Research Grants 14/50951-4 - Química analítica, Métodos de análise - BV FAPESP
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INCT 2014: Advanced Analytical Technologies

Grant number: 14/50951-4
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Chemistry
Agreement: CNPq - INCTs
Principal Investigator:Celio Pasquini
Grantee:Celio Pasquini
Host Institution: Instituto de Química (IQ). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Últimos )
Fábio Rodrigo Piovezani Rocha ; Francisco José Krug ; Joaquim de Araújo Nóbrega ; José Roberto Guimarães ; Roberto Kawakami Harrop Galvão
Pesquisadores principais:
( Antigos )
Susanne Rath
Associated research grant(s):21/05679-8 - Multi-user Equipment approved in grant 2014/50951-4: Instituto Nacional de Ciências e Tecnologias Analíticas Avançadas (INCTAA). Near-infrared Spectrophotometer (NIR), AP.EMU
21/05680-6 - Multi-user Equipment approved in grant 2014/50951-4: Instituto Nacional de Ciências e Tecnologias Analíticas Avançadas (INCTAA). Compact interferometer with Fourier transform, AP.EMU
21/05681-2 - EMU granted in process 2014 / 50951-4: National Institute of Advanced Analytical Sciences and Technologies (INCTAA). Femtosecond Laser with 10 W power for Terahertz Spectrophotometer, AP.EMU
Associated scholarship(s):22/14293-9 - Fate, interaction, and ecological effects of microplastics and pesticides in tropical freshwater environments, BP.PD
21/12484-9 - Characterization of pesticide sorption processes onto plastic debris in freshwater systems at laboratory scale, in mesocosm and in environmental samples, BP.PD
+ associated scholarships 20/14988-1 - Microplastics and contaminants emerging in surface waters: watersheds uses and impacts on the environment, BP.MS
21/01416-2 - Conjugation of Advanced Treatment Technologies for Reuse Water Production: Laboratory and Pilot Scales, BP.PD
18/20997-3 - Development of optical oxygen and temperature sensors based on visible and infrared emitting lanthanide ion complexes, BP.PD
16/23625-4 - Applicability of nanoparticles in increasing bioavailability and bioavailability of Fe and Se in chocolate, BP.PD - associated scholarships


This proposal aims to provide the consolidation and continuity of the National Institute for Advanced Analytical Science and Technology (INCTAA), choose activities has resulted in relevant achievements for the analytical science and technology, both in national and International levels, as predicted by the institute mission. The analytical and science technology plays a fundamental role in the social and economical development of any country because it produces the knowledge and tools enabling the acquisition of quantitative and qualitative information used by diverse areas related to, among others, the determination of quality and traceability of agro products, to environmental diagnostic, to forensic cases elucidation and support, and to the development of analytical instrumentation. The state-of-the art in the field is evidently multidisciplinary, requiring the know-how of electronics, computation, chemistry, mathematical tools, used for data treatment of multivariate data, and information coming from the specific area to which the problem to be solved belongs. Therefore, the analytical science and technology is involved to solve problems and contemplate demands of the society in general. In this new stage, the INCTAA will act in for principal research lines of scientific and technological development which are all relevant to find the solution for real Brazilian problems: analytical instrumentation, valorization of agricultural and livestock farming products, environmental, and forensic. The analytical instrumentation line, as a strengthen line of the INCTAA, is related to the development and use of new spectrophotometric instruments based on lasers, on the use of alternative sources of electromagnetic radiation to produce portable instruments, to develop process and bench instruments, required to in field monitoring of agro products in points of commercialization, and in the national industries. Presently, instrumentation is the most fundamental characteristic of the science and analytical technology. The line associated to valorization of agricultural products aims to develop the synergic research among several researcher groups associated to the INCTAA, and with a relevant role of the international collaborators, directed to the production of analytical methods and protocols to access the quality and traceability of agro products. This research line is externally relevant to keep and to expand the external markets to the Brazilian agro products. The Environmental line is the most successful one of the INCTAA, considering the relevance of the achieved results and the effective of the network collaboration found during the present term of the INCTAA project, which will finish in the beginning of 2015. In the new proposal, the institute will foster its expertise to expand the study on emerging contaminants, diagnosing the present national situation and identifying and prioritizing the emergent contaminants in the Brazilian scenario. In this way, public politics actions can be established to consolidate the normalization on the presence of such compounds. The information