; CONTIERO, JONAS; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Chemical composition determines the bioenergy potential of food waste from pre- and post-production. JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT, v. 23, n. 4, p. 1365-1373, . (17/22401-8)
FORSAN, CAROLINA FROES; DE FREITAS, CAROLINE; MASARIN, FERNANDO; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Xylooligosaccharide production from sugarcane bagasse and leaf using Aspergillus versicolor endoxylanase and diluted acid. BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, v. 13, n. 4, p. 16-pg., . (17/22401-8, 19/12997-6)
DAIANA CAMILA DA SILVA; LUAN VIEIRA ADAMES; LORENA OLIVEIRA PIRES; RODRIGO FERNANDO COSTA MARQUES; MARIA ANGELA TALLARICO ADORNO; SANDRA IMACULADA MAINTINGUER. Aplicação de resíduo da agroindústria citrícola para a produção de hidrogênio utilizando culturas puras e mistas. MATERIA-RIO DE JANEIRO, v. 26, n. 2, . (17/16795-3, 17/22401-8)
POMPEU PRADO MOREIRA, LUIZ FELIPE; BUFFON, EDERVALDO; DE SA, ACELINO CARDOSO; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS. Fructose determination in fruit juices using an electrosynthesized molecularly imprinted polymer on reduced graphene oxide modified electrode. Food Chemistry, v. 352, . (19/13818-8, 17/22401-8)
MELATI, RANIERI BUENO; SASS, DAIANE CRISTINA; PAGNOCCA, FERNANDO CARLOS; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Anatomic influence of sugarcane biomass on xylan solubilization. INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, v. 164, . (17/11345-0, 17/22401-8, 19/12997-6)
SCHMATZ, ALISON ANDREI; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Butylated Hydroxytoluene Improves Lignin Removal by Organosolv Pretreatment of Sugarcane Bagasse. BioEnergy Research, . (17/22401-8)
FELIPUCI, JEFFERSON POLES; SCHMATZ, ALISON ANDREI; DE ANGELIS, DERLENE ATTILI; BRIENZO, MICHEL. Biological pretreatment improved subsequent xylan chemical solubilization. BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, v. 13, n. 6, p. 8-pg., . (19/12997-6, 17/11345-0, 17/22401-8)
DA SILVA, DAIANA CAMILA; RODRIGUES, CAROLINE VARELLA; MARIN, DANIELI FERNANDA CANAVER; LAZARO, CAROLINA ZAMPOL; JACOBUS, ANA PAULA; PIRES, LORENA OLIVEIRA; MAINTINGUER, SANDRA IMACULADA. Performance of clostridium species and autochthonous bacteria from citrus wastewater under different carbon sources to produce biofuels. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 49, p. 15-pg., . (17/22401-8, 17/16795-3)
BELUOMINI, MAISA AZEVEDO; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS; BOLDRIN, MARIA VALNICE. Electrosynthesis of three-dimensional nanoporous nickel on screen-printed electrode used for the determination of narirutin in citrus wastewater. Food Chemistry, v. 353, . (18/12131-6, 17/22401-8, 14/50945-4)

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