Research Grants 17/24839-0 - Transistores, Espectroscopia de impedância - BV FAPESP
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Nanoelectronics and nanoscale electrochemistry: fundaments and applications

Grant number: 17/24839-0
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry
Principal Investigator:Paulo Roberto Bueno
Grantee:Paulo Roberto Bueno
Host Institution: Instituto de Química (IQ). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Araraquara. Araraquara , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Últimos )
Eduardo Maffud Cilli ; Marcelo Ornaghi Orlandi
Pesquisadores principais:
( Antigos )
Ronaldo Censi Faria
Associated researchers:Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff ; Gustavo Troiano Feliciano ; Marcelo Mulato ; Marcelo Ornaghi Orlandi ; Maria Manuela Marques Raposo ; Ronaldo Censi Faria
Associated research grant(s):24/07908-2 - Revealing the quantum RC-electrodynamics of push-pull pi-conjugated heterocyclic molecules by impedance-derived electrochemical capacitance spectroscopy, AV.EXT
23/01582-5 - Organic thin film transistor based on graphene and push-pull: conjugated heteroaromatic systems for biosensing applications, AP.R
20/05761-3 - Study of the action of synthetic peptides as antivirals against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and combined evaluation with commercial anti-inflammatories, AP.R
+ associated grants 20/05497-4 - A reagentless viral detection platform, AP.R
20/04635-4 - Development of a simple and affordable disposable device for rapid diagnosis of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), AP.R
18/23820-7 - À-conjugated heterocyclic compounds: synthesis, reactivity and applications in optoelectronics and medicine, AV.EXT - associated grants
Associated scholarship(s):20/14756-3 - Electrochemical capacitive point-of-care viral detection platform, BP.PD
22/07433-9 - Nanoelectronics and nanoscale electrochemistry: fundaments and applications, BP.PD
22/05681-5 - Nanoelectronics and nanoscale electrochemistry: fundaments and applications, BP.DD
+ associated scholarships 21/00726-8 - The Nanoscale Designing of Electrodes Aiming at the Development of High-Performance Supercapacitors, BP.PD
21/11915-6 - Nanoelectronics and nanoscale electrochemistry: fundaments and applications, BP.DD
21/07936-8 - Nanoelectronics and nanoscale electrochemistry: fundaments and applications, BP.PD
20/12905-1 - Development of aptasensors using organic electrochemical transistors, BP.PD
19/27510-5 - Molecular electronics of organic compounds, BP.DD
19/18856-5 - Photo(electro)chemical applications for the production of renewable fuels using nanocomposites based on tin oxide (SnO and Sn3O4) and carbon compounds (reduced graphene oxide and graphitic carbon nitride), BP.PD
19/24188-5 - Electrochemical capacitive platform for the field-based, label-free detection of DENV, BP.IC
18/24395-8 - Fabrication of Biosensors Based on Organic FET and Architected via Organic Electronics and Electrochemistry, BP.PD
19/06568-5 - In-operando Study of Nanoscale Proprieties of Molecular Switching Devices, BP.PD
18/22223-5 - Modular biosensors based on electrolyte gated organic field effect transistors with polyaniline thin films, BP.IC
18/18787-0 - Study of the (photo)catalytic properties of tin oxides modified with graphene and/or noble metals for the elucidation of the degradation mechanisms of organic contaminants, BP.PD
18/24525-9 - Nanoelectronics and nanoscale electrochemistry: fundaments and applications, BP.DD
18/26273-7 - Label-free electrochemical capacitive biosensors for disease diagnosis, BP.DR
18/23577-5 - Nanoelectronics and Nanoscale Electrochemistry: Fundaments and Applications., BP.PD
18/21911-5 - Effect of ordered gold surfaces on the insulating/conductive properties of tiolated molecular junctions, BP.IC - associated scholarships


Chemical covalent attachment of molecules over conductive electrodes and the control of the properties of the nanoscale junction is the state-of-art for molecular electronics and molecular electrochemistry. In the present proposal we suggest to measure the time-dependent electronic features as accessed by impedance methods for fundamental studies and applications of different types of nanoscale junctions in an electrochemical environment. Impedance methods shall be supported by other complementary techniques such as kelvin probe, scanning electrochemical microscopic, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and computational simulations. The essence of the problematic is that it has been recently demonstrated that both capacitive and resistive phenomenon involved with electron dynamics throughout molecular-scale junctions embedded in an electrolyte environment are governed by mesoscopic principles. Although this is demonstrated, the mesoscopic physics of nanoelectronics and electrochemistry are marginally exploited up to now. Particularly it has been demonstrated (by our research group) that the electrochemistry of a two-dimensional molecular ensemble made of individual molecular point contacts is a particular case of a quantum resistance-capacitance circuit. The intrinsic electrical current exchange (resonant) between electrochemical accessible sites and the electrode is enlightened by considering quantum resistive-capacitive ensembles (a collection of parallel individual quantum point contacts) in such a way that the electron transfer rate, which govern the rate of electrochemical reactions, is given by k=G/C¼, wherein C¼ is the electrochemical capacitance and G is the conductance accompanying the Landauer formula. Astonishingly this simple equation reconciles molecular electronics and electrochemistry and its usefulness is demonstrated in accessing the energy for charging molecular redox switches (in the Fermi energy of the interface) and thus use these switches as energy transducers in molecular diagnostics. Additionally the concepts were also applied in obtaining the conductance of DNA nanowires (in different chemically designed double strands) and finally in explaining the supercapacitance phenomenon of reduced graphene molecular layers. Even so, the use of specifically designed molecular switches and semiconductive (organic or inorganic) layers under different electric or optical estimulative conditions yet remains to be exploited in both fundamental and experimental features so this constitutes the main goal of the present proposal allied to continuing the investigation of designed switches for molecular diagnostics. For this we are gathering different expertises. (AU)

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Scientific publications (34)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SANTO, ANDERSON APARECIDO DO ESPIRITO; FELICIANO, GUSTAVO TROIANO. Thermodynamic and structural aspects of molecular recognition in mannose-binding protein complexes: a theoretical study over HRP-ArtinM association. Journal of Molecular Modeling, v. 27, n. 4, . (17/24839-0)
SANCHEZ, YULIANA PEREZ; SANTOS, ADRIANO; BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO. Quantum rate efficiency of the charge transfer mediated by quantum capacitive states. Electrochimica Acta, v. 434, p. 14-pg., . (17/24839-0)
NIETO, EDGAR FABIAN PINZON; LOPES, LAIS CRISTINE; DOS SANTOS, ADRIANO; RAPOSO, MARIA MANUELA MARQUES; BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO. Quantum rate electrodynamics and resonant junction electronics of heterocyclic molecules. Electrochimica Acta, v. 501, p. 12-pg., . (17/24839-0, 18/24525-9)
ROMEIRO, FERNANDA DA COSTA; PERINI, JOAO ANGELO LIMA; ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE BOLDRIN; ORLANDI, MARCELO ORNAGHI. Structural and optical investigation of Nb5+-doped Sn3O4 for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, v. 196, p. 9-pg., . (17/24839-0, 19/18856-5, 14/50945-4, 13/07296-2, 16/18057-7)
CARR, OLIVIA; PINZON, EDGAR FABIAN; SANTOS, ADRIANO; FARIA, RONALDO CENSI; BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO. Attomolar sensitivity of a redox capacitive and DNA-receptive interface attained by quantum-rate signal amplification concept. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, v. 270, p. 5-pg., . (17/24839-0, 18/24525-9)
SUMAN, PEDRO H.; JUNKER, BENJAMIN; WEIMAR, UDO; ORLANDI, MARCELO O.; BARSAN, NICOLAE. Modeling the Conduction Mechanism in Chemoresistive Gas Sensor Based on Single-Crystalline Sn3O4 Nanobelts: A Phenomenological In Operando Investigation. ACS SENSORS, v. 9, n. 1, p. 8-pg., . (17/24839-0, 13/07296-2, 19/26333-2, 17/26219-0, 16/20808-0)
GARROTE, BEATRIZ LUCAS; SANCHEZ, YULIANA PEREZ; LOPES, LAIS CRISTINE; SANTOS, ADRIANO; BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO. Electron transmittance by means of quantum capacitive states as a signal amplification mechanism for biosensing applications. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 399, p. 7-pg., . (17/24839-0, 18/26273-7, 18/23577-5)
MOREIRA, THAMYRES F. M.; PINZON, EDGAR F.; DOS SANTOS, ADRIANO; LOPES, LAIS C.; BUENO, PAULO R.. The quantum mechanical origin of the supercapacitance phenomenon in reduced graphene oxide structures. Carbon, v. 232, p. 11-pg., . (18/24525-9, 17/24839-0, 21/00726-8)
PINZON, EDGAR F.; DOS SANTOS, ADRIANO; BUENO, PAULO R.. Density of States of a Nanoscale Semiconductor Interface as a Transduction Signal for Sensing Molecules. ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 3, n. 8, p. 3411-3417, . (17/24839-0)
SANTOS, ADRIANO; TEFASHE, USHULA M.; MCCREERY, RICHARD L.; BUENO, PAULO R.. Introducing mesoscopic charge transfer rates into molecular electronics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 19, p. 10828-10832, . (17/24839-0)
BATISTUTI, MARINA R.; BUENO, PAULO R.; MULATO, MARCELO. The importance of the assembling of DNA strands on the performance of electrochemical genosensors. Microchemical Journal, v. 159, . (17/24839-0, 15/14403-5, 14/09562-4)
BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO. Electron transfer and conductance quantum. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 45, p. 26109-26112, . (17/24839-0)
FELIX, A. A.; BARBOSA, M. S.; BUENO, P. R.; ORLANDI, M. O.. Real-Time Monitoring of Electrochromic Memory Loss of Layered alpha-MoO3 Nanoplates. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 167, n. 16, . (19/06568-5, 17/26219-0, 17/24839-0)
SANTO, ANDERSON A. E.; FELICIANO, GUSTAVO T.. Genetic Algorithms Applied to Thermodynamic Rational Design of Mimetic Antibodies Based on the GB1 Domain of Streptococcal Protein G: An Atomistic Simulation Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 125, n. 29, p. 7985-7996, . (17/13401-4, 17/24839-0)
DE OLIVEIRA, TASSIA R.; ERBERELI, CAMILA R.; MANZINE, PATRICIA R.; MAGALHAES, THAMIRES N. C.; BALTHAZAR, MARCIO L. F.; COMINETTI, MARCIA R.; FARIA, RONALDO C.. Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease in Blood Using a Disposable Electrochemical Microfluidic Platform. ACS SENSORS, v. 5, n. 4, p. 1010-1019, . (14/22401-0, 15/26084-1, 18/15571-7, 17/24839-0, 17/24053-7, 15/19890-1)
SANTOS, ADRIANO; GARCIA NICHOLSON, MELANY ISABEL; FELICIANO, GUSTAVO TROIANO; BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO. Low-fouling properties in serum of carboxylic-oligo(ethylene glycol)-based interfaces. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, v. 618, . (17/24839-0)
GARROTE, BEATRIZ L.; SANTOS, ADRIANO; BUENO, PAULO R.. Label-free capacitive assaying of biomarkers for molecular diagnostics. Nature Protocols, v. 15, n. 12, . (17/02974-3, 18/26273-7, 16/17185-1, 17/24839-0)
SANCHEZ, YULIANA PEREZ; SANTOS, ADRIANO; BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO. Quantum Mechanical Meaning of the Charge Transfer Resistance. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 126, n. 6, p. 12-pg., . (17/24839-0)
FELICIANO, GUSTAVO T.; BUENO, PAULO R.. Two-Dimensional Nature and the Meaning of the Density of States in Redox Monolayers. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 27, p. 14918-14927, . (17/13401-4, 17/24839-0)
GARCIA NICHOLSON, MELANY ISABEL; BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO; FELICIANO, GUSTAVO TROIANO. Ab Initio QM/MM Simulation of Ferrocene Homogeneous Electron-Transfer Reaction. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, v. 125, n. 1, p. 25-33, . (17/24839-0, 17/13401-4)
GARROTE, BEATRIZ LUCAS; LOPES, LAIS C.; PINZON, EDGAR F.; MENDONCA-NATIVIDADE, FLAVIA C.; MARTINS, RONALDO B.; SANTOS, ADRIANO; ARRUDA, EURICO; BUENO, PAULO R.. Reagentless Quantum-Rate-Based Electrochemical Signal of Graphene for Detecting SARS-CoV-2 Infection Using Nasal Swab Specimens. ACS SENSORS, v. 7, n. 9, p. 9-pg., . (17/24839-0, 18/23577-5, 18/24525-9, 20/12854-8, 18/26273-7)
PINZON, EDGAR FABIAN; LOPES, LAIS CRISTINE; FONSECA, ANDRE FELIPE VALE; SCHIAVON, MARCO ANTONIO; BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO. Quantum rate as a spectroscopic methodology for measuring the electronic structure of quantum dots. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 12, n. 13, p. 13-pg., . (17/24839-0)
ROMEIRO, FERNANDA DA COSTA; PERINI, JOAO ANGELO LIMA; ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE BOLDRIN; ORLANDI, MARCELO ORNAGHI. g-C3N4/Sn3O4 photoanode for H2 production: A promising photoelectrocatalyst for renewable energy generation. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, v. 450, p. 9-pg., . (17/24839-0, 19/18856-5, 14/50945-4, 13/07296-2, 16/18057-7)
ROMEIRO, FERNANDA DA COSTA; ORLANDI, MARCELO ORNAGHI; MUL, GUIDO; WENDERICH, KASPER; MEI, BASTIAN. Assessing stability and performance of fluorine-doped tin oxide electrodes for peroxide formation in carbonate-based electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta, v. 468, p. 7-pg., . (17/24839-0, 21/08240-7)
BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO. On the fundamentals of quantum rate theory and the long-range electron transport in respiratory chains. CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS, v. 53, n. 11, p. 18-pg., . (17/24839-0)
PEDROZA DIAS MELLO, HUGO JOSE NOGUEIRA; BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO; MULATO, MARCELO. Comparing glucose and urea enzymatic electrochemical and optical biosensors based on polyaniline thin films. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 12, n. 34, p. 12-pg., . (18/24395-8, 17/24839-0)
JORGETTO, ALEXANDRE DE OLIVEIRA; ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE BOLDRIN; ORLANDI, MARCELO ORNAGHI. Assessment of the superior photocatalytic properties of Sn2+-containing SnO2 microrods on the photodegradation of methyl orange. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 13, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (17/26219-0, 18/18787-0, 17/24839-0)
DE OLIVEIRA, TASSIA R.; MANZINE, PATRICIA R.; COMINETTI, MARCIA R.; LEITE, OLDAIR D.; FARIA, RONALDO C.. Electrochemical magneto-immunoassay for detection of ADAM10 Alzheimer's biomarker using gold nanoparticles as label. Talanta, v. 266, p. 8-pg., . (17/24053-7, 15/26084-1, 17/24839-0, 15/19890-1, 21/01863-9)
BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO; CRUZEIRO, VINICIUS WILIAN D.; ROITBERG, ADRIAN E.; FELICIANO, GUSTAVO T.. The density-of-States and equilibrium charge dynamics of redox-active switches. Electrochimica Acta, v. 387, . (17/24839-0, 17/13401-4)
MELLO, HUGO JOSE NOGUEIRA PEDROZA DIAS; MULATO, MARCELO. Impedimetric and Capacitive Transducer Platform for Chemical Sensors Based on Electrodeposited Polyaniline Thin Films. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 126, n. 29, p. 8-pg., . (17/24839-0, 14/24559-0, 18/24395-8)
BUENO, PAULO ROBERTO; MERCADO, DAVID ALEJANDRO MIRANDA. Quantum Rate Theory for Graphene. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 126, n. 36, p. 12-pg., . (17/24839-0)
PICCOLI, JULIA P.; SOARES, ANDREY C.; OLIVEIRA, JR., OSVALDO N.; CILLI, EDUARDO M.. Nanostructured functional peptide films and their application in C-reactive protein immunosensors. BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY, v. 138, . (18/22214-6, 13/07600-3, 18/18953-8, 17/24839-0, 18/18231-2)
BRANDAO, SARAH T. R.; DOS SANTOS, ADRIANO; BUENO, PAULO R.; CILLI, EDUARDO M.. Designing Quantum Capacitive Peptide Interfaces for Electroanalytical Applications. Analytical Chemistry, v. 95, n. 36, p. 8-pg., . (21/11915-6, 17/24839-0)

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MÉTODO E DISPOSITIVO DE AMPLIFICAÇÃO DE SINAL TRANSDUTOR PARA ENSAIOS CAPACITIVOS BR102021023835-6 - Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Unesp) . Paulo Roberto Bueno ; Laís Cristine Lopes ; Beatriz Lucas Garrote ; Adriano dos Santos ; Yuliana Pérez Sánchez - November 2021, 26