generated by this action will effectively guide the INCTAA researchers to develop new processes to mitigate these contaminants. The Forensic, also routinely developed by the INCTAA, airs to propose new methods based in modern analytical techniques, such as LlBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy), Terahertz Spectroscopy, and Hiperspectral lmaging. These methods will supply an entire arsenal of tools helping the investigative police to act in a more secure and less subjective way when analyzing crime evidences, producing more sustainable results, and contributing to the public national security. The action of the INCTAA in these four research lines means that its results are of the interest of at least four thematic areas induced by this call of proposals: agriculture, public security, and analytical technologies and mitigation of climatic changes, although the proposal form made available by CNPq allows to select only one theme. In function of this limitation, the INCTAA is electing the environmental technologies as one of its principal fields of work in the present proposal. Seventy (70) researchers distributed over thirty three (33) institutions spread from the northeast to south of Brazil, and twenty (21) international collaborators are attending this new proposal for the INCTM In addition, 14 international institutions with which the INCTAA maintain collaborative programs, serve to attest the institute internationalization. The individual expertise included by the group of researchers of the INCTAA is its major good. The institute mission is to promote the network and synergic actuation of the group to achieve solutions for the urgent problems of Brazil, demanded by diverse sectors to which its research lines are connected. The INCTAA will be managed and will act in the same ways it succeeds during its implantation stage. Its modus operating presents, as main characteristic, the effective action of the network through the insertion of the knowledge retained by the researchers of the INCTAA and their groups, to achieve solutions for several relevant problems found in the present national scientific and technological scenario. The INCTAA is structured, as specified in its organogram, attributing functions to several directories and to its members, requested to carry out activities and tasks to facilitate the achievement of the institute mission. The institute composition includes researches and - professionals from the public and productive sectors such as the Federal Police, EMBRAPA, BARSKEM and GRANBIO. The INCTAA also proposes the continuity of actions aiming at to divulge the science and technology in several educational levels, promoting the formation of qualified professionals principally in the post-graduation and post-doctoral levels, without neglecting the fundamental and medium levels. (AU)

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Scientific publications (105)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CASSIANA C. MONTAGNER; FERNANDO F. SODRÉ; RAPHAEL D. ACAYABA; CRISTIANE VIDAL; IOLANA CAMPESTRINI; MARCO A. LOCATELLI; IGOR C. PESCARA; ANJAÍNA F. ALBUQUERQUE; GISELA A. UMBUZEIRO; WILSON F. JARDIM. Ten Years-Snapshot of the Occurrence of Emerging Contaminants in Drinking, Surface and Ground Waters and Wastewaters from São Paulo State, Brazil. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 3, p. 614-632, . (14/50951-4, 14/24740-6, 08/57808-1, 07/58449-2)
RAFAEL L. RIBESSI; WILSON F. JARDIM; JARBAS J. R. ROHWEDDER; THIAGO A. NEVES. Quantification of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration in High Humidity Levels. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 33, n. 4, p. 340-347, . (14/50951-4)
ESPINDOLA, JONATHAN C.; CAIANELO, MARLON; SCACCIA, NAZARENO; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; GUIMARAES, JOSE R.; VILAR, VITOR J. P.. Trace organic contaminants removal from municipal wastewater using the FluHelik reactor: From laboratory-scale to pre-pilot scale. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 9, n. 2, . (13/09543-7, 18/03571-2, 14/50951-4)
TETZNER, NATALIA FERNANDA; RATH, SUSANNE. Veterinary antimicrobials and antiparasitics in fee-fishing ponds: analytical method and occurrence({*}). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 98, n. 15, SI, p. 1354-1369, . (13/09543-7, 14/50951-4, 18/03571-2)
NOLASCO-PEREZ, IRENE M.; ROCCO, LUIZ A. C. M.; CRUZ-TIRADO, JAM P.; POLLONIO, MARISE A. R.; BARBON, JR., SYLUIO; BARBON, ANA PAULA A. C.; BARBIN, DOUGLAS F.. Comparison of rapid techniques for classification of ground meat. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, v. 183, p. 151-159, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1, 15/24351-2)
PINHEIRO, FERNANDA COSTA; BABOS, DIEGO VICTOR; BARROS, ARIANE ISIS; PEREIRA-FILHO, EDENIR RODRIGUES; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM ARAUJO. Microwave-assisted digestion using dilute nitric acid solution and investigation of calibration strategies for determination of As, Cd, Hg and Pb in dietary supplements using ICP-MS. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, v. 174, p. 471-478, . (14/50951-4)
PAIVA, EDUARDO MAIA; RIBESSI, RAFAEL LUIS; PEREIRA, CLAUDETE FERNANDES; RODRIGUES ROHWEDDER, JARBAS JOSE. Low-frequency Raman spectrophotometer with wide laser illumination on the sample: A tool for pharmaceutical analytical analysis. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 228, . (14/50951-4)
PINHEIRO, FERNANDA C.; BARROS, I, ARIANE; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.. Elemental impurities analysis in name-brand and generic omeprazole drug samples. HELIYON, v. 6, n. 2, . (14/50951-4)
DE LIMA TOZO, MARCELO LARSEN; PINHEIRO, FERNANDA COSTA; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM ARAUJO. Determination of Macro, Micro and Toxic Elements using Argon-Based Plasma Spectroanalytical Methods in order to support Brazilian Regulations on Inorganic Constituents in Infant Foods. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 8, n. 31, p. 74-88, . (14/50951-4)
PASQUINI, CELIO. Near infrared spectroscopy: A mature analytical technique with new perspectives - A review. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1026, p. 8-36, . (14/50951-4)
ARANTES DE CARVALHO, GABRIEL GUSTINELLI; BUENO GUERRA, MARCELO BRAGA; ADAME, ANDRESSA; NOMURA, CASSIANA SEIMI; OLIVEIRA, PEDRO VITORIANO; PEREIRA DE CARVALHO, HUDSON WALLACE; SANTOS, JR., DARIO; NUNES, LIDIANE CRISTINA; KRUG, FRANCISCO JOSE. Recent advances in LIBS and XRF for the analysis of plants. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, v. 33, n. 6, p. 919-944, . (12/11998-0, 15/06161-1, 14/50951-4)
RODRIGUES E BRITO, LIVIA; BRAZ, ANDRE; HONORATO, RICARDO SALDANHA; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; PASQUINI, CELIO. Evaluating the potential of near infrared hyperspectral imaging associated with multivariate data analysis for examining crossing ink lines. Forensic Science International, v. 298, p. 169-176, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
ORLANDO, RICARDO MATHIAS; NASCENTES, CLESIA CRISTINA; BOTELHO, BRUNO GONCALVES; MOREIRA, JULIANE SOARES; COSTA, KARINA ARAUJO; DE MIRANDA BORATTO, VICTOR HUGO. Development and Evaluation of a 66-Well Plate Using a Porous Sorbent in a Four-Phase Extraction Assisted by Electric Field Approach. Analytical Chemistry, v. 91, n. 10, p. 6471-6478, . (14/50951-4)
PORTO, RAFAEL SILVEIRA; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; SCHNEIDER, JERUSA; RATH, SUSANNE. Benzimidazoles in wastewater: Analytical method development, monitoring and degradation by photolysis and ozonation. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 232, p. 729-737, . (13/09543-7, 14/16622-3, 14/50951-4, 18/03571-2)
CARVALHO, ALEXANDRINA A. C.; SILVESTRE, DANIEL M.; LEME, FLAVIO O.; NAOZUKA, JULIANA; INTIMA, DANIELLE P.; NOMURA, CASSIANA S.. Feasibility of measuring Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in water by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using ceramics as the solid support. Microchemical Journal, v. 144, p. 33-38, . (13/13478-6, 12/11998-0, 17/10346-2, 14/50951-4)
LEME, FLAVIO O.; SILVESTRE, DANIEL M.; NASCIMENTO, ANGERSON N.; NOMURA, CASSIANA S.. Feasibility of using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for quantitative measurement of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium in meat. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, v. 33, n. 8, p. 1322-1329, . (12/11998-0, 14/50951-4, 13/13478-6)
DA SILVA, JAILSON J.; DOS SANTOS, WEDJA M.; FERNANDES, RAFAEL DA S.; FONTES, ADRIANA; SANTOS, BEATE S.; PEREIRA, CLAUDETE F.; KREBS, PATRICK; MIZAIKOFF, BORIS; PEREIRA, GORETI; PEREIRA, GIOVANNIA A. L.. A facile route toward hydrophilic plasmonic copper selenide nanocrystals: new perspectives for SEIRA applications. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, v. 45, n. 35, . (14/50951-4)
VIZIOLI, BEATRIZ DE CAROLI; HANTAO, LEANDRO WANG; MONTAGNER, CASSIANA CAROLINA. Drinking water nitrosamines in a large metropolitan region in Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 28, n. 25, p. 32823-32830, . (14/50951-4, 14/24740-6, 17/25490-1)
CAIANELO, MARLON; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; MANIERO, MILENA GUEDES; DINIZ, VINICIUS; SPINA, MYLENA; GUIMARAES, JOSE ROBERTO. Evaluation of residual antimicrobial activity and acute toxicity during the degradation of gatifloxacin by ozonation. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 84, n. 1, p. 225-236, . (18/03571-2, 14/50951-4, 13/09543-7, 14/16622-3)
VENANCIO, WILSON AUGUSTO LIMA; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; SPINA, MYLENA; DINIZ, VINICIUS; GUIMARAES, JOSE ROBERTO. Degradation of benzimidazoles by photoperoxidation: metabolites detection and ecotoxicity assessment using Raphidocelis subcapitata microalgae and Vibrio fischeri. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 28, n. 19, SI, p. 23742-23752, . (13/09543-7, 14/50951-4, 18/03571-2)
REBOUCAS, JICARLA PORTELA; RODRIGUES ROHWEDDER, JARBAS JOSE; PASQUINI, CELIO. A fast method for determination of surface area of zeolite-based catalysts and zeolites using near infrared emission spectroscopy. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 11, n. 21, p. 2819-2825, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
NUNES, LIDIANE CRISTINA; PEREIRA, EDENIR RODRIGUES; BUENO GUERRA, MARCELO BRAGA; KRUG, FRANCISCO JOSE. A chemometric approach exploring Derringer's desirability function for the simultaneous determination of Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb in micronutrient fertilizers by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, v. 154, p. 25-32, . (10/17158-8, 14/50951-4)
PINHEIRO, FERNANDA C.; BARROS, I, ARIANE; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.. Microwave-assisted sample preparation of medicines for determination of elemental impurities in compliance with United States Pharmacopeia: How simple can it be?. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1065, p. 1-11, . (14/50951-4)
PASQUINI, CELIO; HESPANHOL, MARIA C.. A rotational-linear sample probing device to improve the performance of compact near-infrared spectrophotometers. Microchemical Journal, v. 170, . (14/50951-4)
FEITOSA, MARIA H. A.; PRADO, THIAGO M.; SANTOS, ANDERSON M.; SILVA, LAIS P.; GROSSELI, GUILHERME M.; FADINI, PEDRO S.; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO; MORAES, FERNANDO C.. Titanium dioxide/cadmium sulfide photoanode applied to photoelectrodegradation of naproxen in wastewater. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 897, . (17/10118-0, 20/01050-5, 14/50951-4)
SOUSA, DENISE V. M.; PEREIRA, FABIANO V.; NASCENTES, CLESIA C.; MOREIRA, JULIANE S.; BORATTO, VICTOR H. M.; ORLANDO, RICARDO M.. Cellulose cone tip as a sorbent material for multiphase electrical field-assisted extraction of cocaine from saliva and determination by LC-MS/MS. Talanta, v. 208, . (14/50951-4)
DA COSTA, WIVIANE KASSIA OLIVEIRA CORREIA; GAVAZZA, SAVIA; DUARTE, MARTA MARIA MENEZES BEZERRA; FREITAS, SUENY KELIA BARBOSA; DE PAULA, NATTANY TAYANY GOMES; PAIM, ANA PAULA SILVEIRA. Preparation of Activated Carbon from Sugarcane Bagasse and Removal of Color and Organic Matter from Real Textile Wastewater. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, v. 232, n. 9, . (14/50951-4)
DE LIMA, GABRIEL ACIOLY; SANTOS, JANDYSON MACHADO; PAIM, ANA PAULA S.; LAVORANTE, ANDRE F.. Bioaccessibility study and simultaneous quantification of endocrine disruptors (bisphenol A and phthalates) in utensils and toys for infants using HPLC-UV. CHEMICAL PAPERS, v. 76, n. 1, . (14/50951-4)
TEIXEIRA BADARO, AMANDA; MANUEL AMIGO, JOSE; BLASCO, JOSE; ALEIXOS, NURIA; FERREIRA, AMANDA RIOS; PEDROSA SILVA CLERICI, MARIA TERESA; BARBIN, DOUGLAS FERNANDES. Near infrared hyperspectral imaging and spectral unmixing methods for evaluation of fiber distribution in enriched pasta. Food Chemistry, v. 343, . (14/50951-4, 17/17628-3, 08/57808-1, 19/06842-0, 15/24351-2)
DO PRADO, THIAGO M.; BADARO, CAROLINA C.; MACHADO, RAFAELA G.; FADINI, PEDRO S.; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO; MORAES, FERNANDO C.. Using Bismuth Vanadate/Copper Oxide Nanocomposite as Photoelectrochemical Sensor for Naproxen Determination in Sewage. Electroanalysis, v. 32, n. 9, . (14/50951-4, 14/50945-4, 17/10118-0)
SAVIO, MARIANELA; FIALHO, LUCIMAR L.; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.. Greening microwave-assisted acid digestion of animal feed samples. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 11, n. 46, p. 5857-5863, . (14/50951-4)
PINHEIRO, FERNANDA C.; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.. An overview of sample preparation procedures for determination of elemental impurities in medicines. Microchemical Journal, v. 175, p. 14-pg., . (14/50951-4)
SOUZA, JAMILLE CARVALHO; PASQUINI, CELIO; HESPANHOL, MARIA C.. Feasibility of compact near-infrared spectrophotometers and multivariate data analysis to assess roasted ground coffee traits. FOOD CONTROL, v. 138, p. 10-pg., . (14/50951-4)
RODRIGUES E BRITO, LIVIA; CHAVES, AMANDA BELEM; BRAZ, ANDRE; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Raman hyperspectral imaging and a novel approach for objective determination of the order of crossing ink lines. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 223, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
CAROLINA S. SILVA; ANDRÉ BRAZ; MARIA FERNANDA PIMENTEL. Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in Forensic Chemistry: Critical Review, Current Trends and Challenges. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 11, p. 2259-2290, . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)
ANTUNES, T. B. M.; JANINI, A. C. P.; PELEPENKO, L. E.; ABUNA, G. F.; PAIVA, E. M.; SINHORETI, M. A. C.; RAIMUNDO, JR., I. M.; GOMES, B. P. F. A.; DE-JESUS-SOARES, A.; MARCIANO, M. A.. Heating stability, physical and chemical analysis of calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers. International Endodontic Journal, v. 54, n. 7, . (19/22098-9, 14/50951-4)
FRANCA, LEANDRO; GRASSI, SILVIA; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; MANUEL AMIGO, JOSE. A single model to monitor multistep craft beer manufacturing using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING, v. 126, p. 95-103, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
RIBESSI, RAFAEL L.; JARDIM, WILSON F.; ROHWEDDER, JARBAS J. R.; NEVES, THIAGO A.. uantification of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration in High Humidity Level. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 33, n. 4, . (14/50951-4)
BARROS, ARIANE I.; PINHEIRO, FERNANDA C.; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.. Space charge effects and internal standardization in a four ion lenses interface: What is changing in quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry?. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, v. 167, . (14/50951-4)
AMADOR, VICTORIA SILVA; MOREIRA, JULIANE SOARES; AUGUSTI, RODINEI; ORLANDO, RICARDO MATHIAS; PICCIN, EVANDRO. Direct coupling of paper spray mass spectrometry and four-phase electroextraction sample preparation. ANALYST, v. 146, n. 3, p. 1057-1064, . (14/50951-4)
CAIANELO, MARLON; ESPINDOLA, JONATHAN C.; DINIZ, VINICIUS; SPINA, MYLENA; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; GUIMARAES, JOSE ROBERTO. Gatifloxacin photocatalytic degradation in different water matrices: Antimicrobial activity and acute toxicity reduction. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, v. 430, p. 9-pg., . (21/01416-2, 14/50951-4, 18/03571-2, 13/09543-7, 20/13094-7)
CUNHA ALVES, PRISCILLA DA COSTA; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; RIBEIRO, ALYSON ROGERIO; RATH, SUSANNE. Removal of low-calorie sweeteners at five Brazilian wastewater treatment plants and their occurrence in surface water. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 289, . (18/03571-2, 18/09697-8, 14/50951-4)
ESPINDOLA, JONATHAN C.; CAIANELO, MARLON; SCACCIA, NAZARENO; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; GUIMARAES, JOSE R.; VILAR, VITOR J. P.. Trace organic contaminants removal from municipal wastewater using the FluHelik reactor: From laboratory-scale to pre-pilot scale. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 9, n. 2, p. 10-pg., . (13/09543-7, 18/03571-2, 14/50951-4)
JÉSSYCA FERREIRA DE MEDEIROS; RAPHAEL DANNA ACAYABA; CASSIANA CAROLINA MONTAGNER. A química na avaliação do impacto à saúde humana diante da exposição aos pesticidas. Química Nova, v. 44, n. 5, p. 584-598, . (14/50951-4)
GRANATTO, CAROLINE F.; GROSSELI, GUILHERME M.; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL K.; FADINI, PEDRO S.; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE A.. Influence of cosubstrate and hydraulic retention time on the removal of drugs and hygiene products in sanitary sewage in an anaerobic Expanded Granular Sludge Bed reactor. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 299, . (14/50951-4, 15/02640-2)
PAIVA, EDUARDO MAIA; RIBESSI, RAFAEL LUIS; ROHWEDDER, JARBAS JOSE RODRIGUES. Near-infrared spectra of liquid and gas samples by diffuse reflectance employing benchtop and handheld spectrophotometers. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 264, . (14/50951-4)
PIRETE, LUCIANA DE MELO; CAMARGO, FRANCIELE P.; DORNELLES, HENRIQUE S.; GRANATTO, CAROLINE F.; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL K.; GROSSELI, GUILHERME M.; FADINI, PEDRO S.; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Biodegradation of diclofenac and ibuprofen in Fluidized Bed Reactor applied to sanitary sewage treatment in acidogenic and denitrifying conditions. JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, v. 49, p. 11-pg., . (15/02640-2, 14/50951-4)
DE SOUZA, GABRIELA FREITAS PEREIRA; MATOS, MARIA FERNANDA ARAUJO VIEIRA; AGLIO, THARCILLA DE CASTRO; SALLES, AIRTON GONSALVES; RATH, SUSANNE. A comprehensive LC-UHPLC-MS/MS method for the monitoring of N-nitrosamines in lipophilic drugs: A case study with rifampicin. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, v. 236, p. 8-pg., . (14/50951-4, 21/03239-0)
SILVA, NILVAN A. A.; RAIMUNDO, IVO M. M.. Determination of scaling ions in oilfield produced water by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, v. 38, n. 7, p. 11-pg., . (14/50951-4)
NAMIKUCHI, ELIANE A.; GASPAR, RAFAEL D. L.; RAIMUNDO JR, IVO M.; MAZALI, ITALO O.. A fluorescent magnetic core-shell nanosensor for detection of copper ions in natural waters. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 300, p. 7-pg., . (18/20997-3, 14/50951-4, 14/50906-9, 13/22127-2)
TETZNER, NATALIA FERNANDA; RATH, SUSANNE. Veterinary antimicrobials and antiparasitics in fee-fishing ponds: analytical method and occurrence(*). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 98, n. 15, p. 16-pg., . (14/50951-4, 13/09543-7, 18/03571-2)
CARTER, JAKE A.; BARROS, ARIANE I.; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.; DONATI, GEORGE L.. Traditional Calibration Methods in Atomic Spectrometry and New Calibration Strategies for Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, v. 6, . (14/50951-4)
DA SILVA, IAGO J. S.; DE MELLO, MATHEUS L.; LAVORANTE, ANDRE F.; PAIM, ANA P. S.; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.; DA SILVA, MARIA J.. Evaluation of Mineral Profile and Dietary Reference Intake from Collagen by ICP-Based Techniques. FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS, . (14/50951-4)
DE MELLO, MATHEUS L.; PINHEIRO, FERNANDA C.; CARNAROGLIO, DIEGO; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.. valuation of Partial Digestion as a Strategy for Elemental Analysis of Inorganic Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP OES)-A Proof of Concept Stud. Analytical Letters, v. 55, n. 3, . (14/50951-4)
SILVA, CAROLINA S.; BRAZ, ANDRE; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in Forensic Chemistry: Critical Review, Current Trends and Challenges. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 11, SI, p. 2259-2290, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
PASQUINI, CELIO; HESPANHOL, MARIA C.; CRUZ, KAIQUE A. M. L.; PEREIRA, ALEXANDRE F.. Monitoring the quality of ethanol-based hand sanitizers by low-cost near-infrared spectroscopy. Microchemical Journal, v. 159, . (14/50951-4)
DO PRADO, THIAGO MARTIMIANO; SILVA, FERNANDO LINDO; GROSSELI, GUILHERME; FADINI, PEDRO SERGIO; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO; DE MORAES, FERNANDO CRUZ. Using BiVO4/CuO-Based Photoelectrocatalyzer for 4-Nitrophenol Degradation. MATERIALS, v. 13, n. 6, . (14/50945-4, 14/50951-4, 17/10118-0)
FERNANDES, RAFAEL S.; RAIMUNDO JR, IVO M.; FERNANDA PIMENTEL, M.. Revising the synthesis of Stober silica nanoparticles: A multivariate assessment study on the effects of reaction parameters on the particle size. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, v. 577, p. 1-7, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
CARVALHO, ALEXANDRINA A. C.; COZER, LARISSA A.; LUZ, MACIEL S.; NUNES, LIDIANE C.; ROCHE, FABIO R. P.; NOMURA, CASSIANA S.. Multi-energy calibration and sample fusion as alternatives for quantitative analysis of high silicon content samples by laser-induced breakdown spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, v. 34, n. 8, p. 1701-1707, . (17/10346-2, 12/11998-0, 14/50951-4)
RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; PORTO, RAFAEL S.; DOS SANTOS, SABRINA G.; SCHNEIDER, JERUSA; RATH, SUSANNE. Fluoroquinolones in Hospital Wastewater: Analytical Method, Occurrence, Treatment with Ozone and Residual Antimicrobial Activity Evaluation. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 7, p. 1447-1457, . (13/09543-7, 18/03571-2, 14/50951-4)
VIANA, JAIME DOS SANTOS; DE FREITAS, MARINA CANESCHI; BOTELHO, BRUNO GONSALVES; ORLANDO, RICARDO M.. Large-volume electric field-assisted multiphase extraction of malachite green from water samples: A multisample device and method validation. Talanta, v. 222, . (14/50951-4)
PAIVA, EDUARDO MAIA; RODRIGUES ROHWEDDER, JARBAS JOSE; PASQUINI, CELIO; PEREIRA, CLAUDETE FERNANDES. Method for building a portable near infrared photometer based on LEDs and interference filters chosen by a spectral variable selection algorithm. Microchemical Journal, v. 146, p. 842-849, . (14/50951-4)
PINHEIRO, FERNANDA C.; BARROS, I, ARIANE; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.. Evaluation of dilute-and-shoot procedure for determination of inorganic impurities in liquid pharmaceutical samples by ICP OES. Microchemical Journal, v. 146, p. 948-956, . (14/50951-4)
VILLA, JAVIER E. L.; PASQUINI, CELIO; POPPI, RONEI J.. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and MCR-ALS for the selective sensing of urinary adenosine on filter paper. Talanta, v. 187, p. 99-105, . (08/57805-2, 14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
DA SILVA, IAGO J. S.; DE MELLO, MATHEUS L.; LAVORANTE, ANDRE F.; PAIM, ANA P. S.; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.; DA SILVA, MARIA J.. Evaluation of Mineral Profile and Dietary Reference Intake from Collagen by ICP-Based Techniques. FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 14, n. 9, p. 1860-1874, . (14/50951-4)
PAIVA, EDUARDO MAIA; LI, QI; ZACZEK, ADAM J.; PEREIRA, CLAUDETE F.; ROHWEDDER, JARBAS JOSE RODRIGUES; ZEITLER, J. AXEL. Understanding the Metastability of Theophylline FIII by Means of Low-Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy. MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS, v. 18, n. 9, p. 3578-3587, . (14/50951-4)
NETTO, JOSE MARCELINO; HONORATO, FERNANDA A.; CELSO, PAULO GUSTAVO; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Authenticity of almond flour using handheld near infrared instruments and one class classifiers. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 115, p. 8-pg., . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
FERREIRA AVELAR, MILLENA CHRISTIE; NASCENTES, CLESIA CRISTINA; ORLANDO, RICARDO MATHIAS. Electric field-assisted multiphase extraction to increase selectivity and sensitivity in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and paper spray mass spectrometry. Talanta, v. 224, . (14/50951-4)
MARTINI, GISELA DE ASSIS; MONTAGNER, CASSIANA CAROLINA; VIVEIROS, WILLIAM; QUINAGLIA, GILSON ALVES; FRANCA, DANIELA DAYRELL; MUNIN, NIVEA CRISTINA GUEDES; LOPES-FERREIRA, MONICA; ROGERO, SIZUE OTA; ROGERO, JOSE ROBERTO. Emerging contaminant occurrence and toxic effects on zebrafish embryos to assess the adverse effects caused by mixtures of substances in the environment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 28, n. 16, . (14/50951-4)
BRAZ, ANDRE; SANTOS SILVA, CAROLINA; PEIXOTO, ANA CHRISTINA; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; PEREIRA, GORETI; CAIXETA CASTRO SOUZA BRAGA, PATRICIA; MARTINI, ANDRE LUIZ; LINO FERNANDES ALCANTARA, THAYNARA. Preliminary study on the identification of synthetic cathinones in street seized samples by Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. 52, n. 4, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
RIBESSI, RAFAEL LUIS; VANLIERDE, AMELIE; RODRIGUES ROHWEDDER, JARBAS JOSE; BAETEN, VINCENT. Infrared spectroscopy and multivariate method to quantify methane in gas sample emitted by cows. VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, v. 108, . (14/50951-4)
PEREIRA, JOSE FRANCIELSON Q.; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; AMIGO, JOSE MANUEL; HONORATO, RICARDO S.. Detection and identification of Cannabis sativa L. using near infrared hyperspectral imaging and machine learning methods. A feasibility study. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 237, . (14/50951-4, 08/57808-1)
PIVETTA, RHANNANDA COPETTI; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; RIBEIRO, ALYSON ROGERIO; RATH, SUSANNE. Tracking the occurrence of psychotropic pharmaceuticals in Brazilian wastewater treatment plants and surface water, with assessment of environmental risks. Science of The Total Environment, v. 727, . (18/03571-2, 18/09697-8, 14/50951-4)
GALAVERNA, RENAN; RIBESSI, RAFAEL L.; ROHWEDDER, JARBAS J. R.; PASTRE, JULIO C.. Coupling Continuous Flow Microreactors to MicroNIR Spectroscopy: Ultracompact Device for Facile In-Line Reaction Monitoring. ORGANIC PROCESS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, v. 22, n. 7, p. 780-788, . (14/50951-4, 14/26378-2, 14/25770-6, 13/07607-8)
MONTAGNER, CASSIANA C.; SODRE, FERNANDO F.; ACAYABA, RAPHAEL D.; VIDAL, CRISLIANE; CAMPESTRINI, IOLANA; LOCATELLI, MARCO A.; PESCARA, IGOR C.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANJAINA F.; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA A.; JARDIM, WILSON F.. Ten Years-Snapshot of the Occurrence of Emerging Contaminants in Drinking, Surface and Ground Waters and Wastewaters from Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 3, SI, p. 614-632, . (07/58449-2, 14/50951-4, 08/57808-1, 14/24740-6)
DE SOUZA COSTA, JOICY BIANCA; OLIVEIRA SILVA, FELIPE DE ANDRADE; DA SILVA TRINDADE, FELIPE CUNHA; LAVORANTE, ANDRE FERNANDO; GOMES, DANIEL DE FILGUEIRAS; DAGNONE FIGUEIREDO, JOSE FERNANDO; SILVEIRA PAIM, ANA PAULA. Sensor film based on electrical resistance of graphene nanoplatelets and polystyrene (XGNP/PS): fabrication, characterization, and application. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 33, n. 18, p. 11-pg., . (14/50951-4)
MEDEIROS, MARIA LUCIMAR DA SILVA; CRUZ-TIRADO, J. P.; LIMA, ADRIANO FREITAS; NETTO, JOSE MARCELINO DE SOUZA; RIBEIRO, ANA PAULA BADAN; BASSEGIO, DOGLAS; GODOY, HELENA TEIXEIRA; BARBIN, DOUGLAS FERNANDES. Assessment oil composition and species discrimination of Brassicas seeds based on hyperspectral imaging and portable near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy tools and chemometrics. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 107, p. 11-pg., . (20/09198-1, 14/50951-4, 15/24351-2, 19/06846-5, 08/57808-1, 18/02500-4)
HESPANHOL, MARIA C.; SOUZA, JAMILLE CARVALHO; PASQUINI, CELIO. Feasibility of a portable, low-cost near-infrared spectrophotometer for the quality screening of omega-3 dietary supplements. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, v. 189, . (14/50951-4)
DE MELLO, MATHEUS L.; FIALHO, LUCIMAR L.; PIROLA, CAMILLO; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.. Evaluation of recycle and reuse of nitric acid from sample digests by sub-boiling distillation. Microchemical Journal, v. 157, . (14/50951-4)
FONSECA, ALINE C. S.; PEREIRA, JOSE F. Q.; HONORATO, RICARDO S.; BRO, RASMUS; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Hierarchical classification models and Handheld NIR spectrometer to human blood stains identification on different floor tiles. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 267, n. 1, . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)
RESENDE DOS SANTOS, ROSIMEIRE; ORLANDO, RICARDO MATHIAS; CARDEAL, ZENILDA DE LOURDES; MENEZES, HELVECIO COSTA. Assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and derivatives in beer using a new cold fiber-solid phase microextraction system. FOOD CONTROL, v. 126, . (14/50951-4)
CRUZ-TIRADO, J. P.; VIEIRA, MATHEUS SILVA DOS SANTOS; AMIGO, JOSE MANUEL; SICHE, RAUL; BARBIN, DOUGLAS FERNANDES. Prediction of protein and lipid content in black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) larvae flour using portable NIR spectrometers and chemometrics. FOOD CONTROL, v. 153, p. 12-pg., . (14/50951-4, 20/09198-1, 15/24351-2, 08/57808-1, 22/07725-0)
FONSECA, ALINE C. S.; PEREIRA, JOSE F. Q.; HONORATO, RICARDO S.; BRO, RASMUS; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Classification of bloodstains deposited at different times on floor tiles using hierarchical modelling and a handheld NIR spectrometer. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. N/A, p. 7-pg., . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)
CARVALHO, JONATAS SCHADECK; DO NASCIMENTO, RITA DE KASSIA SILVA; CINTRA, JOAO VITOR FRANCA DA ROSA FERREIRA; DA ROSA, NATASHA LEANDRA CHIARANDA; GROSSELI, GUILHERME MARTINS; FADINI, PEDRO SERGIO; URBAN, ROBERTA CERASI. Source apportionment and health impact assessment of atmospheric particulate matter in the city of Sao Carlos, Brazil. Chemosphere, v. 326, p. 10-pg., . (14/50951-4, 18/04820-6, 20/04084-8, 22/03087-9, 21/10187-7)
SOUSA, DENISE V. M.; PEREIRA, FABIANO, V; BORATTO, VICTOR H. M.; ORLANDO, RICARDO M.. Multiphase electroextraction as a simple and fast sample preparation alternative for the digital image determination of doxorubicin in saliva. Talanta, v. 255, p. 6-pg., . (14/50951-4)
PEREIRA, JOSE F. Q.; PIMENTEL, MARIA FERNANDA; HONORATO, RICARDO S.; BRO, RASMUS. Hierarchical method and hyperspectral images for classification of blood stains on colored and printed fabrics. CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS, v. 210, . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)
BEATRIZ DE CAROLI VIZIOLI; CASSIANA CAROLINA MONTAGNER. Questões regulatórias sobre a desinfecção da água e o impacto da geração de DBPs na qualidade da água tratada. Química Nova, v. 46, n. 4, p. 390-404, . (14/50951-4)
STEFANO, PAULO HENRIQUE PRADO; ROISENBERG, ARI; SANTOS, MATHEUS ROSSI; DIAS, MARIANA AMARAL; MONTAGNER, CASSIANA CAROLINA. Unraveling the occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern in groundwater from urban setting: A combined multidisciplinary approach and self-organizing maps. Chemosphere, v. 299, p. 11-pg., . (14/50951-4)
SANTOS, VINICIUS S.; ANJOS, JULIANA S. X.; DE MEDEIROS, JESSYCA F.; MONTAGNER, CASSIANA C.. Impact of agricultural runoff and domestic sewage discharge on the spatial-temporal occurrence of emerging contaminants in an urban stream in Sao Paulo, Brazil. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, v. 194, n. 9, p. 17-pg., . (14/50951-4)
PRADO STEFANO, PAULO HENRIQUE; ROISENBERG, ARI; ACAYABA, RAPHAEL D'ANNA; ROQUE, ALINE PEREIRA; BANDORIA, DANIELA RODRIGUES; SOARES, ALUISIO; MONTAGNER, CASSIANA CAROLINA. Occurrence and distribution of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in surface and groundwaters in an urbanized and agricultural area, Southern Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. N/A, p. 11-pg., . (14/50951-4)
DINIZ, VINICIUS; CUNHA, DAVI GASPARINI FERNANDES; RATH, SUSANNE. Adsorption of recalcitrant contaminants of emerging concern onto activated carbon: A laboratory and pilot-scale study. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 325, p. 12-pg., . (21/08123-0, 14/50951-4)
CARTER, JAKE A.; BARROS, ARIANE I.; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.; DONATI, GEORGE L.. Traditional Calibration Methods in Atomic Spectrometry and New Calibration Strategies for Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. RONTIERS IN CHEMISTR, v. 6, p. 25-pg., . (14/50951-4)
FERNANDO S. FONSECA JR.; LÍVIA R. E BRITO; MARIA FERNANDA PIMENTEL; LEILA B. LEAL. Determination of Ethanol in Gel Hand Sanitizers Using Mid and Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 31, n. 9, p. 1759-1763, . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)
GARITTA, JULIA A.; FIALHO, LUCIMAR L.; DE OLIVEIRA, GLENDA S.; MARIA, ROBERTA M.; PIROLA, CAMILLO; FERREIRA, ANTONIO G.; NOBREGA, JOAQUIM A.. Microwave-Assisted Acid Digestion: Evaluation of Reaction Vessel Design and Performance. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 32, n. 4, p. 702-711, . (14/50951-4)
ANDRADE, STEFANI I. E.; GALVAO, ROBERTO K. H.; ARAUJO, MARIO C. U.; HADJILOUCAS, SILLAS. Video-based fractional order identification of diffusion dynamics for the analysis of migration rates of polar and nonpolar liquids: Water and oil studies. Review of Scientific Instruments, v. 92, n. 3, . (14/50951-4)
CRUZ, KAIQUE A. M. L.; DONATI, GEORGE L.; ROCHA, FABIO R. P.; HESPANHOL, MARIA C.. Multi-energy calibration for determining critical metals in nickel-metal hydride battery residues by microwave-induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 15, n. 30, p. 8-pg., . (14/50951-4)
SOUZA, JAMILLE C.; HESPANHOL, MARIA C.; ROCHA, FABIO R. P.; PASQUINI, CELIO. Exploiting chemometrics for screening analysis by near-infrared spectroscopy without the support of reference analytical methods: Application to bulk sweeteners. Microchemical Journal, v. 190, p. 11-pg., . (14/50951-4)
ALVES DE SOUZA, FERNANDO LUCIANO; DE SOUZA RAMOS, TALITA JORDANNA; MONTENEGRO, MARIA CONCEICAO B. S. M.; PINTO, LICARION; CASSOL, TANIA MARIA; SILVEIRA PAIM, ANA PAULA. Chemometric cleanup to eliminate ionic liquid interferences and enable its application on in-situ IL-DLLME using HPLC-DAD detection. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 330, p. 6-pg., . (14/50951-4)
BRIYITTE SOFA S. TORRES; IHASMYN S. NUNES; NATTANY TAYANY G. DE PAULA; ANA PAULA S. PAIM. Potentially Toxic Elements in Commercial Soap and Powder Detergent Samples. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 35, n. 4, . (14/50951-4)
GRANATTO, CAROLINE F.; GROSSELI, GUILHERME M.; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL K.; FADINI, PEDRO S.; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE A.. Methanogenic potential of diclofenac and ibuprofen in sanitary sewage using metabolic cosubstrates. Science of The Total Environment, v. 742, p. 13-pg., . (14/50951-4, 15/02640-2)
SILVA, ERKLAYLLE G. C.; SILVA, CAROLINA S.; PIMENTEL, M. FERNANDA. Infrared spectroscopy for document dating - Advantages, challenges and limitations. TALANTA OPEN, v. 5, p. 12-pg., . (08/57808-1, 14/50951-4)

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DISPOSITIVO PROGRAMÁVEL DE MOVIMENTAÇÃO ROTACIONAL E LINEAR DE AMOSTRAS EM ESPECTROFOTÔMETROS BR102021021531-3 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) . Celio Pasquini ; Maria Do Carmo Hespanhol Da Silva - October 2021, 